
Jamstack is an architecture that uses JavaScript, APIs, and pre-built Markup to create dynamic web applications. It focuses on decoupling the frontend from the backend, allowing developers to build faster, more secure, and more scalable websites and applications. Jamstack sites are typically built using static site generators such as Gatsby or Next.js, and can be hosted on a variety of services such as Netlify, Vercel, and Amazon S3.
A Saga of Web Rendering Woes
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
28 min
A Saga of Web Rendering Woes
This talk will look at the evolution of web rendering modes and what the Jamstack movement is all about. We will build a demo project to show how a static site generator and a Headless CMS can be combined to create dynamic and engaging stories while maintaining a static site's performance and scalability benefits.You will learn about the advantages and limitations of each rendering mode and gain a deeper understanding of how to use Jamstack to build powerful and dynamic storytelling experiences.
RedwoodJS: The Full-Stack React App Framework of Your Dreams
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
43 min
RedwoodJS: The Full-Stack React App Framework of Your Dreams
Top Content
Tired of rebuilding your React-based web framework from scratch for every new project? You're in luck! RedwoodJS is a full-stack web application framework (think Rails but for JS/TS devs) based on React, Apollo GraphQL, and Prisma 2. We do the heavy integration work so you don't have to. We also beautifully integrate Jest and Storybook, and offer built-in solutions for declarative data fetching, authentication, pre-rendering, logging, a11y, and tons more. Deploy to Netlify, Vercel, or go oldschool on AWS or bare metal. In this talk you'll learn about the RedwoodJS architecture, see core features in action, and walk away with a sense of wonder and awe in your heart.
Treat your users right with Segmented Rendering
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
Treat your users right with Segmented Rendering
If you think that static rendering is limited to generic and public content that is the same for every user of your website, this talk is for you. Segmented Rendering is a new pattern for the Jamstack that lets you personalize content, statically, without any sort of client-side rendering or per-request Server-Side Rendering. Get the best possible performances for use cases such as theming, internationalization, A/B testing, multi-tenancy, and start treating your users right!
Incremental Static Regeneration: Static Sites on Steroids
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
Incremental Static Regeneration: Static Sites on Steroids
Static sites are great. They are fast, cheap, secure, and easy to maintain. But generating static assets is a process that takes more and more time while our site gets bigger. We will talk about ISR, a feature that Next.js framework offers us to generate static pages at runtime.
How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
How do Localise and Personalize Content with Sanity.io and Next.js
Structuring your content with Sanity.io means you can query content based on signals from your visitors, such as their location. Personalisation is a tricky problem with static sites and the jamstack, this demo will show you how it can be done with Sanity.io, Next.js, and Vercel.
Advanced Site Rendering Patterns on the Jamstack
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
23 min
Advanced Site Rendering Patterns on the Jamstack
In this session, I'll go over these patterns (Sharding, ISR, DPR, DSG) and show our viewers and 2million+ other Jamstack developers how to leverage them to build large sites without the overhead on lengthy build times.
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
32 min
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
This will be fast & furious! I will show you the fastest possible way to connect your Nuxt.js (Vue.js) project to the headless CMS and deploy it in seconds. You should know a thing or two about Nuxt.js, headless CMS in general or JAMstack as there will be no time to describe the concepts in detail. In the end, you will be furious how insanely good the JAMstack is!
JAM Stack Deployment Platforms and Performance Comparison
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
8 min
JAM Stack Deployment Platforms and Performance Comparison
Our web app is finally ready to go live but which deployment tool should we use? With the rise of JAMstack, we have a multitude of options from Vercel, Netlify, to Firebase. Certainly, performance is key for us so we want to know which one is the fastest. In this talk, we will do a real-world benchmark comparing the most known JAMstack deployment options and discuss pros and cons.
Keeping It Simple
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
9 min
Keeping It Simple
Netlify CEO and co-founder Matt Biilmann reflects on the history of React, the promises of the Jamstack, and the complexity that can creep into developer workflows if we don't continue to defend simplicity over time. In this lightning talk, Matt describes the trade-offs developers face to deliver large sites and introduces a new idea for a more scalable future solution.
By the Power of Headless!
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
8 min
By the Power of Headless!
Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I discovered Jamstack and said "By the power of Headless, I have the power!"
Find out the key features of any CMS and why the headless is the new buzzword, which everybody wants to use. I will take you on the journey through the land of headless CMS and show you why you should consider headless CMS for your next project.
API-first Development with Headless WordPress
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
33 min
API-first Development with Headless WordPress
When the burden of rendering is removed from WordPress, it becomes an open source API platform. With a few plugins like WPGraphQL, you can create an extensible backend for your React apps to consume which enables modern architectures and development practices in WordPress.