
Automation is the process of using computers and software to perform tasks that would otherwise be done manually. In JavaScript, automation is used to automate repetitive tasks or processes, such as running tests, deploying code, or building and deploying web applications. Automation can also be used to optimize processes by streamlining them and making them more efficient.
Automated Testing Using WebdriverIO
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
163 min
Automated Testing Using WebdriverIO
Kevin Lamping
Kevin Lamping
In this workshop, I cover not only what WebdriverIO can do, but also how you'll be using it day-to-day. I've built the exercises around real-world scenarios that demonstrate how you would actually set things up. It's not just "what to do," but specifically "how to get there." We'll cover the fundamentals of Automated UI testing so you can write maintainable, useful tests for your website and/or web app.
Security Testing Automation for Developers on Every Build
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
82 min
Security Testing Automation for Developers on Every Build
Oliver Moradov
Bar Hofesh
2 authors
As a developer, you need to deliver fast, and you simply don't have the time to constantly think about security. Still, if something goes wrong it's your job to fix it, but security testing blocks your automation, creates bottlenecks and just delays releases, especially with graphQL...but it doesn't have to...

NeuraLegion's developer-first Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scanner enables developers to detect, prioritise and remediate security issues EARLY, on every commit, with NO false positives / alerts, without slowing you down.

Join this workshop to learn different ways developers can access NeuraLegion's DAST scanner & start scanning without leaving the terminal!

We will be going through the set up end-to-end, whilst setting up a pipeline for a vulnerable GraphQL target, running security tests and looking at the results.

Table of contents:
- What developer-first DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) actually is and how it works
- See where and how a modern, accurate dev-first DAST fits in the CI/CD
- Integrate NeuraLegion's scanner with GitHub Actions
- Understand how modern applications, GraphQL and other APIs and authentication mechanisms can be tested
- Fork a repo, set up a pipeline, run security tests and look at the results
Automated accessibility testing with jest-axe and Lighthouse CI
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
85 min
Automated accessibility testing with jest-axe and Lighthouse CI
Bonnie Schulkin
Bonnie Schulkin
Do your automated tests include a11y checks? This workshop will cover how to get started with jest-axe to detect code-based accessibility violations, and Lighthouse CI to validate the accessibility of fully rendered pages. No amount of automated tests can replace manual accessibility testing, but these checks will make sure that your manual testers aren't doing more work than they need to.
JS Security Testing Automation for Developers on Every Build
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
111 min
JS Security Testing Automation for Developers on Every Build
Oliver Moradov
Bar Hofesh
2 authors
As a developer, you need to deliver fast, and you simply don't have the time to constantly think about security. Still, if something goes wrong it's your job to fix it, but security testing blocks your automation, creates bottlenecks and just delays releases...but it doesn't have to...

NeuraLegion's developer-first Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scanner enables developers to detect, prioritise and remediate security issues EARLY, on every commit, with NO false positives/alerts, without slowing you down.

Join this workshop to learn different ways developers can access Nexploit & start scanning without leaving the terminal!

We will be going through the set up end-to-end, whilst setting up a pipeline, running security tests and looking at the results.

Table of contents:
- What developer-first DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) actually is and how it works
- See where and how a modern, accurate dev-first DAST fits in the CI/CD
- Integrate NeuraLegion's Nexploit scanner with GitHub Actions
- Understand how modern applications, APIs and authentication mechanisms can be tested
- Fork a repo, set up a pipeline, run security tests and look at the results