JavaScript to Wasi Enabled Wasm: Portable JavaScript Composition

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JavaScript is no longer a language confined to the browsers. New standards are enabling fully portable, lightweight runtimes, to make JavaScript the definitive language for isomorphic applications. 

Let's explore use-cases, some experimental, some consolidated, to take our Wasm game with JavaScript, to the next level.


WebAssembly (Wasm) is not a programming language but a binary instructions format that serves as a compilation target. This means developers can write code in various supported languages and compile it into binary format as Wasm to run at a low level. WebAssembly operates on the basis of imports and exports, allowing integration with JavaScript via specific bindings or APIs.

Yes, WebAssembly can run in non-browser environments by utilizing additional interfaces such as the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). WASI enables WebAssembly to operate in a special runtime that can even run on bare metal, supporting a modular system interface compatible with POSIX systems.

WebAssembly provides enhanced security by executing in a completely encapsulated sandbox environment. This isolation ensures memory safety, prevents WebAssembly code from accessing or modifying memory outside its designated boundaries, and limits direct interaction with other processes. Such features help reduce the risk of malicious activities and supply chain attacks.

JavaScript can interact with WebAssembly modules using the WebAssembly JavaScript API. This interaction typically involves importing a Wasm module into a JavaScript context, compiling it, and creating an instance of the module. JavaScript can then invoke exported WebAssembly functions directly, allowing seamless integration between the two.

JavaScript engines like V8, Chakra, and SpiderMonkey are responsible for parsing JavaScript code, creating an abstract syntax tree (AST), and generating binary code that executes in the browser. These engines also handle the runtime environment for JavaScript and provide the necessary infrastructure to execute WebAssembly modules.

WASI, or WebAssembly System Interface, is a standard that enables WebAssembly to run outside of the browser in a secure and portable manner. It provides system interfaces that are compatible with POSIX, allowing WebAssembly modules to interact with system resources in a controlled environment.

WebAssembly allows web applications to run CPU-intensive operations at a lower level than typical JavaScript code, leading to improved performance. By compiling code into a highly optimized binary format that executes closer to the hardware, WebAssembly can handle complex tasks more efficiently than JavaScript.

Natalia Venditto
Natalia Venditto
21 min
15 Feb, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

JavaScript code is converted to low-level binaries by JavaScript engines like MV8, Chakra, and SpiderMonkey. WebAssembly allows writing code in other languages and compiling it to run on a JavaScript engine. External functions can be imported in WebAssembly using the import statement. WebAssembly can run in non-browser scenarios with additional interfaces like WASI and provides memory isolation. The Jco toolchain is an experimental tool for componentizing JavaScript code into WASM modules.

1. Introduction to JavaScript and WebAssembly

Short description:

I'm a principal lead for JavaScript developer experience on Azure, covering integrations, hosting services, and compute. JavaScript code goes through a flow of execution on the browser, from parsing to code generation. JavaScript engines like MV8, Chakra, and SpiderMonkey convert the code to low-level binaries. WebAssembly is a binary instructions format that allows us to write code in other languages and compile it to run on a JavaScript engine. It works based on imports and exports.

Hello, everyone. My name is Natalia Bendito and I'm a principal lead for JavaScript developer experience end-to-end across the many services and tools that can be used by JavaScript developers to build applications on Azure. That ranges from integrations like GitHub Actions to VS Code extensions, hosting services like Azure Static Web Apps, or compute like Azure Container Apps or Azure Functions.

When we build JavaScript applications, we know that our code or scripts are basically going to go through this flow of execution on the browser. Each instruction goes through this just-in-time journey. The parser or JavaScript engine generates a hierarchical structure called the abstract syntax tree or AST. For example, a variable declaration is a CAPS, variable CAPS declaration, node construct in AST, which the interpreter reads and generates high-level binary code or byte code from. Finally, the compiler generates low-level binary code that speaks to the CPU in a way that can be understood according to the processor or CPU architecture. All of this again happens just-in-time. This flow is mostly the work of the JavaScript engine. MV8 is one of the most popular, but there is also Chakra, there's SpiderMonkey, there are others. The generated machine code may be optimized for a specific set of instructions that are, again, optimal for a specific architecture, as we mentioned before. This means we are converting our high-level JavaScript code to low-level binaries. JavaScript engines can take care of the initialization of the environment or do take care of the initialization of the environment. They add built-in functions and they also handle or run our application code. The engine also provides the runtime, where the application is going to be running on. JavaScript scripts run on a JavaScript engine, obviously, but what does also run on a JavaScript engine, if you can think about it, at that low level, by the way? That's, of course, WebAssembly.

