Build React-like apps for internal tooling 10x faster with Retool

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Most businesses have to build custom software and bespoke interfaces to their data in order to power internal processes like user trial extensions, refunds, inventory management, user administration, etc. These applications have unique requirements and often, solving the problem quickly is more important than appearance. Retool makes it easy for js developers to rapidly build React-like apps for internal tools using prebuilt API and database interfaces as well as reusable UI components. In this workshop, we’ll walk through how some of the fastest growing businesses are doing internal tooling and build out some simple apps to explain how Retool works off of your existing JavaScript and ReactJS knowledge to enable rapid tool building.


A free trial account

Some minimal JavaScript and SQL/NoSQL database experience

Retool useful link:


Retool is a platform designed to help engineers create valuable software quickly, often in the form of internal tools. It was created to address the need for rapid development of internal tools, which are crucial for automating and enhancing operational tasks within organizations. Retool features a drag-and-drop interface, pre-built API and database connectors, and the ability to write JavaScript or SQL across the app, which collectively save a significant amount of development time.

Common types of internal tools built with Retool include admin panels, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interfaces, and custom internal apps. These tools are typically used for tasks like revenue forecasting, contract renewals, managing cohorts and vendors, customer support, and inventory management.

Yes, Retool can connect to external databases and APIs. It provides various pre-built connectors for databases and API-based services, allowing users to easily integrate and manipulate external data sources within their internal tools.

JavaScript can be used extensively within Retool applications to add functionality and logic. Users can write JavaScript directly in the app, use it to manipulate data, handle events, and interact with UI components. Retool also allows for importing external JavaScript libraries to extend the functionality of the tools being built.

Yes, Retool allows users to create their own custom React components, or modules, which can be reused across different parts of their applications. This feature enables developers to build highly customized and complex internal tools tailored to specific business needs.

Retool supports basic responsiveness out of the box and allows developers to customize the styling of their applications using CSS. Users can modify the look and feel of their internal tools to match company branding or to improve usability.

Yes, Retool applications can be deployed internally within an organization. Users can choose to run Retool on-premise, using their own infrastructure, which ensures that all data and interactions remain within the company's private network.

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
86 min
16 Jun, 2021


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