A Nerdy Guide to the Web Trending Concepts

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What do S.H.I.E.L.D. and A.R.G.U.S. have in common with edge computing?

How can Iron Man and Batman help you understand hydration, partial hydration, and resumability?

What can the Watchers or the Monitors tell you about Reactivity?

Join this adventure straight from the pages of a comic book as your favorite heroes and villains help you understand some of the most discussed topics on the web now.


Daniel Alfonso is a developer advocate at OLX, an instructor, and an author. He has written a book on React Query and released a course on testing libraries.

Resumability, as discussed by Daniel Alfonso, refers to the process where a page becomes immediately interactive upon loading, by serializing extra information during server-side rendering which allows execution to resume on the client side.

Daniel Alfonso uses comic book characters like Iron Man and Lex Luthor to create engaging stories that metaphorically explain complex technical topics, helping to build mental models for understanding these concepts.

The quick loader is a small piece of JavaScript that sets up a global event listener to handle all events. It uses serialized information to execute events, downloading only the necessary JavaScript for that part of the code, enhancing page interactivity immediately upon loading.

The resumability model enhances web page performance by making pages immediately interactive upon loading. It avoids the latency of downloading large JavaScript files initially, leading to a quicker, more responsive user experience.

Daniel Alfonso encourages the audience to propose topics they'd like him to cover in future talks, indicating his openness to exploring new ideas and continuing to integrate his passion for comics with technology concepts.

Daniel Afonso
Daniel Afonso
10 min
08 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Going to conferences can be overwhelming, so the speaker created a guide to trending web concepts using comic book characters. The chosen topic is resumability, and the story of Tony Stark is used to explain it. Resumability allows for immediate interactivity on a web page and is achieved through serialization and execution of code. The speaker challenges the audience to propose topics for future guides.

1. Introduction to the Talk

Short description:

Going to conferences, events, meetups like this one can be overwhelming. We don't have the right mental models of them. I really like comic books and I thought, what if I joined my love for comics and my love for tech and I built another guide to the web trending concepts. I'm Daniel Alfonso, a developer advocate at OLX, instructor, and author. This talk will work with URL. I'm going to show you three topics and ask you to clap for each one.

Okay. Hello, hello, everyone. So let's try to make sure we can go over this in five to seven minutes because it's going to be interesting. So to start out, going to conferences, events, meetups like this one can be overwhelming. There are these words being thrown around every talk, and not always we understand what they mean. The thing is because we don't have the right mental models of them. And mental models are the things you associate when you hear a word. So if you're sleeping, you know all the steps in your mind that you have to do for sleeping, hopefully.

So something about me. I really, really like comic books. And I have more comics that I can collect. And I thought, what if I joined my love for comics and my love for tech and I built another guide to the web trending concepts.

So very quickly introducing myself. I'm Daniel Alfonso. I'm this person on this slide in case you don't recognize me. I'm working as a developer advocate at OLX. I'm an instructor, you can find me on X. I wrote a book on React Query. I just released a course on testing libraries. So these are all the things that are important to know about me. Disclaimer. Some of the things that will be seen here and the characters are owned by Marvel and DC. So no responsibility about that. Just want to tell a story. Please don't sue me.

So how will this talk work? This talk will work with URL. Because at this point, and at this point in time, I don't know what I'm going to speak. You are going to decide. Because I'm going to show you three topics in a bit. And by clapping, I'm going to ask you to clap to each single one of them.

2. Choosing the Topic and Character

Short description:

The topic that receives the most claps will be the one discussed. Two characters will be presented, and the story that wins will help build the mental model. After the story, the technical explanation will be given. The proposed topics are hydration, fine-grain reactivity, and resumability. Resumability is chosen, and the story of Iron Man is selected.

And the one that gets the most claps is going to be the one that I'm going to speak about. Okay? Afterwards, what is going to happen is for that specific topic, I'm going to show you two characters. And once again, you're going to clap. And the story that wins, it's a specific story that will help you build the mental model for that topic. And at the end, hopefully you will understand what the heck we're seeing here.

So just recap story. And after the end of the story, we get the technical explanation. So here are the three topics that I proposed today. So what I'm going to ask. I'm going to name each one of them. I'm going to ask you to clap. And the one that gets the most clap is the one that going to get a nerdy take-two. So hydration. Okay. Fine-grain reactivity. Resumability. Okay. That one was hard. But I think it was resumability. So let's go with it. Okay. Now it's the part I have to choose it. For resumability, there are two characters that you can pick. You can pick Iron Man or Lex Luthor. So who wants to see the story of Iron Man? Who wants to see the story of Lex Luthor? Okay. Iron Man won. So let's go with it. Okay. Now I'm going to be a narrator. I'm going to tell a story.

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