#graphql mesh

GraphQL Mesh is a library that allows developers to connect and query data from multiple GraphQL sources in a unified way. It simplifies the process of connecting to different GraphQL endpoints, resolving conflicts between them, and merging their results into a single response. This makes it easier for developers to access data from multiple sources within one application, without needing to manually write complex resolvers or manage multiple connections.
Tanmai Gopal
Tanmai Gopal
Talk: Evaluating GraphQL for Setting Up an Enterprise-Grade Data Mesh
Uri Goldshtein
Uri Goldshtein
The Guild
Talk: GraphQL Mesh – Query Anything, Run Anywhere, From a fully featured Apollo Server into no-code GraphQL Mesh with the same functionality, GraphQL Anywhere - Our Journey With GraphQL Mesh and Schema Stitching
Robert Hostlowsky
Robert Hostlowsky
Talk: Performance Monitoring of a Heterogeneous GraphQL Mesh App