#web components

Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow developers to create custom, reusable HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps. They are made up of four main technologies: HTML templates, custom elements, Shadow DOM, and HTML imports. HTML templates allow developers to declare inert chunks of HTML that can be used as the foundation for an element's structure. Custom elements enable developers to define their own HTML tags and extend existing ones. Shadow DOM provides encapsulation for styling and DOM manipulation. Finally, HTML imports allow developers to include and reuse HTML documents in other HTML documents.
Web Components in Action
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
184 min
Web Components in Action
Joren Broekema
Alex Korzhikov
2 authors
The workshop extends JavaScript programming language knowledge, overviews general software design patterns. It is focused on Web Components standards and technologies built on top of them, like Lit-HTML and Lit-Element. We also practice writing Web Components both with native JavaScript and using Lit-Element. In the end we overview key tooling to develop an application - open-wc.