Network Requests with Cypress

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Whether you're testing your UI or API, Cypress gives you all the tools needed to work with and manage network requests. This intermediate-level task demonstrates how to use the cy.request and cy.intercept commands to execute, spy on, and stub network requests while testing your application in the browser. Learn how the commands work as well as use cases for each, including best practices for testing and mocking your network requests.

Cecelia Martinez
Cecelia Martinez
33 min
18 Nov, 2021

Video Summary and Transcription

Cecilia Martinez, a technical account manager at Cypress, discusses network requests in Cypress and demonstrates commands like cydot request and SCI.INTERCEPT. She also explains dynamic matching and aliasing, network stubbing, and the pros and cons of using real server responses versus stubbing. The talk covers logging request responses, testing front-end and backend API, handling list length and DOM traversal, lazy loading, and provides resources for beginners to learn Cypress.

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1. Introduction to Network Requests with Cypress

Short description:

Hello, I'm Cecilia Martinez, a technical account manager at Cypress. Today, I'll talk about network requests with Cypress. Cypress is an open-source framework for writing and executing tests in a browser. It provides a graphical user interface with a command log that displays network requests made during tests. You can also interact with network requests using the cydot request and cydot intercept commands. I'll be using code from the Cypress real world app, an open-source payment application, to demonstrate these commands.

Hello, I'm Cecilia Martinez, and I'm a technical account manager at Cypress. And I'm really excited to be here today to talk to you about network requests with Cypress. I've made the slides for the presentation available at the URL on the screen, and you can connect with me on Twitter at Cecilia Creates.

So, for those of you who aren't familiar with Cypress, it is a free open-source framework that allows you to write and execute tests for any application that runs in a browser. Cypress does execute tests against your application inside a real browser. You can see on the screen here a representation of our graphical user interface when you're running your tests locally. So, the application under test is on the right-hand side in the app preview. And then on the left-hand side, we have what's called our command log, which as it sounds like is a log of all the commands that your test code is executing against your application. This gives us some good information about network requests that are happening inside your application as the tests are progressing. So, you can view network requests as they occur in the command log. Here in the screenshot, we can see that after our test code has clicked an element that a post request occurred. We can see the status code, we can see the endpoint, as well as how we may or may not be interacting with that request via our test code. We can also click on any request in the command log to output it to the console. This gives you some additional helpful information like request headers, response body, which can be useful when you're troubleshooting or debugging failed tests, or trying to better understand what's happening with the network requests from your application.

So, in addition to viewing network requests within the Cypress test runner, you can also interact with them. So, we're going to be talking about two commands today that allow you to work with network requests within your Cypress tests. The first is cydot request, which executes HTTP requests. And the second is cydot intercept, which allows you to interact with network requests. For demonstration purposes today, I'll be using some code from the Cypress real world app. The Cypress real world app is a great resource. It was developed by our Developer Experience team. It's a full stack React application that showcases best practices, use cases, and then essentially all the different things that you can do with Cypress. So, it is open source. So, if you go to the github link on the screen, you can view the source code as well as a full suite of UI and API tests for the application. It's a Venmo-style payment application. So, you're dealing with things like users, transactions, bank accounts, and a lot of very familiar UI components.

2. Introduction to cydot request

Short description:

cydot request is a command in Cypress that allows you to send HTTP requests from your test code. It's commonly used for API testing, where you can validate responses from server endpoints. You can also use it to retrieve, create, or update data for testing purposes. Additionally, you can use it to validate endpoints before proceeding with your test.

All right. So, we can get started with cydot request. So, as I mentioned, cydot request sends an HTTP request from your test code. This is separate from the functionality of your application. It's similar to how you may send an HTTP request from a cURL or postman. So, the syntax is cydot request. At minimum, you do have to pass through the URL of the endpoint where you're making the request. You can also pass through the method, a specified body, and then additional options for the request.

