
Fullstack is a term used to describe a developer who is knowledgeable in every layer of web development. This includes the front-end (client side) code such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as the back-end (server side) code such as databases, server-side languages, and APIs. A fullstack developer can develop entire web applications from start to finish, including database design, user interface design, and coding.
Developing Dynamic Blogs with SvelteKit & Storyblok: A Hands-on Workshop
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
174 min
Developing Dynamic Blogs with SvelteKit & Storyblok: A Hands-on Workshop
Top Content
Featured WorkshopFree
Alba Silvente Fuentes
Roberto Butti
2 authors
This SvelteKit workshop explores the integration of 3rd party services, such as Storyblok, in a SvelteKit project. Participants will learn how to create a SvelteKit project, leverage Svelte components, and connect to external APIs. The workshop covers important concepts including SSR, CSR, static site generation, and deploying the application using adapters. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a solid understanding of building SvelteKit applications with API integrations and be prepared for deployment.
Build a GraphQL App with React
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
98 min
Build a GraphQL App with React
Johan Eliasson
Johan Eliasson
In this workshop, we'll build a React app from zero to one using a GraphQL API from Nhost.

Table of contents:
- Sign up to Nhost and create a Nhost app
- Create database table
- Set up React app
- Install Nhost and GraphQL dependencies
- Display data in React app
- Let users sign in
- Add GraphQL API permissions
Full Stack GraphQL In The Cloud With Neo4j Aura, Next.js, & Vercel
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
161 min
Full Stack GraphQL In The Cloud With Neo4j Aura, Next.js, & Vercel
William Lyon
William Lyon
In this workshop we will build and deploy a full stack GraphQL application using Next.js, Neo4j, and Vercel. Using a knowledge graph of news articles we will first build a GraphQL API using Next.js API routes and the Neo4j GraphQL Library. Next, we focus on the front-end, exploring how to use GraphQL for data fetching with a Next.js application. Lastly, we explore how to add personalization and content recommendation in our GraphQL API to serve relevant articles to our users, then deploy our application to the cloud using Vercel and Neo4j Aura.

Table of contents:
- Next.js overview and getting started with Next.js
- API Routes with Next.js & building a GraphQL API
- Using the Neo4j GraphQL Library
- Working with Apollo Client and GraphQL data fetching in Next.js
- Deploying with Vercel and Neo4j Aura
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
67 min
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
Simon Knott
Simon Knott
Blitz.js is the Fullstack React Framework. It's heavily inspired Ru on Rails and is focused on making you as productive as possible. It's built on Next.js and adds all the missing pieces you need for building a fullstack app with a database. By far the biggest innovation of Blitz is the new "Zero-API" data layer that abstracts away the API so you don't have to mess with REST or GraphQL APIs!

Simon will introduce all the important parts & guide you through getting started with Blitz, so you'll know if you might want to use it or not.
Fullstack Type-Safety with GraphQL and Hasura
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
203 min
Fullstack Type-Safety with GraphQL and Hasura
Jesse Martin
Jesse Martin
In this workshop, we’ll learn how to build a type-safe chain from API to the client with generated TypeScript tooling. Creating a type-safe environment for development reduces the number of bugs that get shipped to production, but also creates faster feature development once the ground-work is in place.

This will be a fast-paced workshop covering an opinionated stack of features, but in the end, you’ll have a functioning framework for eloquent and type-safe development.

Table of contents

- We’ll begin creating a GraphQL API on Hasura Cloud and define some basic access controls and actions.
- Then we’ll scaffold a TypeScript-ready framework with NextJs.
- With the framework and API in place, we’ll generate an SDK using GraphQL Zeus.
- Lastly, we’ll generate some type-safe state management wrappers with easy-peasy for implementing a basic login and authentication flow.
Building full-stack GraphQL applications with Hasura and Vue 3
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
115 min
Building full-stack GraphQL applications with Hasura and Vue 3
Gavin Ray
Gavin Ray
The frontend ecosystem moves at a breakneck pace. This workshop is intended to equip participants with an understanding of the state of the Vue 3 + GraphQL ecosystem, exploring that ecosystem – hands on, and through the lens of full-stack application development.

Table of contents
- Participants will use Hasura to build out a realtime GraphQL API backed Postgres. Together we'll walk through consuming it from a frontend and making the front-end reactive, subscribed to data changes.
- Additionally, we will look at commonly-used tools in the Vue GraphQL stack (such as Apollo Client and Urql), discuss some lesser-known alternatives, and touch on problems frequently encountered when starting out.
- Multiple patterns for managing stateful data and their tradeoffs will be outlined during the workshop, and a basic implementation for each pattern discussed will be shown.
Workshop level

NOTE: No prior experience with GraphQL is necessary, but may be helpful to aid understanding. The fundamentals will be covered.
Zero to Production with Fullstack GraphQL and React with Hasura team
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
162 min
Zero to Production with Fullstack GraphQL and React with Hasura team
Allison Kunz
Allison Kunz
Hasura is a free and open-source GraphQL Engine that can help supercharge your GraphQL adoption, whether it is for a new application or for an existing one. The workshop will cover:
- A basic introduction to GraphQL- Using GraphQL to make CRUD operations from a React application- Setting up access controls to data- Building real-time components in React using GraphQL Subscriptions- Wrapping existing REST APIs with GraphQL servers that can be deployed on serverless platforms, and then merging them into a single endpoint using Remote Schemas- Triggering serverless functions on database events- In short, we’ll go through how React developers can adopt realtime GraphQL and serverless.