Andre Kovac

Andre Kovac

Mobile and Web Engineer (React-Native/React) Data Science (Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning) Speaker and Trainer (Interactive Workshops, Science Communication, Talks) Teaching Chinese as André China Tiger on my YouTube channel
What the Heck Do "Declarative" and "Reactive" Actually Mean?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
69 min
What the Heck Do "Declarative" and "Reactive" Actually Mean?
You’ve built apps with frontend frameworks before? - Then you surely came across the terms ""declarative"" and “reactive”. Since React got released in 2013, most modern UI frameworks or libraries want to be it, but what do these terms actually mean? And what’s the difference between “declarative” and “imperative” code?
It took me a long time to grasp these concepts - but when I finally did, I saw frontend frameworks in a totally new light! And I hope you will feel the same after this talk.
In this very interactive workshop, we’ll delve into a lot of code examples to deeply understand the terms - with examples using vanilla JavaScript, React and Svelte. But the learnings will be universal. After this talk you’ll be able to confidently join discussions about the ""declarative"" and ""reactive"" nature of any new package or library.