October 25 - 28, 2024
React Advanced
London, UK & Online

React Advanced Conference 2024

We will be diving deep

Full remote ticket included with Multipass.
Mark Dalgleish
Mark Dalgleish
Shopify, Australia
CSS Modules co-creator / Vanilla Extract / Remix team member at Shopify / MelbJS ogranizer / dad x4.
Tejas Kumar
Tejas Kumar
Consultant, Germany
Tejas Kumar is an international keynote speaker with an engineering background spanning 22 years, from design to frontend to backend to devops. Today, Tejas shares talks at large with developer communities worldwide, equipping them to do their best work.
Mark Erikson
Mark Erikson
Replay.io, USA
Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com. He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.
Daishi Kato
Daishi Kato
Zustand, Jotai & Waku author, Japan
React library author, maintaining three state management libraries, Zustand, Jotai, Valtio, and React Server Components framework, Waku. More links: https://daishikato.com
Roy Derks
Roy Derks
Vandebron, Netherlands
Roy Derks is a developer, author and public speaker from the Netherlands. His mission is to make the world a better place through tech by training and inspiring developers worldwide. Currently he is working with StepZen on a mission to make GraphQL adoption easy and scalable.
Aleksandra Sikora
Aleksandra Sikora
EdgeDB, Poland
Aleksandra is a full-stack engineer currently working on developer experience at EdgeDB. Previously a tech lead for the Hasura Console and a lead maintainer of Blitz.js. Deeply passionate about open-source, TypeScript and dedicated to staying up to date with the JavaScript ecosystem. In love with all things climbing — hiking, via ferratas, rock climbing.
Nadia Makarevich
Nadia Makarevich
Pyn, Australia
Nadia is a Frontend Architect, experienced coder and tech blogger. She loves debugging mysterious bugs, solving hard problems with simple solutions and writing articles, that make complicated advanced concepts easy to understand. She managed to escape from locked down Australia in the middle of the global pandemic and now enjoys the life of a digital nomad all over the world.
 Cedric van Putten
Cedric van Putten
Expo, Netherlands
Cendric is an engineer at Expo, primarily focusing on devtooling and developer experience. If you interacted with the Expo CLI, tried to set up a monorepo, used the Expo Tools vscode extension, tried out a Snack, or found Expo Atlas, you've already used some of his work.
Elian Van Cutsem
Elian Van Cutsem
The Astro Technology Company, Belgium
As part of the Astro core team, Elian works in the Developer Experience team. Specifically focussing on user experience, documentation and developer guidance. After hours, he organises and attends meetups. Known for his passion, puns and innovative approach for delivering exceptional user experiences, Elian brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creativity to his talks. Guaranteed fun on stage.
Alessia Bellisario
Alessia Bellisario
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Alessia lives in New York City with her wife, son, and rambunctious cat. She loves ECMAScript, building in the open, and making plotter art with her two trusty drawing robots.
Jerel Miller
Jerel Miller
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Jerel is a Principal Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL maintaining the Apollo TypeScript Client living in beautiful Colorado, USA. He loves the art of software development and finding creative solutions to challenging problems.
Dominik Dorfmeister
Dominik Dorfmeister
Adverity, Austria
Dominik is a Frontend Engineer, React-Query maintainer and Tech Lead at Adverity (https://adverity.com), who blogs about all things React and TypeScript (https://tkdodo.eu/blog/).