Yarn is a package manager for JavaScript. It is used to manage, install, and update packages from the npm registry. It is an alternative to the npm command line tool, providing a more secure and reliable way to install packages. Yarn also provides a faster installation process than npm and can handle larger projects with ease. It also helps you keep track of all the dependencies in your project and can be used to automate tasks such as running tests or linting.
The Zen of Yarn
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
31 min
The Zen of Yarn
In the past years Yarn took a spot as one of the most common tools used to develop JavaScript projects, in no small part thanks to an opinionated set of guiding principles. But what are they? How do they apply to Yarn in practice? And just as important: how do they benefit you and your projects?
In this talk we won't dive into benchmarks or feature sets: instead, you'll learn how we approach Yarn’s development, how we explore new paths, how we keep our codebase healthy, and generally why we think Yarn will remain firmly set in our ecosystem for the years to come.
Yarn: From Design to Implementation
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
28 min
Yarn: From Design to Implementation
In this talk, we'll go over the various iterations the Yarn team went through designing one of the most critical software in the JavaScript ecosystem. We'll discuss some of the main choices, trade-offs, errors, and successes we faced, and think about evolutions to come and future challenges that await us. By the end of this talk you'll have a better understanding of the work large-scale open-source teams do behind the team, and hopefully a better understanding of what makes open-source so special.
Package Management in Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
19 min
Package Management in Monorepos
We’ll talk about some of the pain points and look into recipes for effective package management in monorepos. 
We’ll discuss how package management works with npm, pnpm, and Yarn. Furthermore, I’ll show you a new tool that is less known but improves developer experience by a lot.
Taming the State Management Dragon
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
23 min
Taming the State Management Dragon
We spend a lot of time discussing which state library we should use, and fair. There are quite a few, from the common one everyone uses and loves to hate on, to that one quirky alternative, to several up and comers. However, discussing which library is best puts the cart before the horse.

When figuring out how to handle state, we should first ask ourselves: what different categories of state do we need? What are the constraints of each category? How do they relate to each other? How do they relate to the outside world? How do we keep them from becoming a giant, brittle ball of yarn? And more.

This might sound overwhelming, but never fear! In this talk, I'll walk you through how to answer these questions, and how craft an approachable, maintainable, and scalable state system. And yes, I will talk about how to pick a state management library too.
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
9 min
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
They gave me just 7 minutes! So this is a no-slides, just code talk! I'm gonna show you a Yarn/NPM/PNPM workspaces-based monorepo implementation and how we can speed it up. In particular, I'm using Nx on top to get better parallelization, the ability to define task pipelines, caching, and more. Curious? Join me!
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain
The omnipresence of open-source software and low-barrier of entry on npmjs are serving as a catalyst for supply chain security incidents that are continuously impacting JavaScript developers. What can we do to protect ourselves?
The Secret Life of Package Managers
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
9 min
The Secret Life of Package Managers
Ever wondered what happens after you hit npm install and go to grab a coffee? Let's deep dive into Npm and Yarn installation process, and how you can put this knowledge into practice.
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
33 min
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
Since 2017 Yarn proved itself a pillar of JavaScript development incubating numerous features our ecosystem now heavily relies on. As years passed, as competitors improved, so did Yarn, and it's now time today to dive into the features and tradeoffs that make Yarn a truly unique gem of the JavaScript ecosystem.