
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
In the rapidly evolving landscape of web technologies, the introduction of WebGPU and WebXR represents a significant leap forward, promising to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in 3D web experiences. This talk dives into the heart of these new technologies, guided by the Three.js library.
We begin by exploring WebGPU, a next-generation graphics API offering enhanced performance and efficiency for rendering 3D graphics directly in the browser. We'll demonstrate how Three.js is adapting to harness its full potential, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for developers to create visually stunning interactive experiences.
Transitioning to the immersive realm, we delve into WebXR, a technology that opens the door for virtual reality and augmented reality experiences right from the web. We'll showcase how Three.js enables creators to build immersive experiences.
From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
25 min
From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
Web developers learn a lot of programming techniques in the pursuit of their career but often don't realize the depth of their own skill. React Three Fiber became a sensation among thousands of developers because it demonstrated that the knowledge they possess can be harnessed to create interactive 3D graphics. However, React Three Fiber has been stuck in the mindset of websites while the future of web increasingly moves toward immersive 3D experiences.In this presentation, we will explore the new generation of React Three Fiber and the changes being made to evolve it into a framework capable of supporting complex real time apps, such as live simulations and video games. Our goal is to give web developers a new moment of recognition where they look at a video game programmed with React and think, "I can do this"
Game Development with Threejs
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
22 min
Game Development with Threejs
Let's talk about threejs, react three fiber and how to start developing games using 3d libraries and physics engines.
Creating Custom CAD Tools on the Web with ThreeJS
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
8 min
Creating Custom CAD Tools on the Web with ThreeJS
3d content creation tools don't have to be complex- sometimes what you need is a special-purpose tool that solves a specific problem and gives you exactly the model you need. Building such tools using modern web technologies is easier than you think. In this talk, we'll walk through the basics of writing a custom web-based tool that can export 3d models.
Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
20 min
Scaling React-Three-Fiber Applications beyond the Hello World
A lot of recent talks at other conferences have talked about how to start using React and THREE.js to create 3D experiences on the web. In my career I've built several complex applications using those technologies, including a big Figma-like 3D editor, and I've learnt a lot of patterns and tricks on how to make it actually fast and scalable. Unfortunately, though, nobody is also talking about those tricks an what it really takes to build an rendering engine similar to the one that Figma uses.
My goal with this talk is to give people an overview of the challenges that may arise when you try scaling your application, and what are some lesser known tricks to overcome them: instancing, memory usage reduction techniques, SDF-based text rendering, GPGPU and tree data structures. Everything of course done with Javascript, React and THREE.js.
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
36 min
Build a 3D Solar System with Hand Recognition and Three.js
Top Content
We live in exciting times. Frameworks like TensorFlowJS allow us to harness the power of AI models in the browser, while others like Three.js allow us to easily create 3D worlds. In this talk we will see how we can combine both, to build a full solar system, in our browser, using nothing but hand gestures!
Making “Bite-Sized” Web Games with GameSnacks
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Making “Bite-Sized” Web Games with GameSnacks
Top Content
One of the great strengths of gaming on the web is how easily accessible it can be. However, this key advantage is often negated large assets and long load times, especially on slow mobile connections. In this talk, Alex Hawker from Google’s GameSnacks will illustrate how they are tackling this problem and some key learnings the team found while optimizing third party games and designing their own ultra-lightweight game engine.