Lessons Learned From Troubleshooting a Shopping Cart Issue

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Production errors can be tricky, especially when you can’t reproduce them easily or they don't happen very often. In this talk, we’ll go through a case study of a quantity mismatch Shopping Cart issue and what troubleshooting steps we took to solve it. Then drawing from that issue some lessons that we can all learn from as frontend developers.

Hussien Khayoon
Hussien Khayoon
9 min
02 Dec, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses lessons learned from troubleshooting a shopping cart issue in a restaurant marketplace app. The bug was difficult to reproduce but occurred more frequently as the app grew. The investigation involved checking frontend logs and using tools like Sentry and Fullstory. The solution involved using the customer's view at checkout as the source of truth and emphasizing the importance of testing and financial responsibility.

1. Lessons from Troubleshooting Shopping Cart Issue

Short description:

I'm going to talk about lessons learned from troubleshooting a shopping cart issue. Today we're talking about React and working with an ecosystem. I'll share a bug I encountered in a restaurant marketplace app. It had a standard eCommerce flow, but a strange problem occurred.

I'm going to talk about today about lessons learned from troubleshooting a shopping cart issue. So, most of us have used shopping carts. My name's Hussein. I'm a staff dev at Shopify and doing full stack for about 10 years now. React for seven. I've made every possible mistake with React. There's my Twitter there, if you want to give me a follow. Chelsea fan, unfortunately.

Why this talk? So, today we're talking a lot about React. A lot of us use React. We code in React. But the reality is, you always work with an ecosystem. Every time. So, whether it's the browser you're using React on, the web APIs, like you saw a lot of event listeners. You deal with customers, if you take a step back. All of us deal with customers in our code. And we're always having a business domain. Specifically me, I'm in eCommerce now. So, we all deal with those. So, you deal in an ecosystem, it adds complexity to your app, which in turn adds bugs to your app. And today I'm talking about one of those bugs that I had.

Just a brief background about this bug. It wasn't at Shopify, it was at a startup I worked at before in 2019. It was a restaurant marketplace app, built in React and Redux, hundreds of users, millions in GMV, not that big, compared to Shopify, of course. We had about 50 employees, like about 10 to 15 were in tech developers. So, there's a happy path to the app, which is pretty standard in eCommerce. You log in, add items to your cart, provide shipping info, pay, get that money, and then receive your items. Pretty standard, right? Like this is what most eCommerce sites do. So that's what we had. But then we had a very strange problem up here.

2. Troubleshooting Shopping Cart Bug

Short description:

One month or less, a customer would report a bug where they received fewer items than ordered. We checked the order on the back end, server logs, and emails to the supplier. Our data in the database matched everything, so the customer made a mistake. It's important to consider assumptions when troubleshooting bugs.

One month or less, like every once a month or less, a customer would report a specific bug, and they said they received less items than what they actually ordered. So what does that mean? So, the app is kind of like very different now. So I had to do a little bit of screenshot work. So you can see here, five cases of pineapple for example, is what they ordered. So a customer, for example, would say they actually got six or seven cases, not five. Very strange, very bad. So what do we do? In the startup life, we did the same thing any developer would do. Check the order on the back end. Make sure the numbers were correct. Checked our server logs, see if there were any errors, and that the numbers matched up. Check the e-mails that we sent to the supplier, were they a correct number. And what we saw is it turns out our numbers in the database match everything. So we said, customer, you're wrong. Our data is right, too bad. You know what I mean? So you made a mistake, essentially. And that's why it's important to, kind of, talk about our assumptions when we have bugs. So this gives you some context into what we were thinking at the time.

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