Jamie Barton

Jamie Barton

Working with Databases, APIs, GraphQL and Web3
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
Recording pending
Build a Modern GraphQL Server using GraphQL Yoga
In this workshop we’ll build a GraphQL Yoga server from scratch, as well as cover how you can use Yoga inside of frontend applications like Next.js. We’ll also look through the plugin ecosystem of Envelop, and what can be added to Yoga to fully customize it to your needs.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
Recording pending
Build a Modern GraphQL Server Using GraphQL Yoga
In this workshop we’ll build a GraphQL Yoga server from scratch, as well as cover how you can use Yoga inside of frontend applications like Next.js. We’ll also look through the plugin ecosystem of Envelop, and what can be added to Yoga to fully customize it to your needs.
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
55 min
Build and Deploy Instant GraphQL APIs to the Edge
Learn how to generate instant GraphQL APIs using a data source connector (GraphQL and non-GraphQL sources), extend and join them both with custom resolvers and deploy to the edge without leaving the code editor.
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
67 min
Build and Deploy Instant GraphQL APIs to the edge
Learn how to generate instant GraphQL APIs using a data source connector (GraphQL and non-GraphQL sources), extend and join them both with custom resolvers and deploy to the edge without leaving the code editor.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
91 min
Building GraphQL backends with SDL
In this workshop we'll cover the basics of GraphQL, and then use that knowledge to build a backend using SDL. Once we've created our schema, we'll run it locally, deploy to production, and create deployment branches for any changes to our schema. We'll finish the workshop by fetching data from our backend from the frontend, as well as adding authentication to lock down data access!
Mac setup with Node, and NPM (if you wish to follow along locally). Otherwise an account with CodeSandbox would do.