#automated security

Automated security is a process of using automated software tools to detect and prevent malicious activities, such as data breaches, unauthorized access, and other cyber threats. These tools can be used to monitor networks, applications, databases, and system configurations in order to identify and respond to any suspicious activity or potential vulnerabilities. Automation helps to reduce the time and resources needed to manage security, allowing organizations to focus on more pressing tasks. In addition, automated security tools can be used to identify JavaScript-based attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injection.
Automated Application Security Testing
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing
Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.
Automated Application Security Testing
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing
Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.
Automated Application Security Testing with StackHawk
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing with StackHawk
Traditional security testing for Node and JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.
You can check the slides for Scotts's talk here.
GraphQL Security Testing Automation for Developers
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
9 min
GraphQL Security Testing Automation for Developers
NeuraLegion's developer friendly security scanner enables development teams to run dead accurate security tests on every build as part of their pipeline. False alerts and periodic infrequent scanning results in technical and security debt, as well as insecure product. But what is developer first DAST, when and how should you be integrating it into your pipelines and what should you be looking for when enhancing your GrapQL security testing automation? Join this talk to get up to date.
How Developers Can Use Automated App Security Testing To Protect Vue Apps
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
7 min
How Developers Can Use Automated App Security Testing To Protect Vue Apps
Frontend frameworks like Vue are vulnerable to unsanitized inputs to execute malicious code. The patterns that allow for this are generally understood, but there are still some cases when your apps might still be at risk. Learn how you can implement automated application security to keep your apps safe.