So, why would you use cydot request? The most popular use case is actually for API testing. Cypress, while it's mostly known for UI and end-to-end tests, you can also use the cydot request command, along with the same assertion language that you're familiar with, in order to validate responses coming back from your server endpoints. So, in the example here, this is coming directly from the API test suite in our Cypress real-world app. We are validating a GET request to our bank account's endpoint, and the block for the test is that it gets a list of bank accounts for a user. So, in this case, we're using cydot request on line 4 in order to make a GET request to that endpoint. And then, we are grabbing the response and we're making assertions against it. So, we're expecting that that response status will equal 200. And we're expecting that the response body will contain the user ID in the results. So, again, you can leverage the same Cypress syntax that you're used to for API testing alongside your UI test suite. You can also use it to retrieve, create, or update data for testing.

So, test data management is a really popular topic when it comes to testing, especially when you're doing end-to-end tests. And so, if you need to retrieve data from an endpoint, such as a username or password to log in, or if you need to create a transaction or create something in your application in order to test it, rather than doing it programmatically, you can use a signed request call in order to do that via your API. You can also use it to validate endpoints before proceeding with your test. So if you have maybe like an unreliable endpoint or backend that might be slower or down, or if you're using a third-party service or micro service and you just want to ensure that everything is all set before proceeding with your test, you can fire off a sign-out request, validate that its response status is 200, that it's good to go, and then go ahead and proceed with the test that requires that endpoint.

3. Introduction to SCI.INTERCEPT

Short description:

SCI.INTERCEPT is a powerful and flexible command in Cypress that allows you to intercept and observe HTTP requests made by your application. You can declare a spy with sci.intercept, specifying a URL, method, or route matcher. By aliasing intercepted requests with .as, you can save them for later use. You can also wait for a request to occur using SIDOT wait. This allows for precise control and testing of network requests.

All right, so that was sign-out request, now let's dive into SCI.INTERCEPT. SCI.INTERCEPT is a very powerful, very flexible command. There's lots of things that you can do with it so we have quite a bit to dive into, but first let's talk about how it works.

So this image is from a presentation called How SCI.INTERCEPT Works, and essentially like you can see in the image here, CIFRS routes all HTTP requests through a proxy. So it allows you to essentially literally intercept any requests going in and out of the route from your application, the browser, to the internet. So any requests can be observed or what we call spied on or stubbed and then it also provides you with a route handler that allows for really dynamic or really controlled matching of which requests you'd like to intercept, which we'll be talking about right now.

So first let's dive into network spying. So you can declare a spy with sci.intercept. You want to do this as early in your test code as possible because you want to declare the spy on the network request before the network request happens. So through the sci.intercept command you can pass a URL, a method, or route matcher. If no method is passed then any method type will match. So if you just pass through an end point then cypress will intercept, get request, post request, batch request, whatever it is that takes place at that end point. So this is going to be the syntax that we're going to look at. Like I said you can do a URL, a method, or a route matcher. So let's go ahead and start with just sci.intercept pass an end point. Again any method type will match to that end point. You can also specify the method itself and you can use a route matcher. So route matcher is an object used to match which HTTP requests will be handled. So it's kind of like a mix and match grab of different optional properties that you can leverage in order to be really really granular around which requests that you'd like to intercept. So in our example here we are leveraging the URL and the query properties in order to say we only want to intercept requests to this URL that have a query property that matches the expected term. And so that again you can see that how you can be very very specific by leveraging whichever properties that you need that give you the specificity that you're looking for.

So once you've declared an intercept, you want to be able to leverage it and you do that by aliasing it with .as. So it allows you to save the intercepted requests to use throughout your test code. So what that looks like is so in the example that we just talked about we have set intercept we're passing through our route matcher and we're saying any network request that matches this route that matches this criteria. We want to save that and we want to give it a name of search. So now we will have essentially this aliased route this alias request called search that we can leverage throughout our test code. A common use case for that is waiting so you can wait for a request to occur with SIDOT wait. So after you declare the intercept and after you've given an alias then you can use SIDOT wait to wait for that request to occur anywhere in your test code. So in this example here we have SIDOT intercept we're saying any get request to our users endpoint please intercept that and save it as get users. Then anywhere in our test code, you know we can trigger something, click on some elements, have a grand old time, and then we can wait and say SIDOT wait at get users.

