Harshil Agrawal

Harshil Agrawal

Working in the Developer Experience team at Contentful, Harshil enjoys sharing his learnings with the community. A JavaScript developer, open-source contributor, and a low-code enthusiast, Harshil loves experimenting with tech and building fun projects.
Content Modeling for React Developers
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
7 min
Content Modeling for React Developers
In today's world, it's no surprise that "Content is King". It helps in telling a story and helping you reach out to more people. Most of the time, developers aren't the ones managing this content. Hence, modeling content efficiently becomes crucial. Doing it well makes the content delivery process smooth for the team. But how does one go on with modeling content? What are the things that one should take care of? I'll answer such questions in this talk, and share my approach to content modeling as a React developer.
Content Modeling 101
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
7 min
Content Modeling 101
In today's world, it's no surprise that "Content is King". It helps in telling a story and helping you reach out to more people. Most of the time, developers aren’t the ones managing this content. Hence, modeling content efficiently becomes crucial. Doing it well makes the content delivery process smooth for the team. But how does one go on with modeling content? What are the things that one should take care of? I’ll answer such questions in this talk, and share my approach to content modeling as a JavaScript developer.