Avital Tzubeli

Avital Tzubeli

From a young age, Avital was fascinated by the world of computers and solving problems with them. She followed a path of backend development, storytelling, and a little graphic design, before discovering the world of DevRel. Today Avital is the Regional Developer Advocate at Vonage TLV, where she gets to combine her passions for code, creative thinking, and facilitating good stories.
Push Notifications: Can’t Live With Em, Can’t Live Without Em
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
9 min
Push Notifications: Can’t Live With Em, Can’t Live Without Em
Consider how many notifications you get per day... and now consider the millions of other people who are also receiving notifications. 16 million notifications a day that have places to be and people to see, in a race against time, load, and latency.So what happens behind the scenes to ensure that all those notifications get where they need to go, and quickly? A combination of auto-scaling, rabbitMQ, scrupulous monitoring, and a tireless dev team. In this talk I’ll discuss the functionality of the message bus at the core of Vonage’s communications platform, the powerful Node scripts that power the entire operation, and how you can use similar solutions for a number of different challenges.