Art & Entropy: Introducing Chaos to Your Frontend

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Chaos Engineering is a current trend which involves studying the behavior of a system in the face of external events that are often unlikely, but in this case provoked (server or load-balancer crash, loss of DNS, etc.).

The disorder thus generated provides a wealth of information on how our systems work, enabling us to improve their robustness.

But strangely enough, all the books, talks and tutorials on Chaos Engineering overlook an important component of our systems. And yet, if there's one area where unpredictability, inconsistency and the need for resilience are central concerns, it's the frontend.

💥Chaos, frontend, and Japanese ancestral art 👘: 3 notions that at first glance have nothing in common, but which together open up new perspectives in the development of our applications.

Thibaud Courtoison
Thibaud Courtoison
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.