Code Crimes For Good Component API

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When working on component library for a specific company, you want to make it easy as possible for developers to follow the recommended path quickly. Sometimes, that’s not easy. But, when there’s a way, there’s a will! Come see some hacks I have added to our codebase to enable a good API

Siddharth Kshetrapal
Siddharth Kshetrapal
28 min
21 Oct, 2022

Video Summary and Transcription

Siddharth discusses the design of good component APIs, focusing on intuitive, accessible, and consistent user interfaces. He demonstrates the creation of various components, such as the action menu, menu button, navigation list, and navigation group. Siddharth also addresses challenges like rendering on the server, setting default values, and optimizing component rendering. He emphasizes the acceptable use of code hacks within reasonable constraints and the importance of considering code readability. Additionally, he highlights the role of feedback from developers in shaping design systems.

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1. Introduction to Good Component APIs

Short description:

I'm Siddharth, and I work on the design engineering team at GitHub. I'm going to talk to you about some code crimes we do to create good component APIs. What makes a good user interface? It should be intuitive, accessible, and consistent. I work on the React side of things, on this component library that we use to build other pages on GitHub. What makes a component API interface good? It should be intuitive, accessible, and consistent. Let's look at a few crimes. I have this component called AnchoredOverlay, which opens an overlay anchored to a button. It's a simple API. Now, the place where we might use this component is on a pull request page from GitHub.

I'm Siddharth, and I work on the design engineering team at GitHub. I'm going to talk to you about some code crimes we do to create good component APIs. Before we get there, let me ask you, what makes a good user interface? The kind of words that I hear a lot are, it should be intuitive, it should be accessible, and it should be consistent. If you know how to use one part of the application, you can guess how to use another part, because it's all consistent.

Now, I work on the React side of things. I work on this component library that we use to build other pages on GitHub, and this is a question that I think about, which is what makes a component API interface good? Because that's the thing that your users, the developers, are consuming. And it's kind of the same thing. It should be intuitive to read and author code, it should be accessible by default, and it should be consistent. So, by consistent, I mean it should have a small API surface area. If you know how to use one component, you can guess how to use another component, because the API is consistent. So, that's the goal, at least. But it's not always easy. Sometimes it's not in the good, happy parts of React, and that's where the crimes come in. So, let's look at a few.

I have this component. It's called AnchoredOverlay, and it's called AnchoredOverlay because it opens an overlay which is anchored to this button. So, AnchoredOverlay. And the way this button, the way this component works is that you have to manage its state. So, you pass open, you give it onOpen and onClose function, and then you give it a render. So, this is a render prop. You can render the element inside. In this case, I'm rendering a button. And then it passes you some props that you're expected to pass through to the element. So, there are things like, I have props in this. There's some styles for this AnchoredOverlay. So, kind of a simple API, not a lot going on. And then inside it, you can put children, which get rendered there. So, good component.

Now, the place where we might use this component is, this is a pull request page from GitHub. And you see there's a bunch of menus here.

2. Building the Action Menu Component

Short description:

You can assign labels and assignees to a pull request using AnchoredOverlay. The API for AnchoredOverlay is not ideal, so I would create a new component called action menu. This component would handle opening the menu by default when clicked and automatically pass the necessary props. The default button for the action menu would have the triangle and carrot icons. Additionally, I would create an overdate component for adapting the contents of the menu. The implementation of the action menu is straightforward, as it simply renders its children.

You can assign labels, you can assign assignees to a pull request, and this looks like a good use case for AnchoredOverlay, because there is an overlay, and it's anchored to this button.

Now, if I have to build this component, the way I would go about this, I use the AnchoredOverlay. I have to manage its state, so I say open. I'm going to do a set state, and then just set open true and unopened and set open false and unclosed. And in rendered anchor, I can use the button component from the component library, pass through the anchor prompts. And we have this design convention that if a button opens a pop-up or a menu, it shouldn't just look like a normal button. It should have this indication. So we have a training icon and carrot is the default, so triangle down icon from the icon library. But in this case, it could also be this giver. And I'm going to tweak this button so that it looks like a bear. So I like it. It looks pretty good here, and it would work. The overlay is anchored to the button. Everything's good.