4. Dynamic Matching and Aliasing in Cypress

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And that's going to wait for that request to occur for real from our application before proceeding with the test code. The Cypress intercept command has some additional methods that are made available via the API, such as REC.alias. This allows you to alias a route only if it matches the criteria that you're programmatically defining. For example, you can alias a request as GraphQL list bank account query if the request body includes the query property with the value list bank account. Once you've defined your intercept, you can make assertions about it using chain style or the dot then method to access the interception properties.

And that's going to wait for that request to occur for real from our application before proceeding with the test code.

All right so the examples that we talked about so far are essentially static matching right. So it's very it's criteria that you've established in advance when you're defining that route. You can also do dynamic matching. So this is really useful specifically for aliasing GraphQL requests.

So the Cypress intercept command has some additional methods that are made available via the API. So REC by passing that REC option through to SIDOT intercept, it gives us access to those API commands. One of them is REC.alias. So REC.alias kind of replaces dot as to allow you to alias a route only if it matches the criteria that you're programmatically defining.

So let's take a look at what I mean. In our example, we're saying SIDOT intercept, please intercept any post request to our API GraphQL endpoint. If you're familiar with GraphQL, you have typically have a single endpoint with lots of that handles lots of different types of queries and mutations. So in this case, we're going to pass through that REC property in order to access some API options. So that we can do a little bit of programmatic interception here. So we're going to go ahead and grab the body of any of those requests. We're going to define that and we're going to say if the body has a query property and that query property includes list bank account, then, and only then, we do want to go ahead and alias that request as GraphQL list bank account query. So this allows us to again, dynamically grab a request, say, hey, does this request actually have what we need? Yes. Okay, great. Now I'm going to go ahead and name that. And again, that's happening at the time of request because, you know, that's essentially we're grabbing a request that's taking place, we're parsing through the body, seeing if it matches what we need to match. And then we're going to go ahead and alias that. So again, really, really useful for GraphQL request specifically.

So once you've defined your intercept, you've given it a name, you've waited for it. One of the most common use cases and then you can also make assertions about it, right? So you can use do that the same kind of similar way that we did for API requests. So in this example, we're going to go ahead and still use our get users endpoint that we've interception that we've declared. We're going to go ahead and wait for it. And then we're going to do some assertions on it. So we can either use chain style where we're saying it's request that URL should include users. This can be certain things that are available for it, like request up body requests out status that you can just chain directly off of, or you can use a dot then, and then grab the interception in order to access any of the lower level interception properties. So that would be the request, the response, the headers, status, everything that you could possibly need.

5. Network Requests and Stubbing

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You can validate the behavior of your application by using expect assertion syntax on requests and responses. You can also wait for multiple requests and use the same alias to handle different responses. Network stubbing allows you to bypass the real network response and provide a different one. Cypress offers various options for stubbing, such as using fixture files, providing a JSON body, or creating a response with specific properties. You can also dynamically stub responses using the rect.reply method and pass a string, object, or static response. This allows for flexible testing and handling of network requests.

And then you can use that same expect assertion syntax to make sure that the request that went out or the response that came back was actually what it should have been to validate the behavior of your application. And then last but not least, you can also wait for multiple requests. So for example, are you still using our get users route? You know, maybe the first time it goes through, it should include user one, but then we have some additional test code or creating another user. And then the second time it goes through, which include user two. So we're using the same alias, but we're waiting for the request to occur multiple times because it could be different each time.

All right. So that was network requests. Again, we talked about intercepting, aliasing, waiting, and then making assertions on requests going to and from your application. Now let's talk about network stubbing. So network stubbing allows you to essentially bypass the real response of your network and say, give it something else instead. It allows you to essentially trick the UI or the front end of your application. So you can pass the response body to cy.intercept to stub the actual network response. There's a lot of different options for this. I'm going to go through some of the more popular ones. The first is you can leverage a Cypress fixture file. So Cypress allows you to essentially have static assets that you can pass through in your test code. So in this example here, we're saying cy.intercept, anything that's going to our slash users dot JSON endpoint, go ahead and stub that out using the users dot JSON fixture that we have alongside our test code. You can also stub the response with a JSON body, just one that you've written yourself that should should match whatever the expected response is from the server. And then you can also essentially create a body that leverages certain properties. So if you wanted to define a status code body headers, you can do that with an object as well. Those are all static responses.

