#machine learning

Machine Learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that enables computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. It involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to identify patterns in large datasets and make predictions or decisions based on them. In JavaScript, Machine Learning can be used for tasks such as natural language processing, image recognition, and predictive analytics.
Let AI Be Your Docs
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
69 min
Let AI Be Your Docs
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
Join our dynamic workshop to craft an AI-powered documentation portal. Learn to integrate OpenAI's ChatGPT with Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, and cutting-edge tech to deliver instant code solutions and summaries. This hands-on session will equip you with the knowledge to revolutionize how users interact with documentation, turning tedious searches into efficient, intelligent discovery.
Key Takeaways:
- Practical experience in creating an AI-driven documentation site.- Understanding the integration of AI into user experiences.- Hands-on skills with the latest web development technologies.- Strategies for deploying and maintaining intelligent documentation resources.
Table of contents:- Introduction to AI in Documentation- Setting Up the Environment- Building the Documentation Structure- Integrating ChatGPT for Interactive Docs
Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
48 min
Can LLMs Learn? Let’s Customize an LLM to Chat With Your Own Data
Andreia Ocanoaia
Andreia Ocanoaia
Feeling the limitations of LLMs? They can be creative, but sometimes lack accuracy or rely on outdated information. In this workshop, we’ll break down the process of building and easily deploying a Retrieval-Augmented Generation system. This approach enables you to leverage the power of LLMs with the added benefit of factual accuracy and up-to-date information.
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
108 min
Leveraging LLMs to Build Intuitive AI Experiences With JavaScript
Roy Derks
Shivay Lamba
2 authors
Today every developer is using LLMs in different forms and shapes, from ChatGPT to code assistants like GitHub CoPilot. Following this, lots of products have introduced embedded AI capabilities, and in this workshop we will make LLMs understandable for web developers. And we'll get into coding your own AI-driven application. No prior experience in working with LLMs or machine learning is needed. Instead, we'll use web technologies such as JavaScript, React which you already know and love while also learning about some new libraries like OpenAI, Transformers.js
Introduction to Machine Learning on the Cloud
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
146 min
Introduction to Machine Learning on the Cloud
Dmitry Soshnikov
Dmitry Soshnikov
This workshop will be both a gentle introduction to Machine Learning, and a practical exercise of using the cloud to train simple and not-so-simple machine learning models. We will start with using Automatic ML to train the model to predict survival on Titanic, and then move to more complex machine learning tasks such as hyperparameter optimization and scheduling series of experiments on the compute cluster. Finally, I will show how Azure Machine Learning can be used to generate artificial paintings using Generative Adversarial Networks, and how to train language question-answering model on COVID papers to answer COVID-related questions.
Hands on with TensorFlow.js
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
160 min
Hands on with TensorFlow.js
Jason Mayes
Jason Mayes
Come check out our workshop which will walk you through 3 common journeys when using TensorFlow.js. We will start with demonstrating how to use one of our pre-made models - super easy to use JS classes to get you working with ML fast. We will then look into how to retrain one of these models in minutes using in browser transfer learning via Teachable Machine and how that can be then used on your own custom website, and finally end with a hello world of writing your own model code from scratch to make a simple linear regression to predict fictional house prices based on their square footage.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Machine Learning Engineering Galaxy
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
112 min
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Machine Learning Engineering Galaxy
Alyona Galyeva
Alyona Galyeva
Are you a Software Engineer who got tasked to deploy a machine learning or deep learning model for the first time in your life? Are you wondering what steps to take and how AI-powered software is different from traditional software? Then it is the right workshop to attend.
The internet offers thousands of articles and free of charge courses, showing how it is easy to train and deploy a simple AI model. At the same time in reality it is difficult to integrate a real model into the current infrastructure, debug, test, deploy, and monitor it properly. In this workshop, I will guide you through this process sharing tips, tricks, and favorite open source tools that will make your life much easier. So, at the end of the workshop, you will know where to start your deployment journey, what tools to use, and what questions to ask.