Now, the thing I don't like about this, is that the the API is not that nice. So anchored overlay is perfect, but if I have to create this menu, and I'm trying to create this into one component, and bake some of these decisions in, I, first of all, maybe I'll call it something like action menu because it's a menu of actions, and I don't really want the default to be status managed. The component should be smart enough to do this by default that when you click, it opens the menu. So I'm going to remove this. And the next thing that I would remove is this render prompt API. Again, I want this to be smart enough that it knows what props to pass, and then it can pass on its own. So this is kind of how it works. Trailing icon, again, it's a design convention that we already know, and we want people to follow, so it would be nice if it's baked in as the default. So I'm going to say action menu dot button. This is a button that you use with action menu and it has the triangle, the carrot, all be baked in. And finally, I'm going to create action menu dot overdate to adapt the contents because I'm going to add some props like width is medium. So this looks good to me. Let's jump into the implementation. The implementation of the action menu is kind of boring. It just renders its children. There's nothing special that it does.

3. Building the Menu Button Component

Short description:

The menu button component renders the button with a default trailing icon. Customization is possible by passing props. Components in React can be attached to one another, allowing for convenient function calls. The menu overlay uses the anchored overlay component, managing the state internally. To pass props to the overlay, we pull the anchor up to the parent component and create a context. This abstraction of state to the parent and passing it down to siblings is a common React pattern. The menu overlay renders both the button and the overlay.

Menu button is more interesting. So it's a component which renders the button, and you see that we're already baking in the trailing icon, so this is the default trailing icon. But then we also passed on props. So if you wanted to customize the trailing icon and put this gear icon, you can do that. And the way we create this API or action menu and action menu button is, it's kind of silly, but every component in React is a function, like it calls a function, and every function in JavaScript is also an object, which means you can get away with things like attaching one component to another. So you can say action menu dot button is actually menu button. So when you render this and you say action menu button, it actually calls this function. So it's awesome. And then you have a menu overlay where we use the anchored overlay, the component I showed first, and so it still uses anchored overlay under the hood, which manages all the state, but when you're creating this menu, you don't have to really worry about all of that.

So now when I'm looking at this component and trying to implement it, the state stuff is easy, that's fine, but then I have this render anchor, which is, I need a component to pass down these props too, right? That's how it works. I need to render this component, and the API that we've created is this is the button and this is the overlay. So we need some way of actually sending this action menu button into the overlay and React doesn't really have a way of communicating between siblings. Once one child cannot tell its sibling that here is what you need. So how do we do that? The React way of doing that would be to pull this up to the parent, right? React likes data to be passed from the parent down to the children. And then if you want the opposite way, you have to pass a callback to the child and the child can call that function. So that's what we do. We pull anchor up to the parent. So now action menu has a state, it defines anchor. And then we create a context, the pass both anchor and set anchor and wrapped children so that both menu and overlay can access this. Inside the menu we say, if anchor is not defined, well then that's define it. Set anchor and here's the button that we saw. And then the props that you pass get passed down to the button. So that works. And then we return null because this button doesn't really need to return anything. The anchor is actually rendered by the anchored overlay. So inside menu overlay we use context, we get the anchor from there and we do a render anchor. So a little strange but not too wild. This is the way you would abstract state up into a parent and then pass it down to all the siblings that need it. And this works well, like now if I reload you'd see that the assignees, the menu button doesn't render anything because menu overlay renders it. So it renders both the button and the overlay.

4. Rendering on the Server and Setting the Anchor

Short description:

When rendering on the server, there can be a delay in setting the anchor state, causing a gap in rendering. To address this, we can use React's top-level API, react.children, to inspect child properties. By comparing the child type, we can set the anchor and pass additional props to the menu overlay. This allows the button to render sooner, even on slow networks. While this approach is a hack, it helps create a good component by abstracting away unnecessary work.

