Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source

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Nuxt modules are the de-facto way of extending our Nuxt applications with new behaviors and functionalities. Have you ever built your own? Why would you bother with hundreds of modules already out there? Let's answer those questions together and see why making your own modules in Nuxt 3 can both help you have a deeper understanding of how Nuxt works while also paving the way for you to get into open source!

Lucie Haberer
Lucie Haberer
31 min
12 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Nuxt.js modules are a central part of Nuxt and have had 14 million downloads. Creating Nuxt modules is easy with Nuxt 3. Modules can provide assets, CSS injection, plugins, and auto imports. Learning Nuxt modules gives a deeper understanding of Nuxt and extends its functionalities. The Nuxt community is friendly to newcomers and encourages module creation.

Available in Español: Módulos Nuxt 3 y Código Abierto

1. Introduction to Nuxt.js Modules

Short description:

Let's start with some numbers. Nuxt.js had 2 million downloads in the last 30 days, while Vue.js had 16 million. Nuxt.js modules had a total of 14 million downloads. Nuxt.js modules are a central part of Nuxt and I will talk about them today.

Hi, Vue JS Live, thank you for having me. And let's start with some numbers, shall we? So what do you think 2 million refers to? Well, I gave you that one, that's the number of downloads Nuxt.js had over the last 30 days. What can 16 million be, then? Well, you probably saw that one coming, that's the number of downloads Vue.js itself had over the last 30 days. So all right, Vue is 16 million, Nuxt is 2 million. What can 14 million be in that story? Must be something big. Well, turns out that's the number of downloads Nuxt.js modules all together had over the last 30 days. Interesting stat, huh? Well, this can only mean two things. First of all, like maybe one person installed 14 million modules over the last 30 days, or that on average, every Nuxt.js project uses 7 modules. Math cannot figure out which one is true. But, well, to me, this definitely means that Nuxt.js modules are a central part of Nuxt. And I'd like to talk to you about them today. So let's talk about Nuxt.js modules. We'll see what they are about, how you can make some, but also more importantly, why you'd like to make some. And finally, we'll see how they can help you to get involved and get started with open source thanks to Nuxt.js modules. So let's talk about that.

2. Introduction and Interactive Element

Short description:

I'm Lucie Aberer, a developer experience engineer at Prismic. I'm also a proud Nuxt contributor and core team member. In this talk, I want to make it interactive by prompting you about writing Nuxt modules. Let's see if you've ever written one!

But, well, first of all, I'm Lucie Aberer, I'm from France, as you probably guessed from my accent. I started my developer journey working with MediaWiki, the software Wikipedia run on. But nowadays, I'm working at Prismic as a developer experience engineer. I'm having fun at Prismic managing its company, open source ecosystem, and Prismic is a CMS and page builder.

Finally, I'm a proud Nuxt contributor and core team member. I've been working with Nuxt for almost six years now, so you start to see the link with this talk. But anyway, enough with chatting, let's get to the talk.

And I want to try something a bit with this talk to make it interactive. Just a bit, don't worry. So I built this thing that works like a cart, except there's not music, but basically it allows me to prompt you about something. And the first thing I like to prompt you about is have you ever written a Nuxt module? So please grab your smartphone and scan one of the QR codes to submit your answer, alternatively you can just follow the links if you're on a laptop, and, well, let's see what it's about.


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