#typescript libraries

TypeScript libraries are collections of pre-written code that developers can use to solve common programming problems. The code is written in TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript, so it can be used in any JavaScript project. TypeScript libraries provide a way for developers to quickly and easily access useful code snippets without having to write them from scratch. This makes development faster and more efficient, while also ensuring that the code is reliable and well tested.
Stop Writing Your Routes
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
30 min
Stop Writing Your Routes
The more you keep working on an application, the more complicated its routing becomes, and the easier it is to make a mistake. ""Was the route named users or was it user?"", ""Did it have an id param or was it userId?"". If only TypeScript could tell you what are the possible names and params. If only you didn't have to write a single route anymore and let a plugin do it for you. In this talk we will go through what it took to bring automatically typed routes for Vue Router.
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
ASTs are prevalent in everything we do. ESLint, Typescript, etc allow us to dive into our source code in a way we might not be familiar with. Let's take a look at how some modern tools use ASTs to improve our lives as developers. Some of the tools to be covered include: TS-Morph, Typescript, TreeSitter, and ESlint. Depending on time, I can dig into various tools and patterns for working with ASTs and how they can fit into any modern developer workflow.
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
16 min
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
You must or must not have heard of object proxies before, but have you ever understood how to use them? What the actual usecase of an object proxy is? In this talk, we will do a deep dive into object proxies, understanding how they work, and the kinds of things you can build using them. We will build higher-order wrappers for existing libraries, and learn how to wrap over them in a type-safe manner.
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
8 min
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
There is a wall that we all hit when developing more sophisticated types: how can I 'abstract out' certain commonalities in my type-level logic? How can I make my types more reusable and composable? How can I make my types more expressive?

This talk will introduce the fundamentals of Higher-Kinded Types, a compelling concept hitherto underutilized, and explore how they can significantly enhance the expressiveness of library semantics, leading to a more intuitive developer experience (DX). We'll demonstrate how HKTs can provide an elevated abstraction level, allowing you to model complex domain problems more naturally and in a type-safe manner.

Join us to understand how leveraging HKTs can elevate your TypeScript coding practice, optimizing the semantics and delivering a more potent and featureful library interface.
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
Publishing libraries to NPM is easy - just `tsc && npm publish` and you're done, right?

Whoops, you forgot proper ESM compat. And a user is asking for a UMD build. And it doesn't work in Webpack 4. And `moduleResolution: "node16"` can't find the types.

Publishing libraries today is _complicated_. We'll take a look at the many problems and questions you should consider when publishing a package, and some hard-earned possible answers to those questions.type
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
Dive into the world of TypeScript ecosystem tooling and uncover the transformative capabilities that can supercharge your development workflow. In this talk, you can discover essential tools for project setup, code analysis, testing, and deployment. Also, learn how intelligent code editors, formatters, and linters improve code quality.

Finally, let's explore type checkers, static analyzers, and refactoring tools that enhance codebase maintainability, TypeScript libraries and frameworks, and witness their seamless integration with bundlers, task runners, testing frameworks, and CI pipelines. Don't miss this talk to unleash the full potential of TypeScript and maximize your productivity with the extensive ecosystem of tools at your disposal and that you probably didn't know!
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
Most of the ecosystem tools, like bundlers or transpilers, are based on AST. And Typescript provides one of the best Developer Experiences to work with the code base.

This talk is about the experience of how beneficial it can be to use Type Hints and Typescript Language Server during the AST and static code analysis, based on the example of building a compile-time css-in-js library.
TypeScript Performance: Going Beyond the Surface
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
34 min
TypeScript Performance: Going Beyond the Surface
Do you ever find yourself pondering how to identify and address performance issues in TypeScript to maximize the effectiveness of your code? If so, join us for a talk on the performance of TypeScript and the techniques you can use to get the most out of your code. We'll delve into various ways to debug performance, explore how to leverage the power of the TypeScript compiler to detect potential performance issues and use the profiling tools available to track down the underlying bottlenecks.
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
How do you generate types dynamically? How do you write a script that creates some typescript code? The approach most people would recommend is to use Abstract Syntax Tree manipulations. I was working on a deadline to implement types for our OpenAPI client, and I would have missed our release window. I needed something different and easier to build. Luckily, a friend recommended me a library I didn't know: code-block-writer. I fall in love with it at first sight.
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
Key/value (KV) databases are becoming ever more popular in web applications. Their super-fast response times and ability to support eventual consistency reads make them especially well suited for apps running on globally distributed edge servers. But with how fast this tech is moving, you might not be fully up to speed on how to use this type of database with TypeScript. In this session, we'll explore good use cases for KV databases, examine several production deployment options, and demonstrate how to effectively hydrate TypeScript objects from values in a KV database.
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
21 min
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
ArkType is a new runtime validator for TypeScript and the first library with the goal of making type syntax available 1:1 in JS with no compilation step.

It uses a carefully optimized static parser so that with each character you type, you'll see a list of completions, a clear ParseError, or your inferred type. At runtime, a simple definition like "string|number[]" will be transformed into a TypeNode that can be used to validate or transform inputs, compared to other TypeNodes, or combined with other definitions to form new TypeNodes.

This talk will cover the process of building ArkType, with a focus on the type-level parser and runtime type system, and demo some of the most exciting features like scopes, index signatures and generics.
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
We all know, that TypeScript helps us in many ways. The compiler guides us during our work, ensuring, that every piece of data falls into a given place.

But there are some limitations. TypeScript was meant to help us during development time. After the compilation step, we still cannot be 100% sure what can happen during runtime...

Unless we do something about that and defend ourselves against unwanted runtime errors! This talk serves as an introduction to the problem and explains how we can face it to make our applications more error-proof.
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
Learn how running your TS in Temporal's runtime gets you extreme reliability
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
27 min
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
Top Content
We all love writing types in TypeScript, but we often find ourselves having to write types in another language as well: SQL. This talk will present the choose-your-own-adventure story that you face when combining TypeScript and SQL and will walk you through the tradeoffs between the various options. Combined poorly, TypeScript and SQL can be duplicative and a source of headaches, but done well they can complement one another by addressing each other's weaknesses.
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
25 min
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
Using real-life open-source examples, we'll explore the power of TypeScript to improve your users' experience. We'll cover best practices for library authors, as well as tips and tricks for how to take a library to the next level. This talk will cover: 
- how to leverage the type inference to provide help to your users; - using types to reduce the need and complexity of your documentation - for example, using function overloads, string literal types, and helper (no-op) functions; - setting up testing to ensure your library works (and your types do too!) with tools like tsd and expect-type; - treating types as an API and reducing breaking changes whilst shipping enhancements; - I'd draw on my experience with libraries like nuxt3, sanity-typed-queries and typed-vuex and show what we managed to do and what I'd do differently in future. 

Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
30 min
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Maintaining widely-used JS libraries is already complicated, and TypeScript adds an additional set of challenges.

Join Redux maintainer Mark Erikson for a look at some of the unique problems TS library maintainers face, and how the Redux team has handled those problems. We'll cover:

- Tradeoffs of different ways to define TS types for a library
- How to target different versions of TS, and considerations for determining the supported version range
- Migrating existing JS libraries to TS
- Differences between writing "app" types and "library" types
- Managing and versioning public types APIs
- Tips and tricks used by types from the Redux libraries
- TS limitations and possible language-level improvements