From Blender to the Web - the Journey of a 3D Model

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Creating 3D experiences in the web can be something that sounds very daunting. I’m here to remove this idea from your mind and show you that the 3D world is for everyone. For that we will get a model from the 3D software Blender into the web packed with animations, accessibility controls and optimised for web use so join me in this journey as we make the web more awesome.

Sara Vieira
Sara Vieira
26 min
17 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk is about Blender and 3D in the web, covering topics such as rendering engines, material properties, exporting models, using React Fiber, lighting and shadows, state management, and adding wobbling effects. The speaker demonstrates how to create a 3D cupcake model and customize its appearance and behavior using React and Blender. The Talk also touches on topics like frosting selection, color changes, and adding orbit controls for interactive movement.

1. Introduction to Blender and 3D in the Web

Short description:

Today we will be talking about Blender and 3D in the web. I made a cupcake in Blender and we're going to put it on the web. I will not be teaching you how to use Blender, but you'll get a visual idea of the UI. Blender is a 3D software that is free and open source. It also does other things like 2D and video editing. Blender 2.8 looked worse, but now it looks better. It has two different rendering engines.

Thank you. Does anyone want to go first. OK, so I don't even have 20 minutes. I have 16. OK. So today we will be talking about Blender and 3D in the web. Is everyone excited about that? Your nerds, just saying. OK, cool. So that's about it. This little cupcake, I made it in Blender, and we're going to put it on the web. OK. So who is this person telling you to put that cupcake on the web?

OK, so let's get started. Again, my name is Tara, I'm originally from Portugal. I live in Berlin, because I like complaining, and bad airports. I work as a front-end developer at remote. Yes, the company is called remote, and yes, the company is remote. I love to do stuff in 3D. I picked it up during the pandemic like all of us picked up something random. I picked up 3D. I picked up 3D. It's great. I also did this in blender, so yes, that's about it. This is going to be divided into two parts. First of all, we're going to go into blender, and then we're going to pick up that and go into the web. I will not be teaching you how to use blender, because it's painful, but you get a visual idea of the UI. So who in here knows what blender is? It's a 3D software. It's free and open source. They also do other things, like 2D, video editing, and stuff like that. It's mostly known for 3D. Some 2D, I would not use it for video editing. Let's do it. Who in here used blender before? Wow, okay. So you'll actually know if I'm saying something wrong. No? Let's do it. Why not? Here's my scene. Before I start, let me start here. This is the cupcake that I made in blender. It's very cute. All my talents are there. That's it. That's my talk. Goodbye.

So this is blender, right? If you've used it before, 2.8, it looked way worse. So much worse. Like Photoshop CS1 worse. It looks better now. It looks way better, but if you want it to look better, just please Google blender 2.79. Because this is so much better. One thing I want to say about blender fast. It has two different rendering engines.

2. Blender Rendering Engines and Material

Short description:

One is called eevee. It's good for low-end computers. Macbooks don't have real graphics cards. They're just embedded into the thing. They're not real. They're fake. Cycles is a ray-tracing engine. It's time-consuming on a Mac. I do not use this computer for Blender. Let's change the material. Material is a color. You can choose the base color. Let's make it purple. Roughness is how rough a material is. It's incredible stuff right there. You can think of a mirror.

One is called eevee. Unir has heard or used Unity or Unreal engine. whatever. Those are real-time rendering engines. They don't actually calculate every light. They just pretend to know what the light is. It was introduced in 2.8. It's good for low-end computers. Macbooks don't have real graphics cards. They're just embedded into the thing. They're not real. They're fake. This is eevee. If I click the thing, it takes a bit. This is eevee. If I move around, you can see that it's, like, it looks real, but not really. So, for eevee, these are things that are checked during, like, as soon as it makes it, it tries to figure out what the hell is happening. There's also one called cycles. This is where my computer does weird sounds. So, cycles is completely different. The way cycles works is it's a ray-tracing engine. You don't have to remember any of these words. But the way it works, every beam of light is calculated and where it hits and where it goes, and it hits the other thing and does the thing, and that's very time-consuming on a Mac, and the Mac doesn't. You can't find anything that is actually causing crashes, crash cries, any of the sounds that you didn't know existed. Even though you have npm installed things before. Yeah. I'm not going to say that my computer has crashed during Blender. And before I go on, I want to say that I do have a Linux computer at home. I do not use this computer for Blender. You can, but it's very painful. Like, you just, I don't know why. Okay. Yeah. Cool.

So, final thing that I want to show you here in Blender is, We want to change the material. Material is a color. And let's come here. And let's come here. And you have a base color here. And you can just choose it. Let's make it purple or something. Beautiful. Isn't that beautiful? And I want to show you two other things that are kind of important if you download something from the Internet, or you decide to do it yourself if you want to cry. Sure. So, roughness is how rough a material is. I know. It's fucking mind-blowing. I know. It's incredible stuff right there. So, you can think of a mirror.

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