Just like how we could dynamically match routes, we can also dynamically stub. So just like we had rect.alias, we have rect.reply, which is another method or function that can be used to send a stubbed response for an intercepted request. You can pass a string, an object, or a static response. A static response is an object type that gives you some additional options if you want to do things like forcing network errors or delaying or throttling the response. But in most cases, it's essentially for everything else, if a string or an object doesn't make sense or if you want some additional options. So in our example here, again, we're intercepting to the billing endpoint. We're going to pass through rect so we have access to those API methods. And then we're going to dynamically get a billing plan name at request time. So again, this is something that we can do dynamically.

6. Dynamic Stubbing and Pros/Cons

Short description:

When you need to dynamically stub responses, you can use the rect.reply function. This allows you to grab data from your UI or validate data before stubbing the response. Multiple requests can be handled and stubbed differently. The most recently defined interceptor will override previous stubs. Network stubbing has pros and cons. Leveraging real server responses guarantees a true end-to-end test, mimicking the production environment. It provides better assurance and confidence in the application's performance. However, it requires stating data.

Like as we're intercepting that request, we then are grabbing the data. And then we're going to reply with that data and stop that response. So this can be, as you can see, there's a lot of different flexible, a lot of flexibility here. But if for, if for some reason you just aren't able to define that information in advance or if you need to grab something from your UI, or if you need to validate data before you stub the response out, you can do that dynamically using the rect.reply function.

So again, the object will automatically be JSON stringified and sent as the response instead of the real server response for that request. You can also handle multiple requests. Same way that you can wait for multiple requests, you can handle multiple requests and stub them out differently. So, as the version 7.0, we have this option and then request handlers supply to Santa intercept will be matched, starting with the most recently defined interceptor. So this allows users to override the previous stub by calling it again. So in our example here, we declared an intercept to our login endpoint. We're stubbing it out with username one, and we're saving that as login. Let's go ahead, then we'll have some test code here, and then we're going to wait for that login request to occur and it should have username one because that's our stubbed response. Then we're declaring the intercept again, this time passing username two. This is going to override that first intercept. Again, we're saving as login again, we're using the same alias. And then this time, after we've done some test code to trigger that response, we're going to go ahead and wait for it again. And this time, it's going to have username two, because that second Cylot intercept has again has overridden the first one. So we're able to stub responses multiple different ways throughout our test code, depending on what we need. Very cool stuff.

All right, so we talked about network stubbing. Let's talk about pros and cons of it. Like, when would you want to do it? When wouldn't you want to do network stubbing? So the first approach is leveraging your real server responses. So this is, you know, a true end to end test. This is, um, not leveraging network stubbing at all, letting all of the real API, all the real server responses come back and going through your test that way. It does guarantee that the contract between your client and your server or your front-end and your back-end is working correctly. So some of the pros, right? It's more likely to work in production. So your test is going to better mimic your actual production environment and then, you know, provide better assurance that your tests are going to work the same way that your application is going to work and that you have more confidence that the user is going to have the experience that they expect. You do get test coverage around server endpoints and it's great for traditional server-side HTML rendering. It gets really hard to stub out a lot of HTML if you aren't using real server responses. There are some cons, right? So it requires stating data.

7. Network Requests and Stubbing

Short description:

If you're using a real back end, it's slower and harder to test edge cases via the UI. Stubbing responses allows control and faster testing. However, stub data may not match actual data, and it's not useful for server-side rendering. The suggestion is to mix and match, with one true end-to-end test for critical paths and stubbing for everything else.

If you're using a real back end, you're going to need real data. It's definitely going to be much slower because you're completing real network requests. You have to wait for the API to respond. It's also harder to test edge cases because you have to force those edge cases via the UI. You have to force those edge cases to occur via the application rather than creating them via stub responses.

So the suggested use is to kind of use it sparingly. It's great for the critical paths of your application when you really need that true end to end coverage.

The next approach is to stub your responses. This essentially enables you to control every aspect of the response. As we saw with SIN and intercepts, you can stub any which way that you like. It's a great way to control the data that is returned to the front end of your application.

