Adam Klein

Adam Klein

Adam is a CTO, a web developer and consultant, web GDE, and author of open source libraries. He is an entrepreneur and co-founder of 500Tech, a company that specializes in frontend technologies. He loves coding, and he loves speaking about code. Adam is very involved in the community, and is part of the organizing team of Angular & React meetups and conferences in Israel.
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
28 min
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
We use them all the time, and we think we know state hooks work (useState, useReducer). But under the hood, as expected, things are not what you imagine. This talk is about update queues, batching, eager and lazy updates, and some other cool things learned from looking at Hooks source code. It also contains practical takeaways that will help you better understand and debug your code.
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
We Don’t Know How React State Hooks Work
We use them all the time, and we think we know state hooks work (useState, useReducer). But under the hood, as expected, things are not what you imagine. This talk is about update queues, batching, eager and lazy updates, and some other cool things learned from looking at Hooks source code. It also contains practical takeaways that will help you better understand and debug your code.