#graphql mesh

GraphQL Mesh is a library that allows developers to connect and query data from multiple GraphQL sources in a unified way. It simplifies the process of connecting to different GraphQL endpoints, resolving conflicts between them, and merging their results into a single response. This makes it easier for developers to access data from multiple sources within one application, without needing to manually write complex resolvers or manage multiple connections.
From a fully featured Apollo Server into no-code GraphQL Mesh with the same functionality
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
167 min
From a fully featured Apollo Server into no-code GraphQL Mesh with the same functionality
Uri Goldshtein
Uri Goldshtein
In this workshop, we will start with a fully featured Apollo Server, that calls multiple data sources. We’ll gradually introduce GraphQL Mesh into that code, seeing all the different benefits. Commits commit we will add type-safety and remove manual code until the last commit, where we will remove all the manual code and stay with just a simple configuration. That way you’ll learn about all the different ways you could use GraphQL Mesh and decide where and how it can best serve you in your existing applications.