Web Monetization: Your New Friendly JavaScript API

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Earning money for your content on the web has historically been a challenging endeavor, requiring a substantial user base and navigating complex payment processes. Ads, as a primary income source for content platforms, raise privacy concerns for creators and consumers alike.

However, the new W3C Standard proposal, Web Monetization, leverages the Interledger Protocol to empower developers, especially JavaScript enthusiasts like you, to monetize your work seamlessly. In this talk, we delve into the world of Web Monetization, a friendly JavaScript API poised to revolutionize how the web can be monetized. 

We explore open payments, microtransactions, and the Interledger protocol, unveiling a more efficient and inclusive path to monetize web content, ultimately paying the web forward. Learn how to create payment pointers and seamlessly receive payments in your preferred currency, breaking down barriers and connecting with a global audience.

Join me on this journey as we navigate the landscape of Web Monetization, empowering developers to harness its capabilities and redefine the process of building applications that are inherently web monetized.

Santosh Viswanatham
Santosh Viswanatham
23 min
17 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk explores Web Monetization, a JavaScript API that simplifies payment for web content. The challenges of monetizing web content and possible solutions are discussed, along with the drawbacks of advertisements and subscriptions. Content creators face challenges with platform restrictions and delayed payments, but web monetization offers a solution. The advantages of web monetization include instant payments, privacy-conscious transactions, and lower entry barriers for creators. The Talk concludes by encouraging involvement in the web monetization community and the development of web monetization utilities and plugins.

1. Introduction to Web Monetization

Short description:

Today, I'm going to talk about Web Monetization, a new friendly JavaScript API. Let's explore the challenges and problems with monetizing web content and discuss possible solutions.

Hi, everyone. I'm so thrilled to be here. This is my first talk at JS Nation and I'm so excited about it. So today, I'm going to talk about Web Monetization, a new friendly JavaScript API that I learned about a couple of years ago.

And before we dive into the topic, let me ask some questions and you can think about the answers in yourself. So how many of you have created content on the web one way or the other? It could be writing blog posts or it could be creating tutorial videos some or the other way. And how many of you are getting paid for your content? And how many of you think you should get paid for your content? And how many of you think it is easy to make payments on the internet, especially if they include scenarios like international payments between different countries?

So while thinking about the answers, you might have also thought about some of the problems that come up with the answers, right? So today, let's see if we can figure out any possible solutions to fix those problems.

2. Monetizing Web Content: Challenges and Solutions

Short description:

I will discuss the challenges and problems with monetizing web content today, as well as possible solutions. We'll also explore the drawbacks of advertisements and the challenges of subscriptions.

Coming to me, I'm Santosh. I'm from Hyderabad, India, and I'm a principle engineer at RCCM. I'm also an Open Source Ambassador at the Interledger Foundation. Previously, I was a tech speaker at Mozilla. And as a front-end engineer, whenever I learn something new at work or if I find something interesting that I feel would be valuable for other engineers, I like to blog about it. And I also do tech talks at conferences. And I believe contributing to open source is a great way to build new skills and work with the global community. So that's how I got involved with open source projects and open source communities.

And today, this is the outline that I would like to talk about. I want to talk about the challenges and problems with monetizing the web content today, and also some of the pain points that are involved with the current monetization systems, and what could be the possible solutions around it. And if there are any possible solutions, when is it all going to be real? And we as JavaScript developers, what we could do right now about it? So this is what we are going to talk about in the next 20 minutes or so.

And before we start, let's talk about how we are currently monetizing our content on the web, and also what are the different challenges involved in the current monetizing mechanisms.

So the first thing that I want to talk about is advertisements. They have been the cornerstone of revenue generation for content platforms, but they also come up with a lot of drawbacks as well. Even the largest corporations of today depend on ads as one of their main sources of revenue. And when it comes to advertisement, privacy is a significant concern, and users often feel that their personal information is being exploited for targeting advertisement. And this can also erode the confidence of the users on any content platforms as of today. And also, ads also distract the users from the content itself. If I'm reading a blog post and if it is filled with ads, the ads usually like, they distract the user from the actual content of the blog post. And also, it is crucial to recognize that many users, ads simply don't provide a good experience. They are intrusive, they can be annoying, and sometimes they could be misleading as well.

And the other way that users can monetize their content right now is through subscriptions. Subscriptions are a great way for the user to directly support a particular content creator or a content platform. But this also comes up with many challenges. And one of the challenges is something that is called subscription fatigue. In today's world, if you look around, everything is based on a subscription model. If you want to get your goods delivered to your home, it's a subscription model. If you want to watch anything on the OTT platforms, it's a subscription model. And it becomes hard for the user to manage these subscriptions at the end of the day. At the same time, if the user is paying for a subscription, then he expects to get constant value out of it.