Vasilika Klimova

Vasilika Klimova

Developer Relations Engineer at Kadena. With 14 years of diverse Software Engineering experience spanning Frontend, Fullstack, 3D, and blockchain. Love smooth UIs with clear infographics and mind-blowing 3D effects. As an active community member, Vasilika organized meetups, conferences and currently co-organizing LuxembourgJS events. Recognized as a Google Developer Expert, she is also taught at various web schools. Beyond tech, Vasilika passionate about traveling, diving, gaming, cinema, and animals. She also enjoys collecting children's books from around the world and cute Christmas tree decorations.
Let's Expand the Reality!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
12 min
Let's Expand the Reality!
How long have we been watching movies about reality and how exciting it looks! You may not have noticed, but virtual reality is already in our lives, even in our browsers. There are more and more ways to apply these technologies. Let's take a look at VR and AR and see how they look in real life.