Now, the interesting thing is on client side it's all cool but if I do this with server side rendering, there's a funny thing that happens. You see, there's a bit of a lag here, right? And that's obviously not good and that's happening because let's say we do a server side render and then pause it. The first render on the server, the anchor state was null and then when the anchor is set, like when the menu button renders with set anchor and cause a re-render and that will set this render anchor for the overview. So we kind of need two renders though and if you're in server side render then the first time you render you would ship that HTML to the client and even if the second render happens after that, after set anchor, it doesn't matter because the HTML has already been shipped. And now on the client, the JavaScript bundle would arrive, react would hydrate and then it would call set anchor and that's when it would actually render the anchor. So that's why you see this huge gap where on the server, the whole page renders without the anchor then the bundle arrives, hydration happens and that's when you see it. So again, if it's just client side, it's not that big a deal but the moment we start rendering on the server, especially with slow networks, this could take a while for the bundle to arrive. So that's not great, that's not ideal, none of that. So how can we get this button to render sooner? How can we set the anchor on the server instead of the client? The answer is client. Sorry, so what we do here is we say the anchor is null, let's start with that in the action menu and then React has this top level API of react.children and it has a bunch of functions. So what you do is you give it props.children and then it lets you go through the child and inspect its properties. One of the properties a child has is child.type and child.type is really interesting because it gives you the function that was used to create this component. So in the case of action menu.button, it would give you the function that was used, which is this menu button, which means you can do things like this. You can say child.type and just use the reference to compare it. If child.type is menu button, that means you have action menu.button and then you can actually just say set the anchor. So I'm saying anchor is null, I'm mapping through if it's menu button, I'm just saying anchor is child. And if it's menu overlay, then let's clone that element and pass it an additional prop. Again, all of these are top level APIs and I'm passing the render anchor prop. I'm creating that on the fly and passing it to menu overlay. So this is super interesting because all of this has happened even before action menu hasn't done anything. So now, when even on slow 3G when I reload, you'd see that everything is coming from the server. This is already done. And this is an interesting pattern. And the constraint of here, of course, is that you have to use menu button or menu overlay, you can't use a third component. And we throw an error if you try, so it says action menu does not identify what you passed, please use none of these or refer to the documentation. And then add a nice comment for my co-workers because I'm not a monster. So, let me ask you, is this a hack? Absolutely. But is this a code crime? For all of us. So, a component that, let me put it this way, the goal of a good component, just like good UI design is to abstract away annoying words. Especially work that is not core to the goals of the user or the developer in this case.

5. Acceptable Code Hacks

Short description:

Sometimes, hacks that make the code easier to read and help developers work more efficiently within reasonable constraints are acceptable. In the case of the action menu component, using specific components from the same library is required. However, this may not be the case for open source libraries like material or chakra.

So, sometimes crimes are okay, you know. And a better way to put that might be that hacks that made the code easier to read an author, helping the developers do a good job quicker within reasonable constraints of the system are kind of okay. So, the reasonable constraints here are that if you're using action menu, you have to use action menu.button and action menu.overlay, which works really well because those are also components from the same component library and we're using all of this to build GitHub. Maybe if you're an open source library like material or chakra, you might not be able to impose those constraints. People can bring their own button, but it works well for us.

6. Building the Navigation List Component

Short description:

We have a component called a nav list or navigation list that allows rendering items with icons. The selected state is shown using the aria-current prop, promoting the use of accessible properties. To group similar items, we created the component, which supports nested navigation lists. The current selected item is determined by reading aria-current from the list. If an item is part of a group, the group is open by default.

So, moving on. Cool. Take a deep breath. Okay, more crimes. So, we have this component called a nav list or a navigation list. And the way this component works is that we have a nav list and you can render nav list or item inside it. So, we use this on the settings page where you have a bunch of components, a bunch of setting pages and then we add this item as a list. You can have an icon. You can have a gift.