Pros, obviously, you get that control. You can force some certain response behavior like network delays. You don't have to worry about code changes to your server. You can even also start testing the front end of your application before the server or the back end is completed. It's also much, much, much, much faster. But obviously, you're not going to have guarantees that your stub data matches the actual data. You're not going to have test coverage on some server endpoints. It's also not as useful for a traditional server-side HTML rendering.

The suggestion here is to mix and match. Have one true end-to-end test for those critical paths, and then everything else stub it out. Give yourself a much faster test week. Give yourself that control that you need.

All right. This has been Network Requests with Cypress. Again, I'm Cecilia Martinez. Thank you so much for your time, and I hope this is helpful for you.

8. Poll Results and Virtual Conferences

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Virtual conferences have made it easy for me to attend more than four tech conferences. Most people have attended one to three conferences, with some attending their first. Being online has opened up opportunities for speakers and different types of events. It's a different experience now.

What a fantastic talk, clearly a very versatile tool. And so before we dive into the Q&A, though, let's bring Cecilia on and have a look at the poll results. Hey, Cecilia. So you asked people how many tech conferences have you attended. Before we look at the results, how many have you attended? Oh, I'm definitely in that more than four category. For me, virtual conferences like this have made it really easy to attend a lot more of them. So I think I've probably lost count at this point, to be honest. And what do you think about the results? Yeah. OK. So most people look like they're in that one to three conferences. Looks like we have quite a few people that it's their first, though, too, which is pretty exciting. We chose a good one in coming here and checking it out. So yeah. Yeah. Looks like we do have some people kind of are in that more than four category as well, but maybe not quite as many. And the same as you, like being online has opened up so many doors for speakers for different types of events. So yeah, I've been to a lot. But it's all different at the moment, isn't it?

9. Logging Request Responses in Cypress

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You can log the request responses using the site outlog command. This allows you to log responses to the Cypress command log and your output. There are various toolings available for logging responses. You can also grab and leverage the responses for documentation and validation purposes.

And I'm not surprised because as from your talk, like this, let's call it a feature can be used for so many things. And so we're going to start with Malcolm. He was asking, how do we log the request responses or can we log the request responses? Yeah, absolutely. So there's a couple of different options, right? So you can use actually the site outlog command that allows you to essentially log that to the cyber command log is if you're looking to log that to your output as well. We have some options there. There's some different various toolings that you can use. You can also always kind of grab those responses and leverage them in different ways. If you needed to, for example, like document them, the output, and to validate that. So beside that log is probably going to be the most user-friendly initial aspect of it, but yeah, there's also some additional options depending on where you want to log those responses to.


Testing Front End and Backend API

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There are different approaches to testing the front end and backend API. It depends on your goals and the context of your project. If you only care about testing the front end functionality, mocking out the backend is a valid approach. If you want to ensure the entire end-to-end functionality, you can combine end-to-end testing, API testing, and mocked front end UI tests. The best approach depends on the risks you're trying to mitigate. When checking that a request wasn't sent, it's challenging to prove something didn't occur. One way is to declare the route and write a custom function to count the occurrences. If the count stays zero, it indicates the request didn't happen. However, if you need to check that something hasn't occurred, it suggests there may be non-deterministic aspects to the test.

So beside that log is probably going to be the most user-friendly initial aspect of it, but yeah, there's also some additional options depending on where you want to log those responses to.

