
Open-source is a term used to describe software that is made freely available, with the source code open for anyone to view and modify. The source code is usually shared publicly on platforms such as GitHub, allowing developers to collaborate on projects and build upon each other's work. Open-source software can be used, modified, and redistributed freely, making it a great resource for developers who are looking to learn or create new projects.
David Khourshid
David Khourshid
Talk: The State of XState
Michel Weststrate
Michel Weststrate
Talk: Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu
Talk: Anthony's Roads to Open Source - The Set Theory
Feross Aboukhadijeh
Feross Aboukhadijeh
Talk: The Dark Side of Open Source
Mark Erikson
Mark Erikson
Talk: Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects, Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Brittany Joiner
Brittany Joiner
Talk: Anyone Can Be an Open Source Maintainer
Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen
Full-time Open Source Contributor
Talk: How to Build Your Own Open Source Project
Lucie Haberer
Lucie Haberer
Talk: Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source
John Robb
John Robb
Talk: Making an Open Source Library Financially Sustainable
 Claudio Wunder
Claudio Wunder
OpenJS Foundation
Talk: Node.js: Landing your first Open Source contribution & how the Node.js project works
Bryan Hughes
Bryan Hughes
Talk: What We Owe to Each Other
Alessia Bellisario
Alessia Bellisario
Apollo GraphQL
Talk: Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Fredrik Höglund
Fredrik Höglund
Talk: Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Nicolas Dubien
Nicolas Dubien
Talk: Break the Race: Easy Race Condition Detection for React
Keren Kenzi
Keren Kenzi
Senior Software Engineer
Talk: Is It the One? (How to Select an Open-Source Library?)
Patrick Odey
Patrick Odey
Talk: React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration
Vivek Vidyasagaran
Vivek Vidyasagaran
Synthesis School
Talk: Building Team Thinking Games At Synthesis
Chris McCormick
Chris McCormick
Independent Game Dev
Talk: Rogule: Tales From the Dungeon of a Web Based Rogulelike
Dan Abramov
Dan Abramov
Talk: Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Robin Ginn
Robin Ginn
OpenJS Foundation
Talk: Peace, Love and JavaScript
Jamal Sinclair O'Garro
Jamal Sinclair O'Garro
Talk: Spinnaker as a Continuous Delivery Solution for JavaScript Apps