November 18 - 21, 2024
JSNation US
NY & Online

JSNation US 2024

JS stars in the US biggest planetarium

Full remote ticket included with Multipass.

Join the Nation`s space program! The conference to get updates from the authors and core teams presenting on the West largest dome screen.

HandsontableWeaviateBryntumPlatformaticCKSourceDescopeCrabNebulaNxJetBrainsStoryblokSentrySonarThe GraphTwilioBloombergIonicHygraph
Wes Bos
Wes Bos Co-host, Canada
Wes Bos is a Full Stack developer from Canada. Constantly learning, he creates web development courses focused on JavaScript, TypeScript, React, CSS, Node.js and whatever else comes his way. Wes is the co-host of the popular podcast and has taught over half a million people JavaScript and has spoken at dozens of conferences around the world.
Addy Osmani
Addy Osmani
Google, USA
Addy Osmani is an engineering leader working on Google Chrome. He leads up Chrome's Developer Experience organization, helping reduce the friction for developers to build great user experiences.
Miško Hevery
Miško Hevery, USA
As CTO, Miško oversees the technology division that powers the applications and software. Before joining, he created Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS and was co-creator of Karma. While at Google, he brought a testing culture there with his blog. Before focusing on making the web better, he believes testing is the key to success. Miško started his career designing digital circuits and moved to databases, full-stack development and finally, front-end frameworks, giving him a unique perspective. He understands all of the layers from the web down to a transistor. In addition to Google, he worked for tech powerhouses Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems. He holds an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.
Carson Gross
Carson Gross
Big Sky Software, USA
Carson Gross is a developer and the creator of htmx, a hypermedia-oriented JavaScript library. He teaches Computer Science at Montana State University and owns Big Sky Software.
Debbie O'Brien
Debbie O'Brien
Microsoft, Spain
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft. Over 10 years experience in Frontend development. Google Developer Expert in web technologies, GitHub Star and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert, an Auth0 Ambassador and Nuxt Ambassador and previous Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in developer technologies. International Speaker. Teacher at Vue School and Jamstack Explorers. Writer for Ultimate Courses.
Jessica Sachs
Jessica Sachs
Ionic, USA
Jess is a Software Engineer and leader in the frontend testing space. She led the development of Cypress Component Testing, is a Core Team Member of Faker, and is currently working at Ionic on the future of mobile development. She’s been programming professionally for more than 12 years and has been working professionally within the Open Source community for many of those. She’s a contributor to Vue and Vitest.