Pablo Postigo

Pablo Postigo

Software Engineer, entrepreneur and foodie. Born and raised in Madrid, Spain. Pablo and his team are on a mission to make building delightful user experiences universally accessible. He founded Frontity in 2015, has raised 1.5M€ in funding and since June 2019, Frontity became a 100% open-source project after releasing their framework for building lighting sites using React and WordPress.
Building React frontends for WordPress
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
Building React frontends for WordPress
In this talk, Pablo Postigo, co-Founder and CEO of Frontity, will give an introduction to the basics of Frontity Framework and talk about the main challenges when developing a React front-end for a headless WordPress site. In addition, he will share his insight on the future of JavaScript in the WordPress ecosystem and the story behind Frontity.