Code on Demand: The Future of Code Collaboration

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What if you could use code the same way you use Netflix or Spotify? 

Imagine your entire code base organized as small components on the cloud, where you can import only what you need into any workspace. In fact, you can create an ad hoc workspace where you can use and modify only the components you need and export them back.

In order to use code on demand, components need to be independent entities, which means that they have to include their source code, configuration and dependencies. This allows you to version them independently and import them into small dynamic workspaces which are then made much easier to navigate, setup and build. Independent component versioning also makes for independent teams, because this separates publishing updates from consuming them. 

When all your organization’s components are in the cloud, teams can discover them, discuss changes and visualize relationships, making collaboration between teams much simpler. 

Alongside its many advantages, this paradigm shift brings about considerable challenges, which may explain why this is not the standard way to manage code today. This talk is about the tools and methodologies required to overcome these challenges. 

Gilad Shoham
Gilad Shoham
27 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

During the Talk, the speaker discusses the power of streaming and its impact on music consumption and production. They also explore the challenges and benefits of incorporating streaming into software development, using examples from Spotify. The future of code development is envisioned as a streaming world, where code is always live and changes are instantly available to everyone. The speaker emphasizes the importance of treating components as complete products, prioritizing component reviews, and enhancing the workflow for forking and contributing to components.

1. Introduction to Streaming and My Background

Short description:

During the next 20 minutes, I will demonstrate how streaming can be incorporated into our development workflow. Streaming services have replaced buying CDs and DVDs. Our code is still stuck in the 90s. Let me introduce myself as the engineering leader at Bit with 6 years of experience. Bit is an open source tool chain for crafting composable software. I have stories about code collaboration and dev methodologies. Follow me on ix for more!

So, let's take a look. Greetings to everyone and thanks for joining me today. During the next 20 minutes, I will demonstrate how streaming can be incorporated into our development workflow. Stay tuned, for a fascinating journey.

It wasn't so long ago when we all bought CDs for listening to music, or DVDs for watching movies. However, no one does this anymore. Streaming services, like Spotify and Netflix, have replaced it all. But what about our code? Here is a little secret. Our code is still jamming in the 90s on those CDs. Don't you think it's time for an upgrade?

Before we open onto this new bit, let me tell you a bit about myself and why I'm chatting about this today. So a bit about myself. I am the engineering leader over at Bit. I've been working at Bit for 6 years, especially on the open source project. To put it simply, Bit is an open source tool chain made for crafting composable software. It's kinda like building with Lego. And trust me, after all these years, I've got a whole lot of stories about code collaboration and dev methodologies. Aside from that, I chat on blogs, speak on stages, about javascript, typescript, frontend, and turning houses into smart homes. If any of that sound up your ally, give me a follow on ix. But at the end of the day, I'm mostly coding, and doing what every dedicated developer loves to do. Transforming coffee into code.

2. The Power of Streaming and Components

Short description:

Why is everyone so hyped about streaming? It changed the game of music consumption, allowing users to create their own playlists and access detailed information. Streaming enables social interaction, sharing, and easy access to additional content. It also democratizes music production, making it accessible to anyone. Although we have made progress in adopting modular development, there is still more to explore. Let's dive deeper into the concept of components and hear from developers Claudia and McDonald about their experiences with streaming.

Okay, enough talking about me. Back to our main story, streaming. Why is everyone so hyped about it? Let's break down what makes streaming tick. In a bit, we will see how we can sprinkle some of that magic into our dev game.

Remember buying a CD, and paying for the whole thing just for that one track? Streaming changed the game. Now you compose your own playlist, picking only the tracks you love. Back in the CD era, hunting for music was like a mini quest. Now with streaming, it's a breeze. Type in a mood, artist, or beat, get all the deets, like who is singing, how long is it playing, and other cool info right in front of you.

In the CD days, music was a solo trip. Streaming flips that. Now you can vibe to tunes with friends, drop comments, and share your feelings on particular tracks, all in one spot. Remember DVD's. Once you got them, they were set in stone. The erector's cut or some cool deleted scene came out. With streaming, it's right there, waiting for you. No fuss.

One cool thing about streaming, who gets to make the beats. Back in the day, dreaming of dropping a track meant cozying up with record labels and burning cash on studio time, design and distribution. Now, grab the mic, hit record, and boom, you're on Spotify. I bet some of you are thinking, wait up, aren't we already riding this wave? Yes, we are all crafty, nifty little components living that modular dream. That's a solid start for sure, but trust me, there is more juice to squeeze out of this approach. Before we dive deeper, let's clarify what we mean by component. It's essentially any piece of usable code, including UI components, utility functions, or microservices. But it's not restricted to UI components only. Let's dive deeper.

All right, let me introduce you to two developers who will paint the picture for us. Claudia is living the futuristic cloud-streaming life, and McDonald is jamming on in today's world, still spinning CDs. We will hop between their experiences, spotlighting the contrast and bringing those key streaming traits into focus. Let's roll.

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