April 7 - 8, 2022
JS GameDev Summit

JS GameDev Summit 2022

All Stars GameDev and Graphics on the Web

JS GameDev Summit is a 2-day online event for engineers, technical artists, creative developers who develop games and graphics heavy application with Web technology. Get the latest updates from graphics engines crews, game development case studies and best practices and much more.

How to make amazing generative art with simple JavaScript code
165 min
How to make amazing generative art with simple JavaScript code
Top Content
Frank Force
Frank Force
Instead of manually drawing each image like traditional art, generative artists write programs that are capable of producing a variety of results. In this workshop you will learn how to create incredible generative art using only a web browser and text editor. Starting with basic concepts and building towards advanced theory, we will cover everything you need to know.
PlayCanvas End-to-End : the quick version
121 min
PlayCanvas End-to-End : the quick version
Top Content
João Ruschel
João Ruschel
In this workshop, we’ll build a complete game using the PlayCanvas engine while learning the best practices for project management. From development to publishing, we’ll cover the most crucial features such as asset management, scripting, audio, debugging, and much more.
Introduction to WebXR with Babylon.js
86 min
Introduction to WebXR with Babylon.js
Gustavo Cordido
Gustavo Cordido
In this workshop, we'll introduce you to the core concepts of building Mixed Reality experiences with WebXR and Balon.js.
You'll learn the following:- How to add 3D mesh objects and buttons to a scene- How to use procedural textures- How to add actions to objects- How to take advantage of the default Cross Reality (XR) experience- How to add physics to a scene
For the first project in this workshop, you'll create an interactive Mixed Reality experience that'll display basketball player stats to fans and coaches. For the second project in this workshop, you'll create a voice activated WebXR app using Balon.js and Azure Speech-to-Text. You'll then deploy the web app using Static Website Hosting provided Azure Blob Storage.