So, for example, when I click this public profile, this is the selected item. And the way we show this selected state in the site then is by using the aria-current prop. So, in a list of, in a navigation list, it's good practice. It's like that makes the page accessible to screen reader where you say aria-current and then if this is the current page that is selected, then you say aria-current this page, otherwise you said nothing. So, we try to reuse this aria property to show the styles for the selected state as a way to nudge people or promote people to use accessible properties.

And of course, there's a bunch of these. The settings is like really long. GitHub is big. So, we have a bunch of them. It only makes sense to start grouping them in some way. So, creating this component called It's pretty similar. It takes a title. It takes an icon and then it takes, again, navlist.items. You can have navlist.items without any group or you can group them inside this and you get a nested navigation list.

So, what's interesting about this, again, is the way we show the IO current. We show the current selected item, navigation item, is by reading IO current from this list. So, when you reload this page, use the selected item would be highlighted. It's you too. But what's more interesting is, if it's part of a group, then this group would be open. So, if I try to open public profile, all the groups are closed, but if I reload on one of the billing implants, which is part of access, the group would be open by default, which makes sense, right? You want to know where the thing you are.

7. Building the Navigation Group Component

Short description:

The group needs to know if one of its items is the current value. The default value of the nav group can be set to true if it has an item with ARIA current. Asking the developer to set the default value can be redundant and not ideal. A smart component can automatically set the default value by checking the children for ARIA Apparent.

So, the group basically has to know if one of its items is the IO current value. So, how does this work?

Now, this is kind of boring. It's a navigation with a list inside it. And that item is also kind of boring. It's the list element inside, because the parent is a UL. So, this has to be an LI. And then we render a link component from the design from the component library. So, all the fun things are in that.

So, that group, of course, is the list element because it renders inside a UL. And this thing is a button, because you click it and you can change state. It has a meeting icon. We render children's next to it. And now we need a way to basically identify if this is open or closed. So, we set state, we say, we manage the state. The state can be toggled by the button. And then we can even do this carry it as a trailing icon. I carry it up or carry it down, right? Like this one.

So, all this is pretty cool when you're interacting with it. But what is the default value of this? We kind of need to know if this nav group has an item inside it, which has ARIA current, so that we can set that as default open is equal to true. Now, a reminder that this is what we're looking for, but we're looking, we kind of need to access this value up here on the group. So, one of the options could be just ask the user, right? Ask the developer who's using this component to set the default value. And that obviously works, but if you think about what the developer experience here would be, what kind of code they would have to author, it would probably be something like this, where you have to maintain a list of all of these, and then say if it includes any of them, then this should be open. And they're already doing part of this information here, and this feels a bit redundant. This obviously wouldn't work on SSR, so you probably would have to access like a router here. And it just feels like a lot of work that is in core to what they're trying to do, which also means that we can be missed and then you get bad user experience. So a smart component would just absorb this out.

So how do we send this value automatically? One way of course would be to do crimes to pick the components out of the children. And we've done something like this before, where we can say default open as false, and then we map through all of the children. And if any one of them has ARIA Apparent on them, then that default open should be true, right? That makes sense. And that's pretty easy.

8. Setting Default Value for NavList Group

Short description:

But remember I said that apps that make code is allowable within reasonable constraints of the system are okay. Can the NavList group assume that it will have this item and be able to pick ARIA Apparent is where we ran into problems. We can't assume children, so the answer is Grand. We use CreatorRef and QuerySelector for ARIA current to set the default value. It's kind of an anti-pattern, but is it a code crime? I think it shouldn't be part of it. So, okay. This crime feels okay.

