#library maintenance

Library maintenance is the process of ensuring that a library's collection of resources (books, magazines, digital media, etc.) remains up-to-date and relevant. In the context of JavaScript, this could involve regularly updating libraries with new features or bug fixes, making sure all code is compatible with the latest versions of JavaScript, and organizing libraries so they are easy to maintain and use. Maintenance also includes monitoring for security issues and responding quickly to any potential threats.
How to Build Your Own Open Source Project
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
16 min
How to Build Your Own Open Source Project
We all used open source projects every day such as npm packages, editors, web applications, and even operating systems... Have you ever thought of building one of your own? In this talk, I will share my journey building jest-preview, from when it was just a vague idea, to currently a well-adopted library to help frontend engineers write tests faster. I will share with you how to come up with an idea for a project to work on, what is the struggles you have to overcome as an author of an open source project, how to manage time efficiently, and how you get attention from engineers around the world.
Introduction to Library Market Place
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
10 min
Introduction to Library Market Place
Making money with your React UI library.
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
30 min
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Maintaining widely-used JS libraries is already complicated, and TypeScript adds an additional set of challenges.

Join Redux maintainer Mark Erikson for a look at some of the unique problems TS library maintainers face, and how the Redux team has handled those problems. We'll cover:

- Tradeoffs of different ways to define TS types for a library
- How to target different versions of TS, and considerations for determining the supported version range
- Migrating existing JS libraries to TS
- Differences between writing "app" types and "library" types
- Managing and versioning public types APIs
- Tips and tricks used by types from the Redux libraries
- TS limitations and possible language-level improvements
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
28 min
Testing the integrity of your React components by publishing in a private registry
The final stage of a react component is when it is being published and distributed. How can I ensure my packages won’t crash in production? This talk will help you to test your React components publishing them to a private registry and running End-to-End tests against them.