Pramod Shenoy

Pramod Shenoy

Pramod Shenoy is currently working as a Solutions Architect at Cloudinary. His interests align with his 8 years of experience at Akamai and Catchpoint in web performance and optimization, CDNs and monitoring digital experiences. Outside of work Pramod likes to hike, read blogs on tech, sports and stock markets.
Faster media = faster websites
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
90 min
Faster media = faster websites
As eCommerce all around the world has shifted to a predominantly online-first platform the need to provide a high performance website to your users has significantly increased. And on top of that, google has announced that as of May 2021 Core Web Vitals will have a direct impact on page rankings and SEO making web performance even more significant. Come learn the basics of web performance and how it relates to media. Using a simple React based ecommerce app in conjunction with a media optimizing product, you can learn how to deliver the optimal format and fidelity, potentially improving your page rankings.