But remember I said that apps that make code is allowable within reasonable constraints of the system are okay. Now, when we started testing out is this a valid constraint? Can navigation list... Sorry, can the NavList group assume that it will have this item and be able to pick ARIA Apparent is where we ran into problems. So very often people would use a different router, like they can use Next router or a React router or a Remix router. And then what they would end up with it is navigation list might have a custom component sided like Router link, and even inside that, the ARIA Apparent might not even be on NavList.item. It might be on something like Next link. So we kind of lose that. We can't just go into the component and read the prompts because that wouldn't be the case here. So those are not reasonable constraints in the system. We can't even rely on callbacks because as you can see here, NavList.item doesn't even know if it's selected because this is a property of next link now. We could change a few things. We could again go back to default open, but it would be really nice if this component could do it on its own. So if we can't assume children, how can we set the default value? The answer of course is Grand. So what we do here is the CreatorRef and then the attachment on the root element of the group. And after it has mounted, the imperative will say QuerySelector for ARIA current. And this is a fun thing because QuerySelector is happening on the rendered DOM. So it doesn't really care about how the components are structured. Is it a direct child? Is it deeply nested? None of that really matters because, well, in this case it's already rendered and it's somewhere inside the group. So we do a QuerySelector and we do setOpens. Of course, even, you know, it totally works here. So what's interesting about all of this is, like, is it an anti-pattern? It kind of is, right? When we imperative API calls with QuerySelector inside of the app component, which has a dexterity of design. So it's kind of an anti-pattern, but is it a code crime? Help me out. I think the goal of a good component is abstract away all this annoying work. And to figure out if a group has an item selected and open it, feels like this is not core to what the setting stage is. Right? You wanna focus more on what settings are you changing? What are the forms for the user experience? This feels like an extra perk. So I think it shouldn't be part of it. So, okay. This crime feels okay.

9. Optimizing Component Rendering

Short description:

If it's on client side, then it's fine. But if they're using SSR, then it kind of leads to this, where use layout effect would only happen on the client side, not on the server. It would happen after mount. So you end up with something like this, where it's closed on the server and then only opens in the client. But if it's on slower 3G, then it shouldn't work. So if it's on slower 3G, it would open after a really long while, right? You might already be looking at some other setting and then suddenly opens and distracts you. The answer, the hint I can give you is that it's obviously clients. And what we want is, we want the default value to be set sooner, right? We don't necessarily need this to happen on the server. We just want it to be sooner.

Okay, one for the road, because we're short on time. There's something, this is not perfect yet. If it's on client side, then it's fine. You know, it doesn't really matter. But if they're using SSR, then it kind of leads to this, where use layout effect would only happen on the client side, not on the server. It would happen after mount. So you end up with something like this, where it's closed on the server and then only opens in the client. Which kind of, I mean, don't get me wrong. This kind of looks cool. I like that this is like a tiny animation. So that works. But if it's on slower 3G, then it shouldn't work. Yep, this is good. So if it's on slower 3G, it would open after a really long while, right? Like it doesn't know yet the bundle arrives and only then it hydrates, runs use layout effect and opens. And this is a really long time. You might already be looking at some other setting and then suddenly opens and distracts you. So that's not really good. The answer, the hint I can give you is that it's obviously clients. And what we want is, we want the default value to be set sooner, right? We don't necessarily need this to happen on the server. We just want it to be sooner. And that's all the hint I'll give you.


Impacts of Hacks on Code Readability

Short description:

Sometimes hacks get the job done. With the way React team is committed to supporting backward compatibility, they can't break top-level APIs. When it comes to hacks, it's important to consider the impact on code readability in the long run. If React doesn't have a top-level solution, it's better to put the code in a reusable library and write tests for it.

And I'll leave you with this last part, which is acts that make the code easier to read and also helping developers do a good job within reasonable constraint with systems. So sometimes crimes are okay. Other times that's me, that's me on Twitter. I'll see you there. Sidd, it's always great to hang out with you. Unfortunately, you're not here, but I feel like we did this last year as well, joined virtually. It's good to see you again, my friend.

