Decomposing Monolith NestJS API into GRPC Microservices

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The workshop focuses on concepts, algorithms, and practices to decompose a monolithic application into GRPC microservices. It overviews architecture principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices. It covers the theory of the GRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated TypeScript services in the Node.js stack. The workshop includes a live use case demo of decomposing an API application into a set of microservices. It fits the best architects, tech leads, and developers who want to learn microservices patterns.

Level: Advanced

Patterns: DDD, Microservices

Technologies: GRPC, Protocol Buffers, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Turborepo

Example structure: monorepo configuration, packages configuration, common utilities, demo service

Practical exercise: refactor monolith app

Alex Korzhikov
Alex Korzhikov
119 min
18 Apr, 2023


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Video transcription, chapters and summary available for users with access.

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