
Nuxt.js is a framework based on Vue.js that simplifies the development of universal or single page Vue apps. It provides an opinionated structure for projects, making it easier to create complex, fast and universal web applications. Nuxt.js also offers server-side rendering, code-splitting, hot-reloading, static generation and more - all out of the box!
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
I'll dive into the internals of Nuxt to describe how we've built a TypeScript-first framework that is deeply integrated with the user's IDE and type checking setup to offer end-to-end full-stack type safety, hints for layouts, middleware and more, typed runtime configuration options and even typed routing. Plus, I'll highlight what I'm most excited about doing in the days to come and how TypeScript makes that possible not just for us but for any library author.
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
31 min
Image Optimization - Quick Win for Improving Performance in Vue & Nuxt Apps
Improving Performance of Vue or Nuxt apps is not an easy task. However, there are some quick wins that you can implement easily that will drastically improve the performance of your website. One of such quick win is Image Optimization. In this talk, I will teach you how to optimize images on the fly with Digital Asset Managements services like Cloudinary or Content Management Systems, utilize the concept of Lazy Loading, use compressed format of images like WEBP, and many more!
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
31 min
Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source
Nuxt modules are the de-facto way of extending our Nuxt applications with new behaviors and functionalities. Have you ever built your own? Why would you bother with hundreds of modules already out there? Let's answer those questions together and see why making your own modules in Nuxt 3 can both help you have a deeper understanding of how Nuxt works while also paving the way for you to get into open source!
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
25 min
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
Using real-life open-source examples, we'll explore the power of TypeScript to improve your users' experience. We'll cover best practices for library authors, as well as tips and tricks for how to take a library to the next level. This talk will cover: 
- how to leverage the type inference to provide help to your users; - using types to reduce the need and complexity of your documentation - for example, using function overloads, string literal types, and helper (no-op) functions; - setting up testing to ensure your library works (and your types do too!) with tools like tsd and expect-type; - treating types as an API and reducing breaking changes whilst shipping enhancements; - I'd draw on my experience with libraries like nuxt3, sanity-typed-queries and typed-vuex and show what we managed to do and what I'd do differently in future. 

Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
22 min
How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers
In this talk you will learn what Vite is, why it is so great, and why you want to use it ASAP. You will also learn how to use Vite with Vue.js or React, and what Vitepress is and how to use it.Alex Kyriakidis, founder of Vue School, will also answer the most frequently asked questions around Vite, including production use, Vite and test runners, what it means for Nuxt, and many more.
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
26 min
Optimising Developer Experience with Nuxt 3
Optimising developer experience with Nuxt 3 - a tour through the ways the new version of Nuxt will save time and make your life easier. We'll explore the new nitro-powered isomorphic fetch, dive into Nuxt 3's more powerful dynamic routing, and along the way tour a host of other features that will give you superpowers.
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
32 min
Fast & Furious - Going headless with Nuxt.js!
This will be fast & furious! I will show you the fastest possible way to connect your Nuxt.js (Vue.js) project to the headless CMS and deploy it in seconds. You should know a thing or two about Nuxt.js, headless CMS in general or JAMstack as there will be no time to describe the concepts in detail. In the end, you will be furious how insanely good the JAMstack is!