The Security Toolbox For Node

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Do you have a way to quickly check all of your repos for any vulnerabilities to various attacks? Do you know which attacks you should be preparing your applications for? In this talk, we will cover the top 10 attacks on Node applications and how to handle all of them. Multiple tools will be covered, all of which have been used in production across different back-end architectures.

A few of the areas that will be covered include securing dependencies, securing data, and securing your server. By the end of this talk, attendees should have a full security toolbox and they will know how to implement it quickly. This will help with production applications because you will still get through your sprints on time and you will be able to rest knowing you have security measures in place.

Milecia McGregor
Milecia McGregor
29 min
24 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk focuses on Node application security, covering topics such as OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, handling packages, managing data, and protecting servers. Best practices include password security, input validation, and data encryption. The importance of securing access to packages and managing data is emphasized. Encrypting data for secure communication is discussed, along with protecting servers using HTTPS and rate limiting. The challenges of security implementation and resources for learning are mentioned, as well as the use of attacker tools. Docker security and preventing IP attacks are also touched upon.

1. Introduction to Node Application Security

Short description:

My name is Milesha McGregor, a developer advocate at Conducto, and today I'm going to talk about a security toolbox for node applications. We'll cover the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities, handling packages, managing data, and protecting servers from attacks like cross-site scripting. Validate all inputs, especially numeric fields.

Alright, hey, everybody. My name is Milesha McGregor, and I'm a developer advocate at Conducto. So we make this really cool tool where you can debug your pipelines and do your deploys easier and all that good stuff. So make sure you check me and us out on Twitter. But today, I'm going to talk to you about a security toolbox you can build for all of your node applications. So since we've been virtual for so long, I always like to give an overview. That way, you know where you can kind of, you know, tune in, tune out, fast forward through the video later when you're going back through it.

But to get started, I'm going to jump off with just the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities. We'll cover pretty much all of them and some of the packages and other tools and strategies you can use to secure your Node apps from these kinds of attacks. And then we'll talk about how you can handle your packages because as every JavaScript engineer knows, we use a package for just about everything. So you want to make sure that you're taking care of those. And we'll also talk a bit about managing your data. So we all know on the back end that we don't want other people or people that shouldn't have access to the data to actually be able to access the data. So we're going to talk about some different strategies that we can use to just make sure that, you know, nobody that got fired three months ago is going to come back and drop all the databases. And we'll talk some more about protecting your server from different attacks, like the ones that just shut down your server. I know the word for this, but I'm going to remember it much later than I should. And then we'll wrap up with just a few key takeaways and some things I hope you can just go back to work and implement as soon as you can.

So to get started, we're going to just jump into the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities. So there's this node goat app that is just in existence and it'll walk you through all 10 of the vulnerabilities using this cool little node application. So if you want to see some live examples that have been developed by just some of the top security people in the world, go ahead and check out this node goat app. But one thing that you want to keep in mind with this OWASP top 10, these 10 vulnerabilities are present on, I believe it was 85% of all web apps online right now. So almost the whole internet is just vulnerable to some kind of attack. And that is the reason why I want to give you just some tools and stuff you can use to make sure you don't have one of those apps or that when you do encounter one you can clean it up and just make sure that it becomes less attack-friendly. So the first thing we're going to talk about is cross-site scripting. This is basically when somebody injects JavaScript into your app, and it makes the app redirect users to some other place, it steals cookies so that they can authenticate themselves as other users, or basically anywhere there is some kind of input field that they can type text into, they're able to execute some kind of JavaScript statement. So we want to make sure that some random person on the Internet isn't injecting or cross-site scripting something really crazy into our app, so we're going to prevent that. And to do that, start by validating all of your inputs. I know we already do that because form validation is everybody's favorite thing. But I just want to make sure that we're really all doing it. So validate those inputs, make sure any numeric fields are actually receiving numbers.

2. Best Practices for Node Application Security

Short description:

Make sure passwords have their certain security requirements, validate user inputs, and encrypt all data sent to users. Prevent denial of service attacks by implementing checks to prevent looping and data creation. Validate all inputs, both on the front-end and back-end, to prevent server-side injection attacks.

Make sure passwords have their certain security requirements, whether that's lowercase and capital letters, numbers, special characters, whatever you want it to be. But have some validation around these inputs to where a user cannot submit a form if it's not in the right format.

And then something else you can do to just help with that whole session hijacking thing with the cross-site scripting, encode all of the data that you send to your users. So we know that we need to encode data that they send to us, just so people on the Wi-Fi in the airport or Windows were a thing. But when you're on an open network, you know that you always encrypt data going to the server so that prying eyes don't get access to it. Make sure you're doing the same thing when you're sending data. So go ahead and encrypt everything.

Now we'll talk about the denial of service attacks. So this is that thing that I could not say in the intro for some reason. But a denial of service attack is pretty much when some malicious party gets access to your server and they send so many requests that it brings down the server for all of your actual users. This means that someone is sending enough requests that they are using up all of your cloud resources or all of your on-prem resources to the point where your app is basically unavailable. So you don't want the denial of service attacks to happen, especially when your app is something very critical to your users. So to prevent those, we really want to put checks in place to prevent looping and data creation. You don't want somebody to be able to submit a query to your back-end that infinitely adds fake users to your database. That's one of the ways that a denial of service attack can bring your entire application down. And again, validate all of those inputs. There's forums on pretty much every site nowadays, whether it's just getting your email or somehow convincing you to sign in with Google. Validate those inputs. They're around, so make sure you're doing that on the front-end and the back-end.

Now let's talk a little bit about the server-side injection attack. This is when an outside party can inject data as part of just a simple query. This happens when you're able to submit bad queries in forums. So basically, what's happening is somebody's typing in a SQL query where they should be typing in a new username. And now you have your database dropped and nobody knows why. Just because someone was able to actually submit this request to the backend and there weren't any type of checks in place to prevent that from happening. So to prevent that, one thing that you'll want to do is parse any user input. You know what kind of data you're expecting from the front end. You know what values should be stored in the database. You have a whole schema for this. So when you're getting this user input, just go ahead and parse it down into what actually needs to be present.


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