The Force of Engineering: Bringing Your Own Star Wars Sidekick to Life

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In Star Wars, Pit Droids are repair droids designed to maintain racing vehicles "podracers". These droids are 1.2 meters in height and can fold when not in use. Their funny behavior is explained in a way that they were programmed with a sense of urgency but without enough processing power to perform some complex tasks.

I will show you how I built a realistic Pit Droid and empowered it with NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano. The droid can perform AI object detection, move its head toward the objects, and more. You will also see some other droid projects I worked on.

NVIDIA Developer post:

Hackster project:

Through this session, you will:

- hear how this robot was assembled,

- learn about Azure AI Studio & Azure Custom Vision

- learn how to easily prepare and tag images for model training,

- see how to train a model for object detection,

- analyse images from the camera of the robot,

- control motor and other IoT devices connected to the robot,

- and much more.

I hope this session will give you a great introduction to AI and IoT, and inspire you to build similar projects on your own!"

Goran Vuksic
Goran Vuksic
28 min
15 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

May 25th, 1977, the first Star Wars movie inspired generations with its space travel and lightsaber fights. Goran Vukicic built replicas of the P-Droid and found a community of designers who sell 3D designs for printing. Bringing the droid to a conference is challenging but rewarding. The NVIDIA Jetson Ori Nano is a powerful device for running AI models. Building Star Wars droids at home is possible with open-source development.

1. Introduction to Droids and P-Droid

Short description:

May 25th, 1977, the first Star Wars movie inspired generations with its space travel and lightsaber fights. Droids, small intelligent robots, have always fascinated me. Today, technology allows us to build our own. I'm Goran Vukicic, co-founder of Synthetic AI Data and a Microsoft AI MVP. Let's talk about P-Droid, a cheap and expendable droid from Star Wars Episode 1. It can fold into a compact form and was designed for maintaining pod racers. I built replicas and found a community of designers who sell 3D designs for printing.

May 25th, 1977, three years before I was born, the first Star Wars movie came to the cinema. And for many generations since then, it was inspiration because of the space travel, because of the lightsaber fights. But one interesting thing over there are droids. Those small robots that are helping out here and there, most of them are intelligent in some way, and moving forward to this year, this is something that technology actually allows us to build.

This is something that you can build at your home, and this is the way. So, my name is Goran Vukicic. I'm co-founder of Synthetic AI Data. In IT, I work for 20 years. Mostly the IT management roles and such, but I'm a tech guy, tech background, and I like to build stuff, especially things related to AI and IoT. Some of those I will show you today over here. I'm a Microsoft AI MVP, which means that I'm on stage a lot sharing my knowledge about AI. I'm also one of the organizers of Azure Skona. Azure Skona is the south part of the region where I live in Malmo, where we organize the meetups. If you want to connect, I'm on LinkedIn. I usually share about those topics of AI and IoT and innovation and such that are interesting to me.

So, let's speak about P-Droid. First appeared in Star Wars Episode 1. This is how it looks. They are defined, explained as a cheap and expendable droid designed for maintaining pod racers, those spaceships that they do races with, and they needed some cheap droids that will fix them here and there in the pits. It is 1.19 meters high and has this ability to fold in compact form when it's not in use. They say it was programmed with a sense of urgency, like this minimal logic prevents them from performing complex tasks, so in the movie, they look pretty funny because they cannot do complex things, but something that also triggered my mind why I decided to go into this story and start building.

This is how it looks. One artist made 3D design, basically, based on a movie, and you can see it over here and this ability to fold into the compact form. That is the P-Droid. I built several droids, like replicas. I previously used Legos and some other things, but I figured out, okay, this is pretty much with Legos, especially falling apart, so you need to glue it together and do things like that. Somewhere on the way, on the most famous social network, Facebook, it suddenly popped up this group, DroidVision, and at that point, I didn't know what I was getting into when I clicked on it. So I found this guy, David Mook, which is a STL designer. He's running this DroidVision, selling those 3D designs on the Etsy. If you purchase them, don't share them, I think they deserve to have beer for the awesome work they do, because they are recreating those droids and enable other people to print them out for selling those designs, just for a few bucks.

2. Building the P-Droid

Short description:

There is a whole print club where people share ideas and ask questions. I saw a video of a 3D printed P-Droid and decided to bring it to life. I ordered the parts and bought a 3D printer. Assembling the droid was fun but also stressful. I made sure the components fit in the head, including lights, an Arduino relay, a webcam, servers for movement, and an NVIDIA Jetson for AI. The process involved sending parts for printing, wearing protective gear, and painting. Slowly, I assembled the droid piece by piece until it was complete. The first test drive was successful.

There is a whole print club where a lot of people like me nowadays go there, share ideas, ask questions, and things like that. So I've seen this video of the P-Droid. This is a 3D printed P-Droid, how it looks, how it's assembled. I got the idea, like, yeah, maybe I could 3D print this out and I could bring it to life. At that point, they didn't have the 3D printer, so I decided to purchase the service online. This also, Star Wars fan, Irma Twano. I ordered the parts, later on I bought the 3D printer and figured out it's, yeah, a lot of fun to do but a whole new level of stress to get something nicely printed. If you ever tried, you know what I'm speaking about. So everything started basically here, getting the parts.

And first thing, I wanted to make sure that my idea will fit into the droid's head, right? Because in the head there is those lights that turn on and off. It should fit one Arduino relay, that is like a switch for the lights. It should fit one webcam in front of the lights to be able to do the computer vision. Two servers to move the head left and right, up and down. And also NVIDIA Jetson, Ori Nano as brain to the droid. As we said in the movie, they were not really smart with this. On the Jetson we can run AI models at the edge, which is a lot of fun and you can actually make those droids smart. I'll show you how.

So the process started. Sending, believe me, it's not fun. You can try to do it manually, like it will take ages. So you need to buy a machine and do that quicker. It's super small plastic that you could breathe in, so you need to wear protective protection for eyes, for mouth, not to breathe it in and so on. Painting, yeah, it's total mess if you live in an apartment. I had a conversation with my landlord why the floor in the basement is, yeah, in many different colors, mainly white and red. But slowly going through the process, it started assembling piece by piece. It went with the legs, then adding the torso, adding the arms to it, forming the whole body. And then the head. And basically, this is how it looked like when I assembled it, with all electronics in the head. And when I made the first test drive, the droid was turning on the lights and started moving. Right? So that was the Hello World.