October 14 - 15, 2020
React Summit

React Summit 2020

The biggest React conference worldwide

Getting Started with Suspense and Concurrent Rendering in React
125 min
Getting Started with Suspense and Concurrent Rendering in React
Featured Workshop
Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
React keeps on evolving and making hard things easier for the average developer.
One case, where React was not particularly hard but very repetitive, is working with AJAX request. There is always the trinity of loading, success and possible error states that had to be handled each time. But no more as the `<Suspense />` component makes life much easier.
Another case is performance of larger and complex applications. Usually React is fast enough but with a large application rendering components can conflict with user interactions. Concurrent rendering will, mostly automatically, take care of this.
You will learn all about using <Suspense />, showing loading indicators and handling errors. You will see how easy it is to get started with concurrent rendering. You will make suspense even more capable combining it with concurrent rendering, the `useTransition()` hook and the <SuspenseList /> component.
Rethinking Server State with React Query
96 min
Rethinking Server State with React Query
Top Content
Featured Workshop
Tanner Linsley
Tanner Linsley
The distinction between server state and client state in our applications might be a new concept for some, but it is very important to understand when delivering a top-notch user experience. Server state comes with unique problems that often sneak into our applications surprise like:
- Sharing Data across apps- Caching & Persistence- Deduping Requests- Background Updates- Managing “Stale” Data- Pagination & Incremental fetching- Memory & Garbage Collection- Optimistic Updates
Traditional “Global State” managers pretend these challenges don’t exist and this ultimately results in developers building their own on-the-fly attempts to mitigate them.
In this workshop, we will build an application that exposes these issues, allows us to understand them better, and finally turn them from challenges into features using a library designed for managing server-state called React Query.
By the end of the workshop, you will have a better understanding of server state, client state, syncing asynchronous data (mouthful, I know), and React Query.
Build Full Featured Frontend App with Svelte
192 min
Build Full Featured Frontend App with Svelte
Mikhail Kuznetcov
Mikhail Kuznetcov
Svelte is a new prominent JS framework exposing “write less do more” philosophy. During this workshop you will get proficiency as a Svelte developer. We will be building an app that mimics the famous Q&A website stackoverflow.com. Will start developing from simple front end components, later we'll connect it to a real running backend and then test it and optimise for production.Attending a workshop is the fastest way to acquire a body of knowledge about building web apps with Svelte. 
Zero to Production with Fullstack GraphQL and React with Hasura team
162 min
Zero to Production with Fullstack GraphQL and React with Hasura team
Allison Kunz
Allison Kunz
Hasura is a free and open-source GraphQL Engine that can help supercharge your GraphQL adoption, whether it is for a new application or for an existing one. The workshop will cover:
- A basic introduction to GraphQL- Using GraphQL to make CRUD operations from a React application- Setting up access controls to data- Building real-time components in React using GraphQL Subscriptions- Wrapping existing REST APIs with GraphQL servers that can be deployed on serverless platforms, and then merging them into a single endpoint using Remote Schemas- Triggering serverless functions on database events- In short, we’ll go through how React developers can adopt realtime GraphQL and serverless.