Fantastic. We've got a question from refactor Eric. Is it advisable to test the front end of the entire backend API mopped out, of course, accompanied with a few real end-to-end for the critical user journeys. Yeah, so I think that this goes back to like Lev and Roman's talk earlier about how there's not really a one-size-fits-all approach or a solid good answer either way. It all depends on the context, right, of what you're trying to do. So when I talk to users all the time, I say, what is your goal for that test? And what is your goal for your test sweep and what you're trying to approach? So if you are looking to test the functionality of your front end and you don't care about the backend, then absolutely, it is totally fine to mock out your backend completely. I see that implementation a lot. People are like, you know, we're using microservices in the backend, or it's a completely different team, and we just want to ensure that our piece is functioning properly. If your goal is to ensure that you have the entire end to end working properly, then yes, like I see that approach a lot as well, where you have some critical user flows covered with end to end testing, then you have some separate API testing for the end points that are highly leveraged, that maybe have complex business logic that you want to do some unit testing on and ensure that that's working to cover all the edge cases. And then you have your mocked out front end UI tests as well to ensure that everything looks pretty, maybe throw some visual testing in there to ensure that it's all rendering properly. And so, yeah, that's it's a very valid approach. But again, the answer is always gonna be, it depends, because there's always going to be context around your goals. Yeah, and if I can add on, I think the key thing for me is the word risk. What's the risk that you're trying to mitigate? Is the risk in the UI? Is it the full UI and API? Once you identify where the risk is, it usually answers itself about the best approach. But again, you're showing that Cypress is diverse and you can handle multiple ways. Fantastic! So TesterJS has got another question. Oh, no, sorry. I've missed one out. So Harlow, there are a lot of ways to check that a request has been sent, but there doesn't seem to be a recipe to check that a request wasn't sent. What's the best way to do that in Cypress? So there are ways to do it. So when people ask me like, how can I do this? How do I do that? A lot of times I'll ask them why they're trying to do that, because… That's what I'm thinking, why? Because I can answer your question. Yeah, there's a couple different ways. It's not easy, for sure. It's always hard to prove an untrue or to prove something didn't occur. Right. It's always like, you know, prove this didn't happen. One of the ways that I've seen it is like declaring that route and then you do it, writing a custom function to like set the count, the number of times that it's occurred. If it stays zero, then you can kind of see that it hasn't happened. But really, if you are having a check that something hasn't occurred, then likely there's something really non-deterministic about that test.

Understanding Network Requests and Assertions

Short description:

If a network request happens and it shouldn't happen, it's possible to assert that it hasn't happened. However, it's important to question the use case and understand the purpose behind it. It's common to want to see the responses being sent, especially in mobile testing. Trust in the UI and website is a key consideration. There are many questions to explore in this regard.

And maybe some understanding needs to take place around the requirements of your application and what you're testing against. Because if a network request happens and it shouldn't happen, and you need to just assert that it hasn't happened, I would kind of challenge that use case and understand more about what you're trying to accomplish with that. So technically, it's possible, but really question why you would want to do that.

Awesome. Yeah, couldn't agree more. I've seen it sometimes in like mobile, like you get a lot of, you want to see the kind of responses that are being sent because you kind of, do I trust this UI? Do I trust this website? But yeah, I feel like there's, I agree with you, there's probably a positive that I would want to look at. So why are we concerned that it was sent at some point? There's so many questions to ask. Awesome answer.

Handling List Length and DOM Traversal in Cypress

Short description:

I had a challenge in Cypress to access the length of two lists. Properties like length are only accessible by .them, resulting in a chain of .thems and ifs. Using good selectors and understanding the target element can simplify DOM traversal. Test data management helps with nondeterministic rendering. Consider using .its and .children commands for more flexibility.

So Tester.js, I am back to you now. So some time ago, I had a really big challenge in Cypress to access the length of two lists because properties like length are only accessible by a .them. Hence to access lists from another list, you had to end up with a chain of .thems and then a chain of ifs which is not very clean. It took me a lot of time and I couldn't find a better way to do it, any tips?

That makes no sense to me, I hope it makes sense to you. I guess I probably would want to get a little bit more detailed, but I know that you can also leverage .its to get properties off of a subject. And then the other thing to keep in mind too is if you are trying to get the length of something and then maybe like get into it again, not sure kind of like what the use case would be there. It's kind of hard to understand without seeing the code. But a couple of things that kind of are in my mind, right, is if you're using really good selectors and you're able to tap into whatever that second list is, so to speak, or if you are able to kind of be a little bit deterministic about what you're getting. It sounds like maybe what's happening is somebody is selecting a first list, getting its length in order to understand what element on that list that they need to get and then trying to get another element within it. Maybe it's a little bit tough to understand, like I said. You can definitely use .its. You can also kind of like run, like use like maybe like a .children command in order to kind of see what children are available off of that list and parse it out that way. But I always recommend again, it's kind of like having really good selectors and understanding what element that you're trying to target so you don't have to do as much DOM traversal. That being said, it's not always easy. If you don't have access to the source code, if you, if it's going to be a really nondeterministic rendering, that's where having good test data management comes into play, where you're able to kind of know what's going to be rendered on your application and your test environment and can be more deterministic that way. But I would say take a look at .its and take a look at some of the, like maybe .children if you are having to do a lot of DOM traversal because those would be more flexible for you than .pen. I do, I do understand the question now. I thought lists was like a feature in Cypress. It genuinely means a list on the website. I think that's what he's talking about. Yeah. Oh, they have no idea who they are what they may be talking about.

