November 3 - 4, 2020
GraphQL Galaxy

GraphQL Galaxy 2020

The biggest GraphQL conference in the cloud

Building a Highly Scalable Cloud API Gateway
31 min
Building a Highly Scalable Cloud API Gateway
One of the benefits of GraphQL is that it enables a single entry point into any number of back end service or databases. More and more companies are adopting cloud technologies – leading to more jobs, more money, and more opportunities in cloud computing. When GraphQL is integrated with a cloud back end, enabling secure and direct access to dozens of databases and managed services, the limitations are endless. The problem is often that building out these implementations from scratch, and getting them right, is hard. In this talk, I’ll show how you can build cloud-based GraphQL back ends connecting to multiple databases (SQL and NoSQL), serverless functions, machine learning services, and microservices using TypeScript, AppSync, and AWS CDK – and do so in fewer lines of code than you’d expect. We’ll also look at how subscriptions, security, caching, and authentication are all handled, enabling you to build APIs that can simultaneously connect to tens of millions of clients at once to offer true real-time applications at scale. By the end of the talk, you should feel comfortable knowing that you can become a cloud engineer using an existing GraphQL skillset.
GraphQL Observability
8 min
GraphQL Observability
GraphQL is an immensely powerful tool and while there are tons of resources out there on how to leverage it, there doesn't seem to be much open discussion around Day 2 (maintenance in production) operations of GraphQL. In this talk, we'll be focusing around observability and the various techniques and tools we can use to get a better understanding of how our graphQL services are running in production. More specifically we'll be focusing on combining ApolloServer and OpenTelemetry.
It Depends — Examining GraphQL Myths and Assumptions
25 min
It Depends — Examining GraphQL Myths and Assumptions
As with any technology choice, choosing GraphQL as an API style involves tradeoffs. Some tell us GraphQL is here to replace everything else, others tell us using GraphQL is a mistake. In this talk, we'll explore why both these things are false, and how everything is context dependent.
Let's Talk GraphQL With Your Services
28 min
Let's Talk GraphQL With Your Services
GraphQL is a query language for APIs, but what if your API doesn't support GraphQL? There's a lot of information on how you can use GraphQL to make your APIs more readable or even more content on using GraphQL as a data layer for your existing APIs. This all makes perfect sense, but what if you actually want to know how to transform existing services to GraphQL? In this talk I'll demonstrate how you can use your existing services to create GraphQL schemas using Abstract Syntax Trees and TypeScript.This is not a talk to show how to wrap services with GraphQL, in this talk I'll show data models to use an AST to transform existing services to GraphQL. Also, thinking patterns and best class approaches will be shown.
Native GraphQL, GraphQL as a Database Query Language
8 min
Native GraphQL, GraphQL as a Database Query Language
GraphQL was originally not designed as a database language yet it's quickly becoming a popular choice to interact with databases. What if databases natively support GraphQL default? What are the advantages of native GraphQL support? How is a GraphQL query handled behind the scenes in FaunaDB and what database guarantees does such an approach provide?
Secure Your GraphQL Endpoints With Tyk in 5 Minutes
8 min
Secure Your GraphQL Endpoints With Tyk in 5 Minutes
If you have existing GraphQL APIs or plan on building them in the future, join us for a 5-minute session to show you how to quickly secure them using Tyk.
Security Testing for GraphQL Backed Applications
7 min
Security Testing for GraphQL Backed Applications
With StackHawk, engineering teams can run security tests against GraphQL backed applications to find and fix vulnerabilities before they hit production. With automated testing on every PR, you can be confident that your GraphQL API is secure. Join StackHawk co-founder Ryan Severns for a quick overview of GraphQL security with StackHawk.
The Diminishing API Layer
30 min
The Diminishing API Layer
Apps are hard enough to build without having to worry about layers and layers that sit between your users and the database. In this talk we examine trends in serverless computing, and their impact on modern databases and API layers.
The Next Generation of GraphQL and TypeScript
22 min
The Next Generation of GraphQL and TypeScript
New features in TypeScript that can improve our GraphQL workflow.
Using GraphQL on WordPress
26 min
Using GraphQL on WordPress
WordPress has been around for a really long time and is the most popular CMS on the web. Consuming its REST API however to build modern static sites leaves a lot to be desired. In this talk, we’ll live code a site that consumes WordPress over GraphQL and see the power of GraphQL in making mature and familiar services, easy to consume.