What is WebAssembly more concretely, or Wasm, as some may refer to? It's not really a language. It's a binary instructions format. Compilation target means that we write our code in the language we prefer as long as it has a Wasm tool chain or compiler that allows us to do so and we compile it to binary as Wasm to run at that low level that we were describing before. How does WebAssembly actually work? Let's imagine we have a program written in C, C++, RAS, or any other language that is supported, and we want to compile it to Wasm. We use its corresponding tool chain or a set of developer tools, and that's what I meant before by is supported. It has this set of developer tools and compilers, which will emit that code as a module, which imports and with imports, sorry, and exports. Then we can import it into our JavaScript to be run with a JavaScript engine using WebAssembly JavaScript bindings or the JavaScript API. Wasm does not really define any APIs. It works like we mentioned on the basis of imports and exports. This is an example of a module written in WebAssembly text. Let's walk through this cycle. If I was going to describe each one of the lines and things that are in this code, it would take a very long time, and it would be a little bit exhausting. But we can define the sections.

2. Using External Functions in WebAssembly

Short description:

The import statement is used to import an external function, such as println from the environment module. The function section exports the function hello world. The memory section declares the size of the memory, and the data section initializes the memory with a string. When importing the module in JavaScript, we fetch the module, process the response, compile the binary data, and create an instance of the module. We can redirect the output of the print line function to console.log. WebAssembly allows us to run CPU-intensive operations at a lower level and compose user interfaces. Page find is an example of using WebAssembly for document ingestion, indexing, and full-text search on the client side. We can achieve this in a static website using WebAssembly.

I think that it's important to start with the import statement that is used to import an external function because we don't have anything in the Wasm native APIs. We are importing this external function named println from a module called environment. This function takes a single parameter of type I32 or 32 bit integer. The important function is given the name dollar println.

Now in the next section, we have the function section. The function is exported with the name hello underscore world. Then we have another section, the memory section, which basically declares the size of the memory. In this case, one page. Finally, we have the data section that initializes the memory, in this case at offset zero with a utf-8 string, hello world of JavaScript.

Now what I think is really interesting is what happens in the JavaScript that is importing this module or fetching this module. We're fetching the module we exported to a file named hello underscore world.wasm. Then the response is processed using response.arrive buffer to obtain the module's binary data. We then use the WebAssembly.compile function to compile the binary data we got from the previous step into a WebAssembly module. We use the WebAssembly.instance constructor to create an instance of the compiled WebAssembly module. As you can see, there is an environment object provided in the second parameter of the constructor, which includes an important function named print line. Do you remember the previous what file? This important function is mapped to console log. The purpose of this mapping is to redirect any output of the WebAssembly module's print line function, as defined in the WebAssembly text code that we provided before, to the JavaScript console.log function. And finally, the exported function hello underscore world is invoked from the WebAssembly module using instance.exports.hello world or hello underscore world.

Since we have the ability to fetch and run Wasm, as we just saw, as part of our JavaScript programs, we can compose user interfaces where we run CPU intensive operations at a much lower level or lower level than our typical JavaScript programs run in a more performant way. Let's explore a specific use case of this type of composition. Let's propose we have a static website, like one site created with any meta framework today, like Astro11t and so on, using static data fetching. And we want to run a search functionality for that static content. Well, we can do it with JavaScript client side, but we can also use WebAssembly. So let's use it. And page find is a great example of a Wasm feature that does, in this case, document ingestion, indexing, and runs full text search, filtering, sorting, et cetera, all on the client side at a very low level in WebAssembly. Let me show you now exactly how page find works. We're on the documentation site, but we will go to Starlight, a framework to build documentation sites with Astro. If we pay attention to the top left, we see we have a search bar. Although this is a static generated site, how does this work? Let's run a search for something like div. We notice we get immediate results.

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