Adron Hall

Adron Hall

Adron has a wide range of companies, programming, and database experience. This includes companies ranging from small startups to 200k plus person enterprises and the respective challenges of design and architecture for these companies. In programming, Adron is fluent in C#, JavaScript, and Go, with experience in F#, Java, C++, Erlang, COBOL, and others, for a truly polyglot perspective of language approaches and their technology stacks. But, I get super frustrated writing in the third person for various reasons. So I like to think of me as jovial, proactive, test & code, code & test, get things done well, software architect, engineer, code monkey, coder, and distributed systems advocate. I go by the title of “Coder, Messenger, Recon” as it seems to encompass what I do.
GraphQL GalaxyGraphQL Galaxy
React SummitReact Summit