But Can Your GraphQL Client Do This? — A Deep-Dive Into urql
37 min
But Can Your GraphQL Client Do This? — A Deep-Dive Into urql
Let’s explore how the urql GraphQL client came to be and what makes it stand out. We will explore how various challenges were solved in new ways from first principles. Expect a look at future standard features such as Offline Support, an overview of small design choices that are baked into urql, and some features that are already standard and have first-party support such as authentication and file upload.
Going from Zero to Building Multi-Region GraphQL Applications
8 min
Going from Zero to Building Multi-Region GraphQL Applications
Off late GraphQL workloads see wide adoption in enterprise workloads as GraphQL provides a consistent and flexible way for UI to consume data from the APIs. For API developers like me, seeing GraphQL servers abstracting away the data filtering and the access patterns associated with backend APIs is a complete paradigm shift. Traditional API design tasks, like data modeling, access patterns required to implement high-performance Data APIs, are still relevant when implementing GraphQL applications?This talk will walk you through the learnings as a backend API developer building a hello world GraphQL application to implement a globally distributed GraphQL API for a real-world e-commerce application. We will look into scaling and resiliency required for building high-performance GraphQL APIs. Also, look into how database capabilities play an essential role in implementing a successful GraphQL application.
GraphQL 2021 Wishlist- The top GraphQL Opportunities & Challenges for 2021
35 min
GraphQL 2021 Wishlist- The top GraphQL Opportunities & Challenges for 2021
As GraphQL enters its 6th year, we've come a long way as a community and an ecosystem. But there's still a lot of work to be done for GraphQL to go totally mainstream and retain its momentum. In this talk, I'll highlight the top cross-cutting technical and tooling challenges that practitioners face in getting GraphQL adopted and hope to spark new ideas and discussions around what we need to spec out, what we need to build and what need to improve!I'm excited to share a list of opportunities and ideas that encompass a) the boring things that need to be done (eg: health-check & error handling!), b) the hard problems that need to be solved (eg: rate-limiting & security) and c) the exciting challenges (eg: GraphQL & wasm) facing us as a GraphQL community.I hope that at the end of the talk we have a real sense of what the top challenges are and why, and that we're excited about going into 2021 discussing these challenges and building potential solutions.
GraphQL Anywhere - Our Journey With GraphQL Mesh and Schema Stitching
34 min
GraphQL Anywhere - Our Journey With GraphQL Mesh and Schema Stitching
During our work with many different clients from all shapes and sizes, The Guild had to come up with all kinds of innovative solutions to help customers achieve the most out of GraphQL and help adopt it more easily. During that talk I will mention how you could use GraphQL in places you though it wasn’t possible, share open source tools to help you and provide new perspectives about why GraphQL is a great technology.
GraphQL for Everyone - Danielle Man
33 min
GraphQL for Everyone - Danielle Man
Data is knowledge and knowledge is power. One of the greatest powers we have as developers is the ability to access and manipulate raw data with ease. But it takes a lot of context to know how to write a SQL query or use an API or make a CURL request. A lot of our energy in the GraphQL community is spent moving the specification forward and improving developer tools around it, but we don't spend much time talking about what GraphQL can do to help people in our organizations beyond our developers –– our designers, product managers, business leaders, customer success engineers, etc. In this talk, I will share the outcomes of some research we did at Apollo on GraphQL accessibility, and my vision for how GraphQL can connect humans to data that impacts them much more effectively, there giving them an ability to answer their own questions.
Build Your GraphQL APIs Faster with Nexus Schema
25 min
Build Your GraphQL APIs Faster with Nexus Schema
Developing a real-world full-stack app often involves tedious threading of data across multiple layers of the stack. This is particularly undesirable during prototyping phases where the main goal may be just to demonstrate an idea or design. It’s also risky when going to production since data inconsistencies between the layers can lead to bugs.Nexus Schema is a library for building code-first, type-safe GraphQL APIs and can greatly help with this velocity and type-safety dilemma. In this talk, we'll look at how to build GraphQL APIs faster and with the benefits of type safety using Nexus Schema.