Tiny Game Live Coding Workshop

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Dive into the captivating world of micro-game development with Frank Force in this interactive live coding workshop. Tailored for both seasoned developers and curious newcomers, this session explores the unique challenges and joys of creating games and demos with extreme size constraints.


The main focus of the workshop is to help participants by answering questions, demonstrating coding techniques in real-time, and experimenting with different coding ideas, particularly in JavaScript and game development.

Participants can interact by typing their questions into the Zoom chat, which is monitored throughout the workshop to address any queries or provide further explanations.

The projects discussed include creating stylized landscape scenes, experimenting with 3D vase designs, developing mini games like a baseball game and a Frogger-style game, and exploring quantum effects and Starfield.

The workshop explores various programming techniques including 3D ray marching, creating glitchy effects, JavaScript code compression, and the use of the Canvas API for graphics rendering.

Yes, the workshop mentions using platforms and tools such as Twitter for releasing games, the CapJS editor for better code editing capabilities, and a new version of the Twitter interface that supports syntax highlighting and code compression.

Support includes real-time assistance during the workshop where participants can ask questions at any point, and the presenter helps by answering these questions, debugging code live, or experimenting with new ideas suggested by participants.

Code demonstrations and experiments are conducted live, allowing for dynamic exploration of ideas such as vase creation and game development, with immediate feedback and adjustments based on the workshop interactions.

Frank Force
Frank Force
115 min
03 Oct, 2023


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Video transcription, chapters and summary available for users with access.