Handling Lazy Loading and Stubbing in Cypress

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Melad has a question about lazy loading in Cypress. Lazy loading can be handled by scrolling into view or dispatching the action that triggers the component to load. Understanding the application and what triggers the component to load is crucial. It's important to consider the state and whether lazy loading needs to be tested. HTTPS requests and responses can be stubbed, and a general intercept method can be stored as a custom command for use in different tests with variable modifications.

Excellent. Okay, so Melad has our next question and also news for you. They started using Cypress three months ago. They have a problem though when I use it which is I can't handle lazy loading. The only option I know is the wait command but the lazy doesn't load components in the exact amount of time. Do you have any recommendations for handling lazy loading?

Yeah, so this is something that we're seeing increasingly right with kind of modern front-end frameworks that use like leverage lazy loading or for example, sometimes you need to scroll into view in order to trigger it to load. So actually I believe maybe Gleb recently did a blog post or I could talk like a video about this in order to essentially with results that were being dynamically loaded onto the page. And so like with search results, so you would scroll down, wait for it to load, scroll down, wait for it to render. And there's also a couple other things that you can do too. If you're using a front-end store like Vuex or if you're using like Redux, you can kind of tap into your front-end store and essentially force things to trigger to load something. So if you know like what action that gets dispatched in order to render that component, you can go ahead and dispatch that manually the Cypress in order to force that to happen. And then there's also always gonna be essentially asserting that the DOM is ready. And so laser loading can be difficult but if you understand what will trigger the load to that component, then you can really work with that in order to ensure that it's gonna appear on the screen, whether that be a scroll, whether that be a click. Sometimes I've seen people where they'll like, they'll type in the button, but then what they click on doesn't act, isn't actually the element that loads, that fires the event. So they're not just like, they're just kind of not grabbing the right element. So a lot of that is just really understanding your application and what is causing those components to load.

I couldn't agree more. Like understanding the state, once you know the state and also sometimes are you trying to test the lazy loading? Like, can you turn it off? Because sometimes these things are just there to be nice to have, you know, bit of flare, bit of style, but if you're not trying to test the flare in style, turn it off, make your life easy, make it easier to test these applications. That's a really great point, Richard, for sure. It's like, what are you trying to test, right? And if it doesn't need to be tested, then maybe just don't enable that in your test environment. So that's, that's a good point. Exactly. Question from Amanda Law. Hopefully a relatively simple one, I reckon, but can you stub HTTPS requests and responses? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, so that is actually, I think one of the options in that dynamic matching that I mentioned is for HTTPS to only match the secure requests, I believe. Jobs is asking us, is it possible to store a general intercept method and call it throughout different tests with a slight modification to the variables? Yeah, I would recommend something like a custom command for that. So essentially, in Cypress, you can declare custom commands. So I would recommend essentially passing through, like if you want like a certain query parameter and call it like sci.intercept with query and then you can pass through whatever the query parameters are and then have the sci.intercept declared in there. But yeah, absolutely. Excellent.

Beginners Documentation for Cypress

Short description:

Is there beginners documentation for someone new to Cypress? Yeah, so Also, Test Automation University offers Cypress courses. Thank you, Cecilia, for the great talk and Q&A session.

We might have this time for this one more from Malcolm. Is there beginners documentation for someone new to Cypress? Is there beginner documentation for someone new to Cypress? Yeah, so That's how I learned Cypress when I was first starting out, for sure. Also, you know, Test Automation University is a free platform that has a couple of courses on Cypress. They have a beginner course and then one of our Cypress ambassadors just released a more advanced course as well on Test Automation University, so... There's also one on this website. Anyway...

Awesome! Thank you so much, Cecilia. I really enjoyed that talk. Really fantastic answers to the Q&A, so thank you for joining us.

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