How are you doing? I'm doing good, how are you? I'm doing good. All right, let's jump into the questions. We have a question which ask, is it a good idea to implement a workaround that depends on the frameworks, internal APIs? And what if React decides to stop supporting that in the future? That's a good question. I'd say internal API is definitely not, but if it's a top level API like, then you can get away with it. I'm going to be very honest, most of these are hacks, right? But sometimes hacks get the job done. And I feel at this point, with the way React team is committed to supporting backward compatibility, they're kind of arm-twisting that. They can't really break any of these top-level APIs. You know what, Sid? Next time someone asks me a tough question about is it a good idea to make that decision, I'm going to grab that slide. I'm going to quote you on it as well.

One thing, actually. A lot of people, I always love your presentation style and the way you show us live code and show us those demos. Someone's actually asked about that tool you use. What are you using to control the speed tests on examples? Because when we are building our own platforms, we want to sort of do these tests in different environments. What do you use? Right, so usually what I do is I use the Chrome network tab and that has multiple emulation. For the talk, I'm not doing any of that. That was a simulation. I did basically, I was like, please use this is how much speed I'm allowed. And then I would lower down my actual code. No problem, like we said, hacks are good if you can get away with them. But about hacks, do you think hacks like these can impact the readability of the code in the long run? Especially when you start finding things in places maybe you didn't expect to see them? Oh, definitely. So I think the big caveat I'd put here is that I wouldn't recommend these hacks if you only need them once, or if you can, you know, if it's an application man. The way I justify my hacks are some of these, somebody has to do them, right? If React doesn't have a top-level solution for this, you have to put that code somewhere. So I would rather put it in the library that gets reused and write a bunch of tests for it than put it closest to the user that I'm probably not writing as many tests.

Complexity and Feedback in Design Systems

Short description:

It's important to find where to put the complexity and maintain it with confidence. Feedback from developers using GitHub helps identify patterns for the design system. The first stage is inventory, looking at existing things and simplifying them into meta patterns.

So I'd say it affects the readability and also the maintenance. Like we write a bunch of tests for these crimes because you are playing with fire. Since you messed something up, you could cause a bunch of things to break. So it affects it, but I feel like you have to find where to put the complexity because it has to go somewhere. So put it where you can maintain it with the most confidence.

So one thing also, this is kind of my own question I'm throwing in here. One thing I love is every time I get to watch one of your talks I see something new. I've learned about design systems and things that you are clearly getting from seeing how developers are interacting with the design systems that you work on. How do you go getting that feedback and seeing the behaviors that they are building with and then trying to kind of implement maybe good practices from a design system perspective?

That's a good question. I think what they end up doing a lot is because they use GitHub to build GitHub and its meta, we just end up looking at patterns and there are patterns that get repeated a bunch. And in those patterns we can bring them into the design system ladder with doing Figma code, actually doing you know storybook, stories for pictures, and then we kind of start from the end. Then this is what we'd like our users, the developers that build GitHub to have. So what kind of abstraction do we need to build to support that? So I guess the first stage is inventory where you just look at all the things that exist and all the things that can be simplified or can be made into a meta pattern and then you start from there.

Thank you so much Sid. I know someone popped in a question right at the end. Unfortunately we don't have time right now, but if you head over to the speaker's Q&A room or if you're online and you're pitting online, go to the speaker's Q&A in Discord you can ask Sid and he can answer your question.

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Workshops on related topic

React Performance Debugging Masterclass
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
170 min
React Performance Debugging Masterclass
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Ivan Akulov
Ivan Akulov
Ivan’s first attempts at performance debugging were chaotic. He would see a slow interaction, try a random optimization, see that it didn't help, and keep trying other optimizations until he found the right one (or gave up).
Back then, Ivan didn’t know how to use performance devtools well. He would do a recording in Chrome DevTools or React Profiler, poke around it, try clicking random things, and then close it in frustration a few minutes later. Now, Ivan knows exactly where and what to look for. And in this workshop, Ivan will teach you that too.
Here’s how this is going to work. We’ll take a slow app → debug it (using tools like Chrome DevTools, React Profiler, and why-did-you-render) → pinpoint the bottleneck → and then repeat, several times more. We won’t talk about the solutions (in 90% of the cases, it’s just the ol’ regular useMemo() or memo()). But we’ll talk about everything that comes before – and learn how to analyze any React performance problem, step by step.
(Note: This workshop is best suited for engineers who are already familiar with how useMemo() and memo() work – but want to get better at using the performance tools around React. Also, we’ll be covering interaction performance, not load speed, so you won’t hear a word about Lighthouse 🤐)
Concurrent Rendering Adventures in React 18
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
132 min
Concurrent Rendering Adventures in React 18
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Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
With the release of React 18 we finally get the long awaited concurrent rendering. But how is that going to affect your application? What are the benefits of concurrent rendering in React? What do you need to do to switch to concurrent rendering when you upgrade to React 18? And what if you don’t want or can’t use concurrent rendering yet?

There are some behavior changes you need to be aware of! In this workshop we will cover all of those subjects and more.

Join me with your laptop in this interactive workshop. You will see how easy it is to switch to concurrent rendering in your React application. You will learn all about concurrent rendering, SuspenseList, the startTransition API and more.
React Hooks Tips Only the Pros Know
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
177 min
React Hooks Tips Only the Pros Know
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Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
The addition of the hooks API to React was quite a major change. Before hooks most components had to be class based. Now, with hooks, these are often much simpler functional components. Hooks can be really simple to use. Almost deceptively simple. Because there are still plenty of ways you can mess up with hooks. And it often turns out there are many ways where you can improve your components a better understanding of how each React hook can be used.You will learn all about the pros and cons of the various hooks. You will learn when to use useState() versus useReducer(). We will look at using useContext() efficiently. You will see when to use useLayoutEffect() and when useEffect() is better.
React, TypeScript, and TDD
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
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React, TypeScript, and TDD
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Paul Everitt
Paul Everitt
ReactJS is wildly popular and thus wildly supported. TypeScript is increasingly popular, and thus increasingly supported.

The two together? Not as much. Given that they both change quickly, it's hard to find accurate learning materials.

React+TypeScript, with JetBrains IDEs? That three-part combination is the topic of this series. We'll show a little about a lot. Meaning, the key steps to getting productive, in the IDE, for React projects using TypeScript. Along the way we'll show test-driven development and emphasize tips-and-tricks in the IDE.
Web3 Workshop - Building Your First Dapp
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
145 min
Web3 Workshop - Building Your First Dapp
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Nader Dabit
Nader Dabit
In this workshop, you'll learn how to build your first full stack dapp on the Ethereum blockchain, reading and writing data to the network, and connecting a front end application to the contract you've deployed. By the end of the workshop, you'll understand how to set up a full stack development environment, run a local node, and interact with any smart contract using React, HardHat, and Ethers.js.
Designing Effective Tests With React Testing Library
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
151 min
Designing Effective Tests With React Testing Library
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Featured Workshop
Josh Justice
Josh Justice
React Testing Library is a great framework for React component tests because there are a lot of questions it answers for you, so you don’t need to worry about those questions. But that doesn’t mean testing is easy. There are still a lot of questions you have to figure out for yourself: How many component tests should you write vs end-to-end tests or lower-level unit tests? How can you test a certain line of code that is tricky to test? And what in the world are you supposed to do about that persistent act() warning?
In this three-hour workshop we’ll introduce React Testing Library along with a mental model for how to think about designing your component tests. This mental model will help you see how to test each bit of logic, whether or not to mock dependencies, and will help improve the design of your components. You’ll walk away with the tools, techniques, and principles you need to implement low-cost, high-value component tests.
Table of contents- The different kinds of React application tests, and where component tests fit in- A mental model for thinking about the inputs and outputs of the components you test- Options for selecting DOM elements to verify and interact with them- The value of mocks and why they shouldn’t be avoided- The challenges with asynchrony in RTL tests and how to handle them
Prerequisites- Familiarity with building applications with React- Basic experience writing automated tests with Jest or another unit testing framework- You do not need any experience with React Testing Library- Machine setup: Node LTS, Yarn