5 Steps to Developer Better Mental Health

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Attend in-person workshop on Jun 14, 11:00
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Mental health has taken a back seat in the software engineering industry for years.

It’s not often prioritised by our employers and unfortunately, we often neglect it ourselves…

With so many external factors outside of our control, it’s important to focus on what we can control…

After 24 years in software engineering, improving mental health in our industry is now my primary mission.

Mental health impact us all in different ways.

Better mental health starts by understanding what it means to you and then using tools to incrementally improve it.

This workshop aims to help you on both accounts.

We’ll cover:

Step 1 - Your Thinking

Step 2 - Your Beliefs

Step 3 - Your Values

Step 4 - Your Physical Health

Step 5 - Your Mental Health

There’ll be education and discussion on each of the 5 steps and we’ll use practical exercises to help you build a picture of what mental health means to you and a pathway to move it towards how you’d like it to be.

14 Jun, 2024
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.