Ben Michel

Ben Michel

Ben cares about enabling developers, and supporting open source projects that push the Web forward (OpenJS Foundation, Node.js, tc39, Unicode Consortium). As a Technical Evangelist at DataDog, he’s helping devs create delightful experiences by using real user monitoring, and distributed synthetic testing. Ben has also led JavaScript meetups over the years (PDXNode, WebAudioPDX), and occasionally produces music.
Shipping High Performance React Apps with Datadog and Real User Monitoring
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
87 min
Shipping High Performance React Apps with Datadog and Real User Monitoring
The way you observe your Web App’s performance over time can make or break the experience of your users. Fortunately, you can continually stay informed about the health of every delta in your UX using Real User Monitoring, and immediately identify any issues that are holding your current users back. With it, you can manage optimizing how long it takes for users to load your App on mobile, round trip times for asset fetching, the average latency between user actions and component updates, and more ( adding a small block of code in the right place). In this workshop you’ll learn how to leverage Real User Monitoring in order to track and resolve the issues that prevent your App’s greater adoption, and retention. We’ll discuss how to think about performance from the user perspective, gauge what metrics are important to monitor continuously, and define a good strategy for alleviating the latencies and issues that affect your users most.