
WebAssembly (or WASM) is a low-level, binary instruction format for executable code on the web. It is designed as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications. WebAssembly aims to execute at near-native speed by taking advantage of common hardware capabilities available on a wide range of platforms. It is also designed to be memory-safe, with built-in support for detecting and handling memory access errors. WebAssembly can be used in conjunction with JavaScript, allowing developers to leverage both languages in their applications.
Crafting the Impossible: X86 Virtualization in the Browser with WebAssembly
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Crafting the Impossible: X86 Virtualization in the Browser with WebAssembly
WebAssembly is a browser feature designed to bring predictable high performance to web applications, but its capabilities are often misunderstood.
This talk will explore how WebAssembly is different from JavaScript, from the point of view of both the developer and the browser engine, with a particular focus on the V8/Chrome implementation.
WebVM is our solution to efficiently run unmodified x86 binaries in the browser and showcases what can be done with WebAssembly today. A high level overview of the project components, including the JIT engine, the Linux emulation layer and the storage backend will be discussed, followed by live demos.
Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Top Content
Rust is a new language for writing high-performance code, that can be compiled to WebAssembly, and run within the browser. In this talk you will be taken through how you can integrate Rust, within a Vue application, in a way that's painless and easy. With examples on how to interact with Rust from JavaScript, and some of the gotchas to be aware of.
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
29 min
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
Top Content
JavaScript in the browser runs many times faster than it did two decades ago. And that happened because the browser vendors spent that time working on intensive performance optimizations in their JavaScript engines.Because of this optimization work, JavaScript is now running in many places besides the browser. But there are still some environments where the JS engines can’t apply those optimizations in the right way to make things fast.We’re working to solve this, beginning a whole new wave of JavaScript optimization work. We’re improving JavaScript performance for entirely different environments, where different rules apply. And this is possible because of WebAssembly. In this talk, I'll explain how this all works and what's coming next.
Say WAT Now!? Turbocharged JavaScript With Hand Crafted WASM
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
11 min
Say WAT Now!? Turbocharged JavaScript With Hand Crafted WASM
Breathe a sigh of relief — you don’t need to learn Rust to use WASM! WebAssembly has its own human readable language: Web Assembly Text format (WAT), and it’s surprisingly easy to use. In this talk we’ll discuss using WAT as a first-class language for enhancing JavaScript performance.
Using WebAssembly to Bring Command-Line Tutorials to Life
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
23 min
Using WebAssembly to Bring Command-Line Tutorials to Life
This talk is a case study on using WebAssembly to power sandbox.bio, a platform for command-line tutorials for bioinformatics. We'll focus on how WebAssembly helps us provide interactive tutorials, and how it makes our application scalable and cost-effective by running computations on each user's browser instead of our servers. We'll discuss alternative architectures, their pros & cons, and lessons learned using WebAssembly.
JavaScript to Wasi Enabled Wasm: Portable JavaScript Composition
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
21 min
JavaScript to Wasi Enabled Wasm: Portable JavaScript Composition
JavaScript is no longer a language confined to the browsers. New standards are enabling fully portable, lightweight runtimes, to make JavaScript the definitive language for isomorphic applications. Let's explore use-cases, some experimental, some consolidated, to take our Wasm game with JavaScript, to the next level.
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
10 min
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
Build serverless functions in TypeScript, and then compile them to WebAssembly (Wasm) to be run in the cloud. This is a different model than the original Wasm design suggested, but it is proving to be a powerful concept. In this talk, we dive into the background of Wasm, then look at its broader applications before examining a novel way of building TypeScript code into a Wasm binary for execution in the cloud.
Pushing the Limits of Video Encoding in Browsers With WebCodecs
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
25 min
Pushing the Limits of Video Encoding in Browsers With WebCodecs
Top Content
High quality video encoding in browsers have traditionally been slow, low-quality and did not allow much customisation. This is because browsers never had a native way to encode videos leveraging hardware acceleration. In this talk, I’ll be going over the secrets of creating high-quality videos in-browsers efficiently with the power of WebCodecs and WebAssembly. From video containers to muxing, audio and beyond, this talk will give you everything you need to render your videos in browsers today!
Supercharging React Apps with WASM
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
25 min
Supercharging React Apps with WASM
WASM has taken over the web-development scene in the past few years. It is a language that can be run by the web platform alongside with Javascript. Being treated as a target language, a variety of low-level, statically-typed languages such as C++ and Rust can be compiled to WASM. Thus, a variety of complex, computationally intense applications can now be tackled through readily available web applications. Demos of 2 such applications are shown in the presentation and a side-to-side comparison is done next to JS code.
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
22 min
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
This talk will teach you how to write performance-critical Node.js modules without the burden of distributing platform-dependent artifacts and using the C/C++ toolchain. You will discover how to smoothly integrate Rust code into your Node.js + TypeScript application using WebAssembly. You will also learn how to avoid the typical WebAssembly serialization issues, and understand when other alternatives like Neon or Napi.rs are preferable. Together, we will cross the language bridge between Rust and Node.js while preserving the familiar DX you're used to.
Server-Side Rendering Using WebAssembly
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
12 min
Server-Side Rendering Using WebAssembly
This talk shares how to achieve Server-side rendering using WebAssembly and WASMEdge which is a WebAssembly Runtime. The talk also covers the benefits of using WebAssembly to achieve Server Side Rendering. The talk will also cover a demo on how to launch a React application using the WasmEdge runtime.
Marrying WASM/WebGL Games with React UI
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Marrying WASM/WebGL Games with React UI
React is strong at UI development but lags with actual game development. Game engines are great for that but bad at UI. How to combine both?
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
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Traditionally, browser games haven't been taken seriously. If you want to target the web, that traditionally has meant compromising on your vision as a game developer. Our team at Wonder Interactive is on a mission to change that, bringing one of the world's premiere native game engines to the browser - Unreal Engine. In our talk, we'll dive into our efforts porting the engine to the browser and carrying on the pioneering unfinished work started at Epic Games nearly a decade ago in collaboration with Mozilla. We'll dive into what this means for the future of games in the browser, and the open metaverse on the web.
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
In the post Moore’s Law era, due to limitations of the hardware, we need to squeeze more performance from the existing hardware. That means that the native code provides the best performance. However, the prevalence of native code on the server-side presents challenges to application safety and manageability. The rise and advent of Rust and WebAssembly offers new ways for developers to write high performance yet safe Node.js applications.
In this talk, I will cover the basics of Rust and WebAssembly, as well showcase how to go about their integration with Node.js. You will learn how and when to design a hybrid web application. How can you code the high performance functions in Rust in a Web Assembly virtual machine and finally how to tie everything together in a Node.js JavaScript application.
Let the Main Thread Breathe!
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
35 min
Let the Main Thread Breathe!
The main thread, on the web, has a lot of responsibilities. At the same time, web apps are getting more sophisticated every day. Therefore, the main thread gets too busy that will disappoint our user showing janky frames! The off-main-thread architecture ensures apps run smoothly on every device for everyone.
In this talk, we will go through the possibilities in browsers such as WebWorker, Worklet, and WebAssembly introducing practical tools that allow us to boost our user experiences.