The Art of Influence: Empowering Developers' Team Collaboration

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In the field of software development, collaboration is key. Yet, many developers find themselves working in teams without ever being taught how to effectively express their opinions and ethically influence their colleagues to align with their vision and goals.

In this practical and enlightening session, we delve into the science of influence. By understanding the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business, we explore the psychological triggers that drive human behavior. Participants will learn how to communicate considerately yet persuasively, inspire cooperation, and foster a culture of collaboration within their team.

Whether you're leading a project, seeking buy-in from stakeholders, or simply aiming to improve team dynamics, mastering the art of influence can lead to smoother workflows, better decision-making, and ultimately, greater success. This session will share proven practical strategies and techniques for harnessing the power of influence to create a more productive and harmonious work environment.

Lirone Glikman
Lirone Glikman
10 min
14 Jul, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

You are all influencers already in your teams and in your companies. If we learn how to master this skill, you can really achieve what you want. Collaboration is key to successful software development. Shift your thinking from old thinking to growth thinking. Effective collaboration requires more than just technical skills.

1. Introduction to Influence

Short description:

You are all influencers already in your teams and in your companies. If we learn how to master this skill, you can really achieve what you want. Learning how to communicate better and influence will help you succeed, get promoted, have a sense of belonging, and enjoy your work.

I'm liran glikman and i have about seven minutes to share the rest of the talk. So, the reason I say this is because, newsflash, guys, you are all influencers. You are all influencers already in your teams and in your companies. We all influence the people. But if we learn how to master this skill, you can really achieve what you want. And why do you work? Why do you do what you do? Because you want to maybe get promoted, right? You want to succeed? You want to have a sense of belonging? You want to enjoy? You spend so much time at work? And if you will learn how to communicate better and how to influence for this matter, you will definitely get all of these and more.

2. Overcoming Communication Challenges

Short description:

I am liran glikman. I work with tech companies, helping teams communicate better and teaching startups to expand globally. Collaboration is key to successful software development. Different perspectives, roles, communication styles, and priorities can cause challenges. Struggles to get team buy-in, endless debates, wasted time, and cross-functional team issues. Let me tell you what to do.

So, a bit about me. I am liran glikman. As you can see, I'm doing a lot of stuff that I have built the specialty of networking and personal branding and business development in the past decade and more. I work with tech companies and I basically help the teams to communicate better and I also teach startups, help them to expand globally. I'm an advisor to the United Nations Committee. But what you really have to know about me is that I love yoga and whiskey. Which one of you love yoga? Raise your hands. Good. And whiskey? Only Irish. I mean, sorry, Scottish. Sorry. Only the Scottish. Good. Belvini. Fantastic. So that's what you need to know about myself.

So, guys, collaboration is a key to communication in any successful software development cycle. And you all know, right, what gets in the way of the collaboration could be different perspectives of your teams or the people that you work with, different roles that everybody's saying something else and can get you confused, communication styles. Some people are more technical, more emotional, more just don't speak. And priorities. What your priorities is not always your colleagues' priorities which these ones and more make a lot of troubles when it comes to getting things done.

Now, challenging situation can be and I'm sure you've experienced these and more. You know that you have the right way, you know that this is how things should be done, but you struggle to get your team to buy into it. Some challenges that you probably experience are a discussion devolved into a never-ending cycle of debates and disagreements. These are kind of the hard cases, I would say. Feeling like time is being wasted because you couldn't reach an agreement. Right? Like time, resources, energy. And cross-functional teams. Working with different teams from the company also can lead to disagreement and miscommunication. So what do you do? Let me tell you.