Chris Smith

Chris Smith

Chris Smith is a developer evangelist at Retool, where he helps developers to rapidly code internal tools. He is a hacker at heart ever since learning QBASIC in middle school and is passionate about the power that learning to code brings to an individual. He’s worked for 6+ years in the world of low-code tools to empower developers to do more in less time. He’s passionate about visual abstractions and ways of quickly conveying and understanding complexity. Prior to Retool, Chris worked at, JunoVR, Segment, and National Instruments.
Build React-like apps for internal tooling 10x faster with Retool
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
86 min
Build React-like apps for internal tooling 10x faster with Retool
Most businesses have to build custom software and bespoke interfaces to their data in order to power internal processes like user trial extensions, refunds, inventory management, user administration, etc. These applications have unique requirements and often, solving the problem quickly is more important than appearance. Retool makes it easy for js developers to rapidly build React-like apps for internal tools using prebuilt API and database interfaces as well as reusable UI components. In this workshop, we’ll walk through how some of the fastest growing businesses are doing internal tooling and build out some simple apps to explain how Retool works off of your existing JavaScript and ReactJS knowledge to enable rapid tool building.
Prerequisites:A free trial accountSome minimal JavaScript and SQL/NoSQL database experience
Retool useful link:
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
7 min
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
Retool is a front-end as a service tool that is similar to React and can be 10x faster than coding a web app from scratch. We’ll focus on how and why it is used for internal tools at some of the fastest growing companies and take a minute to walk through how it works, where it’s a good fit and where it’s not.