From Todo App to B2B SaaS with Next.js and Clerk

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If you’re like me, you probably have a million side-project ideas, some that could even make you money as a micro SaaS, or could turn out to be the next billion dollar startup. But how do you know which ones? How do you go from an idea into a functioning product that can be put into the hands of paying customers without quitting your job and sinking all of your time and investment into it? How can your solo side-projects compete with applications built by enormous teams and large enterprise companies?

Building rich SaaS products comes with technical challenges like infrastructure, scaling, availability, security, and complicated subsystems like auth and payments. This is why it’s often the already established tech giants who can reasonably build and operate products like that. However, a new generation of devtools are enabling us developers to easily build complete solutions that take advantage of the best cloud infrastructure available, and offer an experience that allows you to rapidly iterate on your ideas for a low cost of $0. They take all the technical challenges of building and operating software products away from you so that you only have to spend your time building the features that your users want, giving you a reasonable chance to compete against the market by staying incredibly agile and responsive to the needs of users.

In this 3 hour workshop you will start with a simple task management application built with React and Next.js and turn it into a scalable and fully functioning SaaS product by integrating a scalable database (PlanetScale), multi-tenant authentication (Clerk), and subscription based payments (Stripe). You will also learn how the principles of agile software development and domain driven design can help you build products quickly and cost-efficiently, and compete with existing solutions.


Multi-tenancy refers to a software architecture where a single instance of software serves multiple groups of users, each group known as a tenant. Each tenant's data is isolated and remains invisible to other tenants.

To add multi-tenancy features using Clerk, you can utilize the organization switcher component to manage different organizations or teams within the application. You'll need to enable organizations in the Clerk dashboard under settings and integrate relevant Clerk components into your app.

Stripe is used for handling payments in web applications. It allows developers to integrate payment processing capabilities, manage subscriptions, and handle secure transactions within their applications.

To implement payment functionality with Stripe, you need to create a Stripe session for checkout, configure webhook endpoints to handle events from Stripe, and use Stripe's API to manage payment flows and subscription details.

Clerk provides robust user management features including authentication, user profile management, and multi-tenancy support. It simplifies the process of adding sign-in, sign-up, and user profile functionalities to web applications, enhancing security and user experience.

In Clerk, user sessions and metadata can be managed through Clerk's dashboard and APIs. Developers can customize session tokens to include specific metadata, which aids in tracking user states and managing user-specific data securely.

Dev Agrawal
Dev Agrawal
153 min
09 Nov, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The workshop focuses on building a basic Todo application and transforming it into a fully functioning SaaS product using modern developer tools. Dev tools like Next.js, Vercel, Clerc, PlanetScale, and Stripe are used to simplify the development process. The workshop covers topics such as fixing issues, adding interactivity and database integration, implementing authentication and payment, customizing Clerk components, adding premium payment plans with Stripe integration, and implementing multi-tenancy features. Participants are encouraged to provide feedback and share their projects built with Clerk.

1. Introduction to the Workshop

Short description:

Thank you all for being here. The workshop is called From a TodoApp to a B2B SaaS Application. We're going to start with a very basic Next.js app that is a Todo application. And by the end of this workshop, we want to get to a fully functioning SaaS product that we can deploy and have users for. Throughout our time as software developers, we often have ideas or projects that face friction when trying to build a working piece of software. The adjacent concerns, such as deployment, databases, authentication, and payments, often get in the way. However, there is a new generation of developer tooling that is changing this. These tools take advantage of the cloud, are reliable and scalable, and optimize for developer experience.

Thank you all for being here. Let me quickly get my screen shared so that we can get this party started. The workshop is called From a TodoApp to a B2B SaaS Application. Oh, what's happening there? Cool. Let me make sure I have the chat here. Obviously there's a QR code here, but we can't really use QR codes. Not the best choice for over the wire or, like, on Zoom. Let me copy and paste this link for the workshop starter kit, or the workshop starter repo here in the chat.

