
Cypress is an open-source testing framework specifically designed for testing modern JavaScript applications. It allows you to write end-to-end tests that are fast, easy to maintain, and reliable. Cypress provides a powerful yet simple API for writing integration tests as well as unit tests. It also supports mocking of requests, automatic waiting for elements to appear on the page, and other features that make it easier to test your application.
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines
What would you do differently if you could travel back in time? Modern testing frameworks have transformed this whimsical question into a practical one, by creating their own “time machines”.Cypress’ timeline, Playwright’s trace-viewer and Replay.io’s recordings have offered a retrospective look into the life of a test, ensuring that developers and testers are no longer limited to basic error messages on test failures.However, these different time machines will bring different insights. So how do you decide? The decision on which one to use can make a significant difference in time spent on debugging a flaky test.In this presentation I will be focusing on comparing different time machine solutions and showing various flaky test examples to demonstrate how to navigate through debugging process and believe it or not - make it fun.Key Takeaways:- learn about how different time machine solutions work- discover how to effectively use time machines to debug a flaky test- find out about sources of flakiness within the test and within the application under test
Tiny Tests, Large Results
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Tiny Tests, Large Results
Yes, Big things do come in small packages. For example, isn’t a unit test’s speed, feedback, and reliability fantastic? Did you know we can also have fast, focused, and reliable feedback from our functional e2e tests? Atomic e2e tests are those that are targeted and focused. They’re tiny in size but large in their impact. This tutorial will teach you how to create atomic e2e tests with several code examples. First, we will use Cypress.io to authenticate by setting a cookie. Instead of using a UI. Second, we will use Cypress.io to set a JSON Web Token for authentication. Join me, and let’s write tiny tests for large results.
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
27 min
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
Top Content
Cypress has taken the world by storm by brining an easy to use tool for end to end testing. It’s capabilities have proven to be be useful for creating stable tests for frontend applications. But end to end testing is just a small part of testing efforts. What about your API? What about your components? Well, in my talk I would like to show you how we can start with end-to-end tests, go deeper with component testing and then move up to testing our API, circ
Network Requests with Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
33 min
Network Requests with Cypress
Top Content
Whether you're testing your UI or API, Cypress gives you all the tools needed to work with and manage network requests. This intermediate-level task demonstrates how to use the cy.request and cy.intercept commands to execute, spy on, and stub network requests while testing your application in the browser. Learn how the commands work as well as use cases for each, including best practices for testing and mocking your network requests.
From Good to Great: Elevate Testing with Cypress Contract Tests
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
19 min
From Good to Great: Elevate Testing with Cypress Contract Tests
Discover the power of Cypress Contract Tests, a cutting-edge approach that takes your testing to new heights. In this presentation, we'll explore the concept of contract testing and how it ensures seamless communication between microservices. Then, we'll delve into the game-changing capabilities of Cypress, showcasing its unmatched potential to elevate your testing practices from good to great. Join us for insights, best practices, and real-world examples on how to integrate Cypress Contract Tests into your existing workflows, and revolutionize your testing strategy.
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
25 min
Cypress Component Testing vs React Testing Library
CCT vs RTL talks about the similarities between the tools, the differences, compares the ways of doing the same things with the tools, and finally gives a developer experience comparison demo.
Visual Regression with Puppeteer, Playwright and Cypress
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
9 min
Visual Regression with Puppeteer, Playwright and Cypress
Top Content
Visual Regression tests components via screenshot matching. I'll show how you do that in three different libraries/frameworks. Additionally, I will use Storybook to extract the components from your SPA choice.
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
23 min
Gaining Confidence with Cypress Tests
Have you ever wanted to refactor mercilessly but didn't want to break the fragile tower? Or have you ever pushed to production only to spend the next few days cleaning up the regressions? You need end-to-end tests, and Cypress is a great, fast way to build them. With a simple JavaScript or TypeScript interface, you can automate browsers to hit those critical functions in your app to prove it works as expected -- this time and every time. Join us to dive into building Cypress tests and leave with confidence to refactor your way to greatness.
I See What is Going on: Visual Testing for Your Components
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
35 min
I See What is Going on: Visual Testing for Your Components
Many modern web frameworks use components as their building blocks.
In this talk, I will show component testing using Cypress - and I mean "show" literally. You will see the component running inside a real browser, you will interact with the component like a real user, and you can debug the component using the real browser's DevTools. Finally, I will go through the current open source and commercial options for visually testing the component's styles and rendering.
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
In this talk, I will discuss the common mistakes developers make when writing Cypress tests and how to avoid them. We will discuss tests that are too short, tests that hardcode data, tests that race against the application, and other mistakes. I believe this presentation will be useful to anyone writing E2E tests using JavaScript.