So basically the idea of the workshop is that we're going to start with a very basic Next.js app that is a Todo application. It doesn't even work. It's a nonfunctioning Todo application. And by the end of this workshop, we want to get to a fully functioning SaaS product that we can deploy and we can have users for, even thousands or millions of users for. That's the idea that we want to get for today's workshop. Again, it's a really hands on workshop. I highly encourage that you guys follow along. And the best way to follow along is through the starter repo. And before the starter repo, make sure you have these things installed. Obviously, if you've done any sort of JavaScript React development before, you probably already have Git and node.js installed. But what would be really useful is to have Stripe CLI installed. I'm also going, I can quickly show what the repo looks like. Looks something like this. Let me actually check if you can see this. Yeah. So, this is the GitHub repo that you should be able to see from Todo app to B2B SaaS. And this shows you how to clone it, CD into it, and then. So, I'm specifically just going to be using BUN sometimes. It's just a replacement for npm. So, whenever you see something like BUN install, or if you see me typing BUN dev or BUN run a script, just we can just replace that with npm. I might actually just do it with npm. And really just make sure that you can go over to the services that we are going to be using throughout this workshop, and you can make an account there. And the most important part is that make sure you have the Stripe CLI installed, because we're going to be using the Stripe CLI a bit throughout, once or twice throughout this workshop. Now before we really get into the hands-on part, and at this point I'm going to switch slides. So, just make sure that you have the repo opened up, you have everything that you need, or you can start installing and setting up the repo on the side. While I quickly give a little introduction about myself. I am dev. That's my name. I am a dev as well. I have been writing full stack JavaScript applications for about seven years now, and currently I work as a developer advocate at Clerc, which is a sponsor of React Summit, and Clerc is a user management solution for React, as we are going to get into soon in this workshop. And before we really get into, like, the hands-on part, I want to get the point of what we are trying to achieve today across. So have you ever, as a software developer, ever have those moments when someone approaches with ideas of a new application? Or, like, let's say, hey, Kanban boards really suck. I want something simpler. Or I want a simpler way to do project management. Or if you have your own ideas of what a better travel planning application could look like, or you are already on your way to even building a startup out of your idea, or maybe even you've hired a team and secured a bit of funding, and well on your way to changing the world with the best task management application the world has seen, or the next generation decentralized social media platform, or fresh out of San Francisco, this is how AI will change your life product. Basically, the idea is, have you ever had, like, a lot of these big application ideas that you wish would exist and that you kind of want to build? How many of these ideas go to production? What about a prototype? What about just a demo? Maybe something we hack together over the weekend, maybe something we get with friends for the weekend, or maybe we are going to hackathons, and there we are trying to build some stuff. So what I want you to, what I want everyone to kind of think about is, throughout our time as a software developer, how many times has that happened? When we have ideas, or we have, or maybe we even have projects, we have startups, but then there's this kind of inevitable friction that comes in whenever we are trying to push this forward and build a working piece of software out of it. Because as we move from the ideation phase on the left to a working software phase on the right, there's a lot of things like, okay, where do I deploy this? How do I deploy this? I need to get a database, do I need Docker? People are talking about Lambdas. Everyone's going back to Postgres. How do I add Authon to this? I just hacked a dashboard together. I don't want to build user profiles, organization invites, integrate with email services, make sure everything is secure. You're also probably going to be storing some sensitive data. And if you ever want to charge your users, how do you manage payments? Are you going to deal with credit card numbers now? We heard of something called Stripe. How does that even work? So these are kind of the ideas of what goes into this red section, which is the adjacent concerns. These are not really things that are related to the idea, the thing that you really want to build, but these things inevitably get in the way. And they start taking up more and more of our effort, of our engineering effort, and that's what really makes this going from idea to working applications, a painful process. And this is why you often see, or we often see, large teams, large companies that already have a bunch of resources, a bunch of engineering expert, a bunch of existing infrastructure. And because they have all of that, they can just spin up a new thing and start a new application, start a new project. And that's why we have big companies that constantly try new things. And they constantly stay in the market because they're constantly experimenting with new ideas with their existing infrastructure. This is also why it doesn't really work for small teams. Like if me and my friend were to get together and build something, realistically, what kind of an application can we really build before we now have to hire a bunch of more people to take care of these adjacent concerns so that we can turn it into a real business? And these are things that often prevent us from going all the way with our ideas and building real applications. But what I'm here to talk about today is how that has changed, or at least how that's changing. Because there is a new generation of developer tooling that is making this possible. These tools have some very unique characteristics. First of all, they take complete advantage of what the cloud has to offer, which means they are reliable, they are scalable, and they are cheap. So you are not worried about infrastructure. The second thing is that these tools optimize for developer experience, which means the goal is to give us as software developers powerful capabilities with actually good developer experience. So you have the full power and all of these complex infrastructure and systems prebuilt for you. But not only do they give you capabilities, you can just integrate with them seamlessly and just continue working on your core competency. Your core competency is the app that you're trying to build. It's your travel planning app, it's your AI app, it's your next-gen project management app.

2. Introduction to Dev Tools and Setup

Short description:

The new generation of dev tools takes away the effort and mental space dedicated to adjacent concerns, allowing teams to focus on their core competency. With these tools, small teams can build and operate applications serving thousands or millions of users. Excuses like lack of knowledge or scalability concerns are no longer valid. In this workshop, we will build a SaaS application using Next.js, Vercel, Clerc, PlanetScale, and Stripe. Let's get started by cloning the GitHub repository and installing the dependencies.

That's your core competency that you want to be building, not dealing with Kubernetes, these YAML files or webpack configurations or these REST APIs with horrible documentation. Spend 10 minutes on it and you're done, and you're never thinking about auth or vulnerabilities or compliance or bot attacks ever again. That's the kind of mindset that these tools can put us in. And I see people are still flowing in. Thank you everyone for attending. GitHub repo that we've shown here. It's also linked in the chat. You can sign up an account for these. And also just make sure you have node.js and you have the Stripe CLI installed.

All right, so what happens with the new generation of dev tools is they actually take away the effort and the mental space that we have to dedicate to these adjacent concerns. This means really the only thing you're ever thinking about is your core competency. It's your idea here, it's the stuff in the green. So what that means is that teams don't need to be huge. You don't need to have a lot of existing infrastructure to get started, build real applications with these set of tools. You can just have a small team of three to five people or even 10 people, 20 people that can build and operate and support a piece of software, an application that is potentially serving thousands or millions of users. And that's a completely realistic expectation to have with these tools because that's what a lot of people are doing today. Again, the mindset that this puts us in is that what I like to call it is no more excuses. Is that when I have a solid idea that I think is going to really work or that I want to experiment with, I don't have these excuses of, okay, I don't really know databases or I know this is never going to scale, I can never make it scale, or I can never make this secure enough. If this is an AI application that I'm building, maybe I'm too scared of bots. Maybe I'm too scared of bots coming, going into, abusing your services for free credits. But, these are not excuses that I have anymore because these tools, this completely take that away from me. So that's what we are going to be doing today. Let's build a SaaS application with these tools. We are going to use Next.js as our framework, we're going to use Vercel as the host. We're going to use Clerc for user management and auth. We're going to use PlanetScale for database and we're going to use Stripe for all our payments flow. And, really, that's all I have for slides today. And, at this point, we can just jump into the hands-on part.

All right, so what we have here is this is the GitHub repository. Okay, I have questions. Will I need a Stripe and PlanetScale account? You will definitely need a Stripe account. The PlanetScale step, if you want to, we are starting with a SQLite database, so if you want to stick to that for the duration of the workshop, you can do that. But once we get to the PlanetScale step, in this workshop, I will go over the step of actually creating the account. So you don't have to necessarily create all these accounts right now. Right now, what's more important is that you can clone the repository and then you can run NPM install and then all the repositories should be, all the dependencies should be available for you. You will need a Stripe account because we are integrating payments and you can have a PlanetScale account if you want to connect with live databases. All right, so while the dependencies are finished installing, let's build a little bit of familiarity with this codebase. So obviously everything important is inside our SRC folder. Post the Git link. Yes, give me one second. Here. So this is the link for the GitHub repository. Make sure you clone it and install dependencies. And our dependencies are installed. We can now run NPM run dev and we should see our to-do application here on the screen in a bit. But until then, let's look at our application. We have our SRC folder and I think my computer might be struggling for resources at this point, but we'll push through. And inside here, we have an index page and we have a dashboard page. So you can think of this index page as kind of being a landing page. You're getting this error, database URL is required. So what you can do in that case is you can go to your dot env file. You should have a database URL by default in your env. All right, so in your dot env file, we can actually get rid of these two, but you can have a database URL equals this string here. So file colon db.sqlite. So if you're getting the error that you're missing database URL, you can just make sure that this is added in your dot env file. I'm going to just paste that into this chat. Thank you for pointing that out. We basically just need to point the application towards the SQLite file that's going to be used as a database. So we're starting out with just a demo SQLite database here and you can ignore everything else in the environment for now. So now you should have the application running. Let me know if everyone's caught up to this point. And our index page is basically like, so if you go to your layout file here, your layout file in src app layout. Now this has a few things that, like in a sense they're not supposed to be there. So we can just quickly get rid of this. If you see this clerk-nextjs import, you can just get rid of that. You can get rid of clerk-provider and user-button from the section. We are going to add these back in later, but right now if you're just building our to-do app, we don't need that. But what we do need is if we go to our dashboard page, in our main page here, we have a link to go to dashboard. And if we click it, we should see, what is happening here? Give me one